"Is this another initial Xuanwen?"

Looking at the mysterious text in the book, Lu Feng looked a little surprised.

What he thought at first was that it could suppress the soul. It should be the magician who used the array to guide the power of the initial Xuanwen, and then created such power.

But I don't want to, there is no formation here to guide this initial mysterious text, and some are just the single initial mysterious text of 'soul'.

In other words, the previous soul suppression was only because the initial mysterious text of 'soul' existed.

"Just a Xuanwen has such power, then if you add a formation to guide..."

Lu Feng's eyes narrowed, staring at the initial Xuanwen recorded in this book, and muttered in a low voice: "No surprise, this Xuanwen should be regarded as the most powerful of the eighty-one Xuanwen. already."

Previously, Lu Feng had mastered the four initial mysteries of 'Universe, Zhou, Hong, and Huang'. These four initial mysteries were all very powerful, and they could definitely rank in the top ten among the 81 initial mysteries.

This is why Zhou Qilin, the previous emperor of the ancient Zhou Dynasty, was able to fight against many experts in the dynasty with one person, because he was able to use these four initial Xuanwen very powerfully.

But even these four mysterious texts are weaker than when Lu Feng saw this 'soul' now.

Even Lu Feng was thinking in his heart, whether the initial Xuanwen 'soul' could be ranked in the top five among the eighty-one initial Xuanwen, or even further, the top three!

"Since it is so powerful, there is no reason to miss it."

Lu Feng's eyes flickered, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, put the book on his knees, closed his eyes, and controlled the power of his soul to slowly cover the book.

To be more precise, it is the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' covered on the book!

Lu Feng used the power of his own soul to slowly feel the construction of the initial mysterious text of 'soul'.

The initial Xuanwen is different from the ordinary Xuanwen.

Ordinary Xuanwen can be written as you like, but every point of the initial Xuanwen has its own rules, and it can even be said that each initial Xuanwen is a mysterious formation.

Learning the initial Xuanwen is equivalent to learning a mysterious formation.

And the profound formation is not so easy to understand.

Fortunately, Lu Feng has supernatural powers, no matter what he learns, he can always get twice the result with half the effort.

Soon, he has found the construction law of the initial mysterious text of 'soul', and he let his soul power follow this law, to keep the law in mind, and to understand the construction of 'soul'.

But this process is very slow.

Maybe it was because the initial Xuanwen of 'soul' was really powerful, and Lu Feng obviously felt the power of his soul to remember the rules very slowly.

Even if he has a heart, the speed is still very slow.

However, Lu Feng was able to keep his composure, and has always carefully felt the changes in the law, and kept this law in mind.

But when he understood the initial mysterious text of the word 'soul', in the passage where he came, Chu Mo, Du Ze, and Chu Tao were constantly advancing.

But they are moving very slowly!

Because they are not ancient formation masters, nor formation masters, they do not understand the formation method contained in the passage at all, they have gone through a lot of wrong paths, and it is difficult to get to where Lu Feng is now.

Time passed quickly, and it was another three days in the blink of an eye.

"Mad, these magicians are so annoying. There are so many methods in one channel."

"That's right, if it weren't for the last Brother Chu, you have the broken formation talisman, we still don't know when we will be able to walk out of that passage."

In front of the stone wall outside Lu Feng's stone chamber, the three brothers Chu Mo, Chu Tao and Du Ze finally walked out of the passage that contained the way of formation.

Chu Mo's face is not good-looking now. In order to successfully walk out of that passage, he used a broken formation talisman.

The Form Breaking Talisman is a top-grade talisman, and it has strong restraint in the way of fighting. Even if Chu Mogui is the heir of the Golden Horse King of the Cangchu Dynasty,

There are only two.

This is what his father thought of a lot of ways to get it.

I'm using one now, and it's making him very painful.

"I hope there is something I want behind this stone wall, otherwise this trip will be a big loss." Chu Mo sighed softly.

"Haha, brother Chu, don't worry, this place is so complicated, a simple passage contains the way of formation, how could there be nothing we want in such a place? Your formation breaking talisman is not bad for use. !" Du Ze laughed.

Chu Mo glanced at Du Ze, and snorted coldly in his heart, you are happy, you are using my Form Breaking Talisman, not yours.

But now he didn't say that. He pointed to the stone wall in front of him and said, "There is also a formation on it, and it is a mysterious text left by the ancient formation master. It will definitely be troublesome for us to open it, so..."

Looking at Du Ze, Chu Mo smiled lightly and said, "Brother Du, I can break the normal formation, but I can't break the formation left by the ancient formation master."

"And I heard that you have a lot of methods to deal with the ancient formation mage in your Oufeng business. Presumably such a small ancient formation mage should be no problem."

Du Ze's eyes narrowed slightly. Indeed, Oufeng Firm had opened a secret realm before, from which he obtained a lot of means against ancient formations.

However, these methods are all top secret, and he doesn't want to reveal it unless it is a last resort.

Although Chu Mo was a member of the Cangchu Dynasty, an ally of Oufeng Firm, he was still reluctant to reveal it.


Think about it a little bit, if you don't use it now and can't open this stone wall, then you will be wasted these days.

In this Mochizuki Valley, time is very precious.

After pondering slightly, Du Ze said, "Since Brother Chu looks down on me, then I will try to see if I can open this stone room."

When the words fell, he moved his hand, and a wooden fish with Xuanwen painted all over his body appeared, threw it at the stone wall, and shouted in a low voice: "Open!"


The wooden fish made a sound in the air, and a ripple visible to the naked eye scattered into the stone wall.


The stone wall opened in response, revealing the passage inside.

"So fast?"

Chu Mo was stunned for a moment. Looking at the mysterious inscriptions on the stone wall, this ancient formation was definitely not simple, but why was it opened so quickly?

Du Ze is also a little stunned. The wooden fish in his hand is indeed restraining the ancient formation, but it is not so fast, right?

How did he know that the stone wall was opened by Lu Feng with Xuanwen before, and the real effect of the above Xuanwen had been weakened too much.

So now Du Ze can use a little trick to open it up.

But Du Ze quickly reacted and laughed, "Okay, the stone wall is open, let's go."

Although I don't know why the stone wall is opened so fast, it is a good thing to open it.

Du Ze walked in first.

The brothers Chu Mo and Chu Tao looked at each other. Although they were still a little puzzled, they both walked in when they saw Du Ze, and followed them in without any hesitation.

Soon, they reached the end of the passage behind the stone wall and saw the stone room.


Several people pushed the stone chamber door open, but soon their eyes narrowed and they saw Lu Feng sitting in the stone chamber.

"Lu Feng!"

Whether it was Brother Chu Mo or Du Ze, their eyes narrowed.

Before, they had forced back the top ten semi-sacred saints at the distance to Beiguan Lu Feng, and then forced the ten semi-sacred saints back at the entrance of Moon Moon Valley, which made their impression of Lu Feng too deep.

Chu Mo and the three never thought that they would meet Lu Feng here.

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