Du Ze's voice was loud, but Lu Feng ignored it.

Because he can't hear.

The soul power that Lu Feng used to imprison Du Ze not only imprisoned his actions, but also imprisoned his voice.

The current Lu Feng doesn't have the mind to pay attention to Du Ze, he has more important things.

For the past three days, Lu Feng has been comprehending the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' in the stone room.

He already knew when the three of Du Ze came in.

But he didn't have time to pay attention to it, because at that time it happened to be the critical moment when he understood the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul', and he was willing to give up such a good moment for a few little shrimps.

So, what I thought in my mind was that if I let them go, I would let them go, it doesn't matter.

But he didn't expect that if he wanted to let them go, they would come to court themselves to die. There was no other way, Lu Feng could only give them a ride.

As for Du Ze, he couldn't die now, and Lu Feng still had some things to ask him.

But now...

Lu Feng quickly made fingerprints with both hands, and hundreds of fingerprints were printed in the blink of an eye.

These handprints condensed in the void and turned into an initial mysterious text: Soul!

When the word 'soul' appeared, the suppression of the power of the soul by this world instantly increased dozens of times.

"what is that?"

Du Ze, who was imprisoned by the power of Lu Feng's ghost, was instantly stunned when he saw the initial Xuanwen of the word "soul" appeared.

As a genius of Oufeng Firm, he naturally knew Xuanwen.

Although he doesn't know how to arrange it, he can recognize at a glance what Xuanwen is and what is ancient formation.

The one that Lu Feng played in front of him was a Xuanwen, not an ancient formation constructed with Xuanwen.

But what kind of Xuanwen can cause such a terrifying suppression force to the surrounding soul power when it first appeared?

"Oh, something is still missing."

Seeing Xuanwen in the sky, Lu Feng let out a low sigh.

Although the initial Xuanwen with the word 'soul' was successfully condensed, it only had a shape, and the essence of this initial Xuanwen had not yet been grasped.

The current initial Xuanwen is only very powerful in suppressing the soul, but once you control the essence, you can use this Xuanwen to do a lot of things.

Destroying a soul is easy.

In the classics that recorded the initial Xuanwen with the word 'soul', there was a record of some things about the practice of this initial Xuanwen by the long-dead ancient magician.

Among them is the state of Lu Feng's arrangement of this initial Xuanwen.

There is only one shape, without the essence of this initial Xuanwen.

The difference is that the ancient master of the formation spent his whole life to cultivate the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' to such a level, and then he was killed.

And Lu Feng completed it in just three days. This is mainly because his own soul realm is very high, plus the help of his heart, or it is difficult to do it.

Even if Lu Feng wasn't disturbed just now and didn't miss the crucial moment of comprehension, he might have comprehended the essence of the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' directly.

At that time, you will know how terrifying this initial Xuanwen is!


"Oh, what a pity!"

Being interrupted at a critical moment made Lu Feng really helpless.

Fortunately, comprehending Xuanwen is different from cultivating the exercises. If he was disturbed at the critical moment in the exercises, he might have been killed by the exercises.

If you understand Xuanwen, if you can enter the state again in the future, there is still a chance to comprehend it.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng was not too depressed.

After all, some opportunities can't be seized, and there is nothing you can do no matter how frustrated you are.

Therefore, instead of struggling with those things, it is better to think about it, so as not to let yourself fall into a dead end, but it is not conducive to the improvement of the realm.


With murderous intent flashing in his eyes, Lu Feng turned to look at Du Ze.

Although the opportunity was missed and irreparable, he could see it openly, but it did not mean that he would let Du Ze who caused him to miss the opportunity!

"You... what do you want to do? You,

You don't come here. "

Seeing Lu Feng approaching, Du Ze was full of fear.

"I will give you a chance, tell me the purpose of your coming here, and tell me the secrets of your dynasty, I will make you die more happy."

Lu Feng had lifted the blockade on Du Ze's language and could hear what he said.

"Ha ha."

When Du Ze heard this, although his face was full of fear, he still let out a sneer, and said, "Lu Feng, since I said that I want to die, and I want to die if I don't say it, then why should I tell you? Do you think I'm an idiot? "

"I said that you can die happily, but not to say that you will die miserably." Lu Feng said lightly.

"Hmph, Lu Feng, don't even think that I will tell you like this." Du Ze sneered again and said, "If you don't let me go, I will never tell you, you..."

"A lot of nonsense!"

Lu Feng frowned, suddenly shot, slapped Du Ze's head, and on his palm, there was a mysterious text condensed.


Du Ze let out a scream, and his face instantly turned extremely pale.

After a while, he lost his breath of life.

At this time, Lu Feng took his hand away, and in the center of his palm, Xuanwen carried a transparent little figure, which was the origin of Du Ze's soul.


With a low voice, the Xuanwen in the center of Lu Feng's palm suddenly spread out, turning into a ray of light and scattering into Du Ze's soul source.

After a while, it was possible to see strands of white thread drilled out from Du Ze's soul source and entered Lu Feng's hands.

The mysterious script he used was a simplified version of the mysterious script of the soul, which could read the information in the source of the soul.

But because this is unstable, sometimes the information read will not be too complete. Therefore, Lu Feng used it after he was sure that Du Ze did not say anything.

"Empty Command?"

After reading Du Ze's soul information, Lu Feng got such valuable news.

But still a little lacking.

It only said that the Jing Kong Order was the only task given to them by the top forces in Yuzhou to enter the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley.

If you find the Jing Kong Order, you will be able to get personal instructions from the ancestors of the various forces, or even a promise.

It is precisely because the rewards are so rich that those disciples are willing to participate in this dynasty call-up order, which is obviously not pure in purpose.

For a promise made by the Holy Venerable, they are willing to take risks.



With a silent sigh, the soul information read by Xuanwen is very limited. Apart from this, there is no other useful information.

Not even a fine air order.

Let Lu Feng also be quite speechless.

"It seems that I can only find someone to ask later."

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Feng put the matter aside for the time being, and began to focus on the book that recorded the initial Xuanwen.

There should be two Xuanwen here.

Not surprisingly, the original Xuanwen of another wood type should also be here.

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