The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1177 The initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' shows its power

"Lu Feng, the old man admits that you are indeed a genius."

"At the age of twenty, the soul realm has already reached the peak of the emperor, far exceeding some older generation of warriors who have cultivated for thousands of years."

"But unfortunately, you don't understand that most geniuses die on the way to becoming strong. And these geniuses who died prematurely always have one thing in common, that is, they are too high-profile and believe too much in their own strength. "

"They are far from knowing that in this world, there is no shortage of genius. Now, you are the same!"

Staring at Lu Feng, Gongyang Qianhe said: "According to your talent, if you give you another two hundred years, maybe you can become a powerful saint, and then you will be the ruler of Yuzhou, and there will be no Yuzhou in the world. People dare to disagree."

"Unfortunately, you don't know the meaning of the word low-key, it is doomed that you will never grow up."

"Today, let the old man come to the end of your genius path."

"Jie Jie, thinking that he is about to kill a peerless genius, the old man is really excited."

"My true qi, return!"

With an angry shout, Gongyang Qianhe pointed his finger on the Jing Kong Ling in front of him, the Jing Kong Ling trembled slightly, and a strange wave spread out, hitting the soul sword in front of him.


The soul sword shattered instantly.


Lu Feng coughed lightly and his face turned pale.

This is the difference between soul power and infuriating attacks.

If the attack performed by the power of the soul is shattered, the warrior itself will be counterattacked; but the attack performed by infuriating energy will not, even if it is smashed, it will not affect the warrior.

Unless it is the kind of supernatural power that has something to do with the soul.

But now Lu Feng didn't pay attention to the injury in his body.

After that strange wave shattered Lu Feng's soul sword, it did not stop. Instead, it expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it enveloped the space around Gongyang Qianhe's body.


At this moment, Gongyang Qianhe suddenly burst into the sky with an aura, and his body was filled with terrifying fluctuations of True Qi.

"Actually regained his true qi!"

Lu Feng's eyes narrowed suddenly, staring at the Jing Kong Ling, slightly surprised, and said: "The Jing Kong Ling can actually break the seal of the martial artist's true energy in the secret realm of Moon Moon Valley, who made this Jing Kong Ling? "

Now that his strength has come, Lu Feng has some understanding of the secret realm.

He knew very well that it wasn't anything else that sealed the True Qi in their bodies, but the power of the rules of the secret realm.

In this secret realm of Mochizuki Valley, True Qi is not allowed to appear!

Therefore, the warriors who enter this place cannot use their true qi in their bodies.

But now, Gongyang Qianhe used the Jing Kong Token to break the seal of the rules and restore his true qi, which surprised Lu Feng!

"Tsk tsk, it's still good to feel the surging infuriating."

Gongyang Qianhe stared at Lu Feng with a smile on his face, and said, "Lu Feng, you should feel unfortunate, because this piece of essence was obtained by accident when I was chasing you, and it's just that piece of my body."

"Now, you are going to die by my hands. When you go to hell, if you want to blame someone for killing you, then you can blame God, because God gave me this piece of fine air, so that I can Kill you."

"Can a piece of air essence give you such confidence?"

After being surprised, Lu Feng regained his composure.

A warrior at the peak of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian, what if he could use his true energy?

Still a scumbag!

"The arrogant little mouse."

Gongyang Qianhe looked at Lu Feng and shook his head, and said: "This old man knows a lot about you, I heard that Gu Changtian, the ancestor of Guxuan Commercial Bank, announced that your seclusion has something to do with you, maybe you used some secret method to hurt you. took him."

"If that's the case, it's no wonder you dare to be so arrogant now. But..."

Glancing at Lu Feng again, Gongyang Qianhe said, "If this is the source of your confidence, then I can only tell you, you are doomed this time.


"If you can hurt Gu Changtian, you must have used some kind of secret technique, but any secret technique is linked to true qi. How can you use the secret technique now that you have no true qi? Therefore, you must die today!"

Hearing this, Lu Feng sighed softly in his heart. Although the Wu people lived in the northern grasslands all year round, far away from the core area of ​​Yuzhou, they had to say that they guessed that they had something to do with him just by relying on Gu Changtian's seclusion.

It is enough to prove that the Wu people know everything that happened in Yuzhou, and their intelligence system is not bad.

Otherwise, it is impossible to guess these accurately.


They guessed a little wrong, Gu Changtian was not injured by himself, but was killed by himself. Gu Xuan Business had to come up with a lie of the ancestors to deceive other forces.

"Okay little mouse, the old man is not interested in talking to you any more."

Staring at Lu Feng, Gongyang Qianhe said, "Before you gave me a chance like a joke, now I will give you a chance."

"Self-broken meridians, self-broken souls, this old man will leave you a whole corpse today!"

"I really don't know where you came from with the confidence to kill me!" Lu Feng shook his head, looked at Gongyang Qianhe, and said, "Why do you old guys always think that you are 100% in the face of me? Can you kill me?"

"Gu Changtian was like this, and then he died; so was the Half-Saint Fairy Sword from Hundred Nations College, and then she died. Now you're like this again, sorry, you can only be dead."


Gongyang Qianhe laughed and said: "This is really the funniest joke I've ever heard, you said that Gu Changtian was killed by you, this is still possible, after all, his so-called Changtian sword is also But so."

"But the Half-Saint Fairy Sword of Hundred Nations College is extremely powerful, and the Fairy Swordsmanship is even more difficult to find in the same realm. How can you kill her?"

With a sneer, Gongyang Qianhe said: "You little mouse is quite a face. In order to show yourself as powerful, you even took the record of the master of the sect of forgetfulness behind you to yourself."

"It's ridiculous!"


Lu Feng was speechless for a moment, these days, no one believes the truth? What the hell is this?

"Forget it, I won't play with you, now, you should die!"

After the sound fell, Gongyang Qianhe slammed his right hand, and his true energy condensed in his hand, quickly turning into a long gray snake.

Spitting up scarlet apricots, he rushed towards Lu Feng.

"Yeah, I have no interest in playing with you."

When Lu Feng saw this long snake rushing over, he was not afraid. He turned his hands, and the handprints visible to the naked eye condensed in the sky, and quickly gathered together to form a very complex and mysterious text.


When Gongyang Qianhe saw it, he smiled coldly and said, "Although you are an ancient formation mage, facing this old man today, you will surely die!"

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