
As Zhang Jiaqi's gloomy laughter fell, a murderous roar came from the bloody Xuanwen.

Immediately after, a monster more than three meters high emerged from the Xuanwen, and its body was covered with eyeballs, which made people feel disgusting.

Moreover, these eyeballs glowed with green light, which turned out to be extremely restrained against the power of the soul.

"Jie Jie, Lu Feng, I want to see if your soul power is restrained, what else can you do?" Zhang Jiaqi sneered.

"Go and kill him."

At the same time, Zhang Jiaqi pointed his finger at Lu Feng.

The monster charged directly at Lu Feng.

"Zhang Jiaqi, did you forget to order something here?" Lu Feng faced the monster without rushing.

"Lu Feng, what do you want to do?" Zhang Jiaqi's face changed dramatically.

"I thought that the source of your soul would be useless, but I didn't think that it could still be used now."

Lu Feng shook his head slightly, facing the monster that restrained the power of the soul, he did not intend to confront it.

After all, if one accidentally hurts his soul, it will be a little more dangerous in this Moon Moon Valley.

Therefore, he plans to use Zhang Jiaqi's soul source.

As long as the origin of the soul is crushed, Zhang Jiaqi will be broken.

At the same time, this monster, Lu Feng, can also feel that there is some kind of connection with Zhang Jiaqi. Once the soul is broken, this connection will also be broken, the bloody mysterious text will disappear, and the monster will also disappear.

With a move, Zhang Jiaqi's soul source appeared in his hand.


Lu Feng directly crushed it.

Zhang Jiaqi didn't even let out a scream, the breath of life disappeared instantly, and at the same time, the blood-colored Xuanwen and monsters also disappeared.

But Lu Feng frowned, because he didn't hear the system prompt.

Ordinarily, if Zhang Jiaqi's soul source is broken, he has already killed Zhang Jiaqi, and the system should have a prompt sound.

"Could it be..."

Lu Feng's eyes moved to Zhang Jiaqi's corpse lying on the ground, his mind moved slightly, he held the sword in his hand, and approached Zhang Jiaqi step by step.


Before Lu Feng arrived, a buzzing sound suddenly came from Zhang Jiaqi's body, followed by a wave of spatial fluctuations under him.

Zhang Jiaqi's body disappeared instantly.

"Damn, let her run away!"

Lu Feng's face was not very good-looking. He didn't expect that after breaking Zhang Jiaqi's soul source, he could not kill her.


After pondering slightly, Lu Feng looked a little puzzled. There was no problem with the source of his soul that Zhang Jiaqi had given him before, and he had indeed shattered the source of her soul just now.

Why didn't Zhang Jiaqi die?

"What's the matter?"

Lu Feng frowned.

Although he had seen many strange things when he came to the Kyushu Continent, it was the first time he had seen it, and it was the first time he had heard of it. After the origin of his soul was shattered, he could still not die.

"Wait, what is this?"

At this moment, Lu Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed, staring at the position where Zhang Jiaqi's body disappeared, his mind moved slightly, and he controlled the power of his soul to lock in that position.

Soon, he found a piece of transparent jade the size of a palm.

The jade was almost fused with the space. If it weren't for the fact that this space had just been fluctuating, Lu Feng might not have been able to find it.


Lu Feng directly threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the information will come back.

Demon Jade: A precious jade unique to the Demon Race, which can help the user resist a fatal damage to the soul.

Level: Saint-level top grade.

Restriction: Warriors at the later stage of the Holy Venerable and above cannot use it.

Side effects: The user will be in a coma for three days, and the soul realm will drop three small realms.

"It turned out to be something from the Demon Race!"

Lu Feng was very surprised.

Zhang Jiaqi can actually have something of a demon, and this thing has such a terrifying effect.

You must know that for the Martial Artist after the Martial Dao Emperor, the physical injury is not important, because there are many ways to cure, only the soul is fatally injured.

The magic jade can help the warrior resist a fatal damage to the soul, and it is conceivable how anti-sky the effect is.

If this is in Yuzhou, it will not only provoke the fierce competition of warriors in the realm of emperors, but even those holy old monsters will fight for it at all costs.

Zhang Jiaqi has the magic jade, so it's no wonder that he didn't die after the soul source was crushed by himself.

However, I was careless just now. The space fluctuation should be the space talisman. It must be Zhang Jiaqi who linked the space talisman and the magic stone.

The magic stone works, and the space talisman also works, so it is possible to escape.


"How did Zhang Jiaqi get such a baby?"

Lu Feng pondered slightly, the Demon Spirit Jade is a high-grade holy treasure, and it can even be called a treasure of the soul.

Such a treasure is not something that a Liyang Dynasty can get.

"It seems that this Zhang Jiaqi is not simple. Behind her, there is more than just the Liyang Dynasty."

"There are other forces!"


With a smile on Lu Feng's face, he murmured in a low voice: "It seems that this little Yuzhou has become more and more exciting, but that's fine, all the ghosts and monsters jumping out can make Yuzhou become more and more exciting. messier."

"A chaotic Yuzhou is the era when the Nanyan Kingdom takes off!"

This time, although Zhang Jiaqi could not be killed, it was a good gain to confirm that there were other forces behind Zhang Jiaqi.

When dealing with the Liyang Dynasty later, you can take some precautions to avoid falling into unnecessary traps.

Lu Feng did not stop in this valley, and continued to walk eastward to the center of Moon Moon Valley.

In fact, this time the imperial call-up order has only one purpose for all the disciples of the Yuzhou forces, and that is to leave Moon Moon Valley alive.

The current Lu Feng is preparing to find a way to leave Mochizuki Valley.

The only place to leave is the central location of Mochizuki Valley.

He had to go!

"Here, after a war."

Not long after Lu Feng left the valley, a peak warrior of the Wu clan emperor came to the valley. He looked at the corpse lying in the valley, and his eyes locked on Jing Yuqing's corpse.

The corners of his mouth curled into a smile, and he murmured in a low voice, "Interesting, it's actually Jing Yuqing, the prince of the Chongao Dynasty. It seems that these little mice in Moon Moon Valley have already started killing each other."

"This is just right, it can save us a lot of effort!"


After closing his eyes and feeling it for a while, the witch master suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the direction Lu Feng was leaving, and murmured in a low voice, "If you can kill Jing Yuqing, you are considered a relatively strong mouse. ."

"But unfortunately, no matter how strong you are, you are still just a mouse. Let me kill you, the mouse, and make a good start for my trip!"

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