The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1161 Mochizuki Valley opens

Facing the decisive departure of the Ten Great Half-Saints, the Electric Emperor was a little surprised.

But it is better for them to leave. In this way, when these warriors enter Mochizuki Valley, they will be left in this world.

Next, just wait until the Wu clan arrives, and then all plans can begin.

The three of Dianhuang did not hesitate any more, and immediately opened Mochizuki Valley.

With the efforts of the three of them, after a while, there was a loud noise in this space, and a crack appeared in the air.

In the crack, there are terrifying spatial fluctuations.

Under everyone's attention, these spatial fluctuations actually began to fall, and soon fell on this prairie.


The grassland made a loud noise and began to slowly crack.

Everyone waited for a full two quarters of an hour, the entire grassland was divided into two, and a passage leading to the underground appeared in the crack.

"Mochizuki Valley has been opened, you can go in."

Electric Emperor said to all the warriors present at this time.

These warriors glanced at this passage, and they all flashed and drilled in.

Even the people from the Ten Great Dynasties did not wait for other warriors to explore the way first and then enter.

When Lu Feng saw it, his brows were slightly wrinkled. The imperial conscription order knew very well among the top forces in Yuzhou. This was definitely not a good thing.

Why are these warriors running in one after another without any hesitation?

"Could it be that these forces know something that I don't know, and believe that this time's imperial call-up order is different?"

Lu Feng murmured in his heart.

Soon, all the warriors present were almost in.

"Are we going in now?" Xiao Meng looked at Lu Feng and asked.

Lu Feng looked inside, nodded, and said, "Let's go."

Immediately, the two also entered the channel.


As soon as he entered the passage, a buzzing sound appeared in Lu Feng's ears. Before he could react, a pulling force appeared around him, causing him to shake and his head to dizzy.

This pulling force came and went quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But Lu Feng found that his face had changed.

This is no longer a passage, but a forest.

Looking up, you can see the blue sky.

"It really is a secret!"

Lu Feng looked at the sky and immediately recognized that this was a secret realm.

"I didn't expect that Moon Moon Valley is a secret realm. The people from the dynasty and the Wu clan are interesting, and they would come up with a secret realm as the place where the dynasty's summoning order will be held."

"The pulling force just now, no surprise, is the teleportation array of the secret realm. But..."

After carefully observing the surroundings, Lu Feng frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "It seems that this is a random teleportation array, and I don't know where Xiaomeng and Ji Yixuan were teleported. I can only find them later, I hope they are not there. Something happened before I found them."

"in addition……"

After feeling his body, Lu Feng shook his head speechlessly. Sure enough, just like what Ji Minruo said before, he couldn't use his true energy in Moon Moon Valley.

The infuriating energy in his body seemed to be imprisoned by something, completely unusable.

"But fortunately, my soul power is completely unaffected here."

True Qi was imprisoned, but the power of the soul was not affected in any way. For Lu Feng, this was not only a bad thing, but a good thing on the contrary.

Because his soul realm has reached the peak of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian, and it is not far from the Holy Venerable.

Among all the people who entered Mochizuki Valley, his soul realm was the highest.

If he could use his true qi, the situation would be different. Even if he was powerful, Chu Aofeng, Nangong Duanyun, and Yi Luming were not easy.

Their forces let them go to Mochizuki Valley, and it is impossible for them to have nothing prepared.

As for now, he had to first understand what was going on in Mochizuki Valley.

Move your hands slightly,

Lu Feng connected the storage space through the power of his soul, and took out the high-grade spiritual stone that had Ji Minruo sealed.

After unlocking the seal, Ji Minruo's soul came out.

"The imperial call-up order has already started?" Ji Minruo looked at Lu Feng and asked.

"This is Mochizuki Valley, now you should tell me the specific situation here." Lu Feng looked at Ji Minruo and said.

"Is this already Mochizuki Valley?"

Ji Minruo looked around, frowned slightly, and said, "It shouldn't be. According to the information of the Wu clan, there should be a lot of spiritual energy in Moon Moon Valley, but why is there no spiritual energy here?"


Lu Feng was stunned for a moment. Indeed, he did not feel any spiritual energy fluctuations.

However, at first he thought that this place limited the true energy, so there was no spiritual energy to talk about, but now listening to Ji Minruo's words, it is obviously not what he thought.

"Lu Feng, I think I have to tell you some very bad news."

Suddenly, Ji Minruo said to Lu Feng with a hint of panic in her soul.

"What news?" Lu Feng had a bad premonition in his heart.

"If the information I got from the witch clan is not wrong, then the place you are now should be the forbidden place in Moon Moon Valley - Forbidden Forest!"

"Forbidden Forest? What's so special?" Lu Feng asked.

"There is no spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Forbidden Forest, and there will be no life. Once there is life in it, the great formation of the Forbidden Forest will start, and it will strangle all life in the forest." Ji Minruo said in horror.

"A great formation born from heaven and earth?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, glanced at Ji Minruo, and said, "I remember you said before, even if the Wu people don't know much about Moon Moon Valley, how do you know about this place?"

"That's right, I said that even the witches don't know much about the Forbidden Spirit Forest, but I also told you that I won't tell you too much before entering Moon Moon Valley." Ji Minruo said.

"So, the Wu clan has a deep understanding of Moon Moon Valley, and you also know many secrets in Moon Moon Valley."

Staring at Ji Minruo, Lu Feng said, "I'm right!"

Ji Minruo didn't deny it, but nodded and said, "What you said is true, but what I want to tell you is that the Wu clan does know a lot about Mochizuki Valley, but what they know is compared to the entire Mochizuki Valley. It's still a very small part of it."

"And what I know is from the young patriarch of the Wu clan. I can tell you now, and I can help you get through some crises in Moon Moon Valley, but now, you have to find a way to leave the Forbidden Spirit Forest first. Or we'll all die here..."


Before Ji Minruo finished speaking, the forest around Lu Feng suddenly made a loud noise, and strong wood-type energy quickly condensed in the air and began to transform into a formation.

"Big array, open!"

Ji Minruo's voice was full of fear, her soul power was trembling, and she muttered: "This great formation is the existence that can annihilate the semi-sacred peak warriors, I... we are finished."

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