The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1165 This egg is really not easy


After three days, Ji Minruo finally accepted that there was an egg that could absorb wood energy, and when she heard the hiccups from the elf tree egg, and then watched the elf tree egg jump back into Lu Feng's hands, she was stunned again.

This... what kind of egg is this? What's in there? Why are you still carrying this?

Lu Feng ignored Ji Minruo's shock. He looked at the elf tree egg in his hand and tapped out the power of his soul to gently feel the changes of the elf tree egg.

Completely different from feeling nothing before, there is a vibrant wood-type energy coming from the elf tree egg today.

It is different from the destructive wood-type energy in the Forbidden Forest before.

The wood-type energy in the elf tree egg is very, very pure, and it carries lush vitality.

As if there really is a life in it.

"Can you really hatch an elf goddess?"

Lu Feng stretched out his hand and gently placed it on top of the elf tree egg, carefully feeling the vitality inside.

But unfortunately, even if his soul power is strong, he can't feel what is in it.

Can only feel the lush vitality.


The elf tree egg trembled slightly, and a vitality penetrated into Lu Feng's hand through the eggshell.

Lu Feng wanted to stop it almost like a conditioned reflex, but he stopped abruptly.

Because he can feel this energy will not cause any harm to him.

Soon, this vitality penetrated into his mind, instantly making his spiritual platform clear for a while, and at the same time, his soul power also trembled slightly, absorbing this vitality.

After a while, he already felt that his soul realm had improved a little bit, even though he was still a long way from breaking through the Holy Venerable.

But it's much better than before.

Moreover, he also felt that the power of his soul was purer than before.

"This... this can actually make my soul power more pure?"

Lu Feng was a little shocked.

You must know that it is not too difficult for a warrior who has reached the Martial Dao Emperor to improve the power of the soul. As the cultivation level increases, the power of the soul will also increase.

But if you want to make the power of the soul more pure, it is not so simple.

After the martial artist's soul power must be finalized, if you want to become more pure, unless you find the treasures of heaven and earth, or it is almost impossible.

Moreover, even if the treasures of heaven and earth are found, there are still many restrictions.

One of the limitations is that after the soul of a martial artist reaches the late stage of the martial arts emperor, there is almost no heaven and earth treasure able to make the power of the soul pure.

Because the power of the soul in this realm has already begun to contact the laws of space, and has begun to move towards the realm of the Holy Venerable.

Although there is not even one of the 100,000 people who can truly enter the realm of the Holy Venerable in the end, their soul power is indeed already in contact with the laws of space.

It's just a matter of how much.

Therefore, for a martial artist of this realm, the effect of heaven and earth treasures on the soul is very small and can be completely ignored.

Therefore, for some major sects, when they are cultivating their disciples, they often help them strengthen the power of their souls before they reach the late stage of Martial Dao Sovereign, which can make their combat effectiveness even stronger.

Just like Xiaomeng from Wangqing Daomen, her soul power has been strengthened many times.

Therefore, don't look at her current realm is only the sixth level of the emperor, but in a real battle, the warriors at the peak of the emperor are not necessarily her opponents.

This is also the reason why so many warriors have sharpened their heads and want to drill into those big sects. The more sects, the more secret techniques they master, and the greater the help to their disciples.

Therefore, on the Kyushu Continent, there is such a rumor that the disciples of the top sects come out, and the warriors of the same level basically have no opponents.

Leapfrog battle, as long as the opponent is not stronger than three small realms, it is very likely to kill him.

This is those top sect disciples walking on the continent of Kyushu,

The reason for daring to be high.

They have that capital!

As for Lu Feng, his soul power is very powerful, because the first improvement of his soul power was when he obtained the 'Eternal Power of Emperor'.

That is a very, very powerful existence, so it directly strengthens his soul power, far exceeding that of a martial artist of the same level.

Coupled with the improvement of his strength later, and the acquisition of various mysterious texts, it is also strengthening his soul power.

His current Soul Realm at the peak of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian can be said to be disdainful of all warriors of the same level.

But reaching this realm also means that it is almost impossible for his soul power to be strengthened.

But now, after the vitality emanating from the elf tree egg, Lu Feng actually strengthened the power of his soul again, becoming stronger than before.

This is completely unexpected to him!

"I didn't expect that the elf tree egg would have such a function."

Staring at the elf tree egg in his hand, the excitement in Lu Feng's eyes was undisguised.

Although I don't know how to make the elf tree egg reveal the vitality that strengthens the power of the soul, it is not important.

The important thing is that it is enough for the elf tree egg to have this effect.

As long as there is, it means that he still has the opportunity to continue to strengthen his soul power and make his soul power more powerful.

The stronger the power of the soul, the more profound formations he can arrange. If it is strong to a certain extent, maybe with the help of his soul realm, he can forcibly arrange a holy-level profound formation.

If it really reaches that step, his combat power will become very, very terrifying!

Even if you don't use any trump cards, it is very possible to kill the semi-sacred.

And, it's not just that he can use it, he can also use it for his own woman, Mulan and Snow Maiden can all use it.

"This is really a good thing!"

Looking at the elf tree egg in his hand, Lu Feng liked it more and more.

He used to think that summoning this egg was depressing, but now he is no longer depressing.

Not to mention whether this can hatch an elf goddess, just the vitality of strengthening the power of the soul is enough for him to be excited.

As for how to control this vitality, you have to slowly explore yourself later.


With a move, he put the elf tree egg into the storage space and looked at the forest of forbidden spirits.

Here, it is not easy.

When Ji Minruo saw Lu Feng put away the strange egg, even though it was very strange in her heart, she really wanted to know what it was.

But facing Lu Feng, he didn't dare to ask too much.

After all, her heart was really full of fear for Lu Feng.

Now, she just glanced at Lu Feng carefully and said, "Lu Feng, now the formation in Forbidden Forest has disappeared, we..."

"This formation has not disappeared!"

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