The first thousand one hundred and sixty-three chapters have an epiphany

For Lu Feng, what made him explode the most was not the martial skills and magical powers he controlled, nor his cultivation realm.

It is his identity as an ancient array mage!

All the martial arts and magical powers under his control, when displayed alone, are very powerful, but very limited.

But if it can be combined with the ancient formation that he controls, coupled with the first batch of Xuanwen, the power will become very, very terrifying.

Therefore, in the hands of Lu Feng, what really gave him the courage to compete with those peak emperors and semi-sacred warriors was the initial Xuanwen he controlled!

If he wants to, use his vitality to forcefully motivate the initial Xuanwen that he can't control now, and the outbreak of combat power is enough to hit the warriors in the early stage of the semi-sacred.

But in that case, the price he paid was also very high.

However, if he can find out how to arrange these initial Xuanwen, then he will not pay such a big price if he wants to urge these initial Xuanwen.

Although Lu Feng is now in control of the four initial Xuanwen, it is only four initial Xuanwen.

As for the arrangement method, he didn't have any control over it, he could only use some forbidden techniques to force it.

In front of him, this mysterious text in the sky is the initial mysterious text, and this initial mysterious text is still the layout of the offensive formation, and only then can it have such power.

If you can find the formation method of this initial Xuanwen...

Lu Feng's eyes are very hot. If he can really get it, his combat power will definitely be greatly improved.

In this Moon Moon Valley, Lu Feng did not take the so-called genius disciples of the top Yuzhou forces in his eyes, but he was quite afraid of the Wu clan.

After all, the people of the Wu clan know far more about Moon Moon Valley than others, and no one knows if they have found any way to use True Qi in this secret realm.

If he can, when the master of the Wu clan comes, he will be in great trouble.

However, the initial Xuanwen layout does not require any real energies, and more of it needs the power of the soul. Therefore, as long as he can find the formation method of the initial Xuanwen, he can directly turn it into his own combat power.

"It is said that there is no problem with the initial Xuanwen staying here, but if you want to guide the formation in the Forbidden Forest all the time, then there must be a mysterious formation around here that is inspiring the initial Xuanwen."

"If I find this profound formation, maybe I will be able to figure out how to arrange the initial profound text according to the laws of this profound formation."


Looking at the increasingly dense wood-type energy in the sky, Lu Feng frowned slightly. His idea is indeed very good, but before that, he must find a way to solve this formation.

If this continues, his nine-patterned golden formation is impossible to stop.

"All the attacks of this formation are pure wood-type energy. If I can find pure gold-type energy and guide it with the formation, maybe I can still block it."


With a light sigh, Lu Feng murmured in a low voice, "Where can I go to find pure gold energy at this time?"

Without gold-type energy, even if he had the means to set up a profound formation to guide energy, he would not be able to deal with this wood-type energy.

"and many more……"

Suddenly, Lu Feng's eyes lit up, staring at the pure wood-type energy in the sky, and muttered in a low voice, "Since it's pure wood-type energy, then maybe that thing can come in handy."

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