"He is ruthless? It's just you?"

Chu Aofeng shook his head and said, "Gongyang Yuhong, if this prince doesn't want to waste too many tricks on you, do you think you can still live to this day based on your attitude towards this prince?"

"Gongyang Yuhong, for you now, leaving here is the wisest choice." Nangong Duanyun also said lightly.

"The old man should see what cards your ancestors gave you, so that you have such confidence to dare to talk to a half-sage like this."

Gongyang Yuhong shouted angrily and slapped Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun down.

The violent soul energy turned into two huge handprints, covering Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun.

"Since you don't know your own interests, don't blame me."

Nangong Duanyun shook his head slightly, moved his hand, a short sword appeared in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Go!"

"call out!"

The dagger shot violently, instantly piercing the handprint that enveloped him.


At the same time, Chu Aofeng also let out a low voice, and at a point in his hand, a talisman flew out, hitting the handprint made by the soul energy of Gongyang Yuhong in the sky.


The talisman suddenly exploded, shattering the handprint.


The attack turned into soul energy was shattered, Gongyang Yuhong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body took dozens of steps to stabilize.

And Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun stopped attacking very tacitly, looked at Gongyang Yuhong, and said, "Gongyang Yuhong, do you still want to fight?"

"You two damn bastards, wait for the old man."

"The old man will pull your heads off sooner or later!"

Gongyang Yuhong put down a harsh word, turned around and ran away.

He was very clear that the methods Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun had just used were not their most powerful cards.

Just as Chu Aofeng said, they didn't want to waste too many means on themselves.

Therefore, he could see the situation clearly, and if he didn't leave now, he might really die in the means of Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun.

"Oh, what a pity for such a good opportunity."

Lu Feng, who was in the dark, sighed inwardly as he watched Gongyang Yuhong's leaving back.

The attack by Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun just now caused a lot of damage to Gongyang Yuhong's soul, and he couldn't recover in a short time.

If Lu Feng followed up to find an opportunity now, he would be 90% sure that he would be able to kill Gongyang Yuhong, thus gaining a lot of experience points and allowing him to level up faster.

But not now.

He has a more important goal, the Ice and Snow Holy Sword!


Looking at Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun, a smile appeared on Lu Feng's face. The reason he didn't act just now was because of Gongyang Yuhong.

After all, Gongyang Yuhong is a warrior in the semi-holy realm. If he made a move earlier and was attacked by three parties, even if he had the means to be weak, it would be difficult to resist.

Now that Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun had forced Gongyang Yuhong away, and the two of them were left, Lu Feng really didn't take them seriously.

"Nangong Duanyun, now it's our turn."

After forcing Gongyang Yuhong away, Chu Aofeng looked at Nangong Duanyun and said indifferently: "It is said that your swordsman is invincible with one swordsmanship. The title of the first genius of Yuzhou on this prince should be yours."

"Today, let this prince come and see, how good is your sword prince, is it as powerful as the rumors say."

"Haha." Nangong Duanyun shook his head and said, "If you want to say that the first genius of Yuzhou is with Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, how can we people say that we are the first genius of Yuzhou?"

Chu Aofeng's face sank, and when he mentioned Lu Feng, he thought of what happened at the city gate of Kubeiguan, and he was so frightened by Lu Feng's eyes that he broke into a cold sweat.

This place must be found in the future.

But now, he has to teach Nangong Duanyun a lesson first, so that he can know who is more powerful.

"Then do you fight or not?" Chu Aofeng stared at Nangong Duanyun and said.

"If Brother Chu finds me to fight at other times,

I definitely refused, but today is different, that sword has to be mine, so..."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Nangong Duanyun stared at Chu Aofeng, his mind moved, the power of his soul turned into a long sword in front of him, pointed at Chu Aofeng, and said, "Today, Brother Chu, you'd better retreat by yourself. "

"Jie Jie."

Chu Aofeng sneered and said, "Nangong Duanyun, do you think that you can use a little soul to transform into a real martial skill to defeat me? Who doesn't have such a means?"


Chu Aofeng also controlled the power of his own soul, condensed into a long sword in front of him, and guided Gong Duanyun obliquely.

For geniuses like them, ordinary warriors can't find soul skills that they can't find with their hard work. They want to get it as simple as eating and drinking.


Chu Aofeng let out a low voice, holding the long sword condensed by the power of his soul, and slashed it down at Nangong Duanyun.

Nangong Duanyun held a long sword full of sword intent and went up to meet him.

The two were fighting together very quickly, but in a short period of time, they were indistinguishable.

When Lu Feng saw it, he was stunned for a moment. He was just thinking about whether he should go out and kill these two people before taking the sword.

But there is a lot of risk in this. After all, no one knows whether these two top two dynasty geniuses from the top ten dynasties have any means of saving their lives.

If they can't achieve a one-hit kill and let them use the cards given to them by their ancestors, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not cause trouble for themselves.

After all, whether it is the Cangchu Dynasty or the Ice and Snow Dynasty, there are saints who are strong, and no one knows how many their means.

But now, he had no idea that Nangong Duanyun and Chu Aofeng would be so anxious. Gongyang Yuhong started fighting just after he left, and he was not worried that Gongyang Yuhong would come back.

"That's fine, if you hit you, the Ice and Snow Sacred Sword is welcome."

"Maybe I will have time to hunt down Gongyang Yuhong later and get a lot of experience points."

Lu Feng didn't stop, he used the power of his soul to hide his aura, and while Chu Aofeng and Nangong Duanyun were fighting together, he quickly flew to the place where the Ice and Snow Sacred Sword was.

Soon Lu Feng arrived at the position, and the sword of the Ice and Snow Sword was full of fierce sword energy, making people dare not hold the Ice and Snow Sword.

If the Sword Saint of Ice and Snow is here, Lu Feng may not really have a way.

But this is just a little bit of sword energy from the Sword Saint's sword, and he can still handle it.

"seal up!"

In his hand, he quickly typed out a few mysterious texts and landed around the Frozen Sacred Sword, forming a sealing formation, which sealed the Frozen Sacred Sword in the blink of an eye.

The surrounding sword energy disappeared instantly, and the Ice and Snow Holy Sword also fell quickly.

However, Lu Feng was quick and held the Ice and Snow Holy Sword in his hand.

"Put down my sword!"

At this moment, an angry voice came from below.

Nangong Duanyun was very sensitive to sword qi. He realized the situation the moment the sword qi around the body of the Frozen Sacred Sword disappeared. He quickly gave up attacking Chu Aofeng and attacked Lu Feng with his long sword in hand.

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