"found it?"


Lu Feng asked immediately.

"It's under the dragon chair." Xiaomeng said, pointing to the dragon chair in the palace.

"Under the dragon chair?"

Lu Feng was a little surprised, his figure flickered, and when he got to the dragon chair, he took a closer look and found nothing special.

Turning to look at Xiaomeng, he asked, "Are you sure you are under this dragon chair?"

"You can't see anything by looking at it like this. There are some hidden methods of Taoism on it. Only by unlocking these hidden methods can you discover the situation inside." Xiaomeng said.

After finishing speaking, Xiaomeng's hands formed a strange handprint, and a light green ripple was condensed by the power of her soul and landed on the dragon chair.


The dragon chair slowly separated, and a passage engraved with mysterious texts appeared right below the dragon chair.

At the same time, a very strong fluctuation of the cultivation technique also came.

"It seems that the Taoist master who left this exercise is also a master of the profound formation!" Lu Feng said, looking at the mysterious text engraved around the passage.

These Xuanwen not only have traces of simplified Xuanwen, but also traces of original Xuanwen.

Not surprisingly, this person should be an ancient array mage who has some understanding of the original Xuanwen.

Soon, Lu Feng and Xiaomeng walked down the passage.

After a while, they reached the end of the passage, which was a secret room with Xuanwen carved around it.

In the center of the secret room, there is a crystal table, and on the crystal table is a delicate jade tube.

The fluctuation of the practice method comes from the jade tube.

"That should be the Taoist Supreme Mind Method I felt." Xiao dreamed, looking a little excited, and then wanted to take it.

"Wait a moment."

Lu Feng stopped Xiaomeng's movements, looked at the jade tube, and said: "The person who stayed here is a master of the mysterious formation, it is difficult to say whether they will do anything in the jade tube, I will use Xuanwen to check if there is any inside. What kind of hidden means you can take."

Xiao Meng instantly understood what Lu Feng meant, nodded and obeyed Lu Feng.


Lu Feng made a seal with his right hand, and typed out a mysterious script that landed on the jade tube.

In fact, he performed the exploration technique secretly.

His current method of Xuanwen is not weak, but looking at the Xuanwen portrayed in this secret room, the Xuanwen of the people left here will not be inferior to him.

Therefore, if you want to use Xuanwen to detect whether there is any hidden means in it, it is unlikely.

But exploration is different.

Produced by the system, it must be a boutique!

Soon, the exploration information came back.

Dao Jue: One of the three supreme methods of Taoism, which has long been lost.

Grade: God-level top grade

Restrictions: none

Lu Feng looked at the information about the exploration technique, and sighed in his heart, as expected of the supreme Taoist method, the level has directly reached the top grade of the gods, which is terrifying!

And this is one of the three supreme minds of Taoism.

The other two can be said to be the same as Dao Jue, and their rank must also be a god-level high-grade.

It is no wonder that Taoism is so powerful in the Kyushu mainland. With such a practice, it is difficult not to be strong.

"Lu Feng, how is it? Is there a problem?" Xiaomeng was a little nervous.

"no problem."

Lu Feng shook his head.

Xiaomeng heard it, nodded, took the jade tube over, and quickly immersed herself in it.

A few hours later, Xiaomeng opened her eyes and said, "It is indeed the supreme method of Taoism, but it's a pity..."

Looking down at the jade tube in her hand, Xiaomeng sighed and said, "It's a pity that I can't practice."

"Can't practice?"

Lu Feng was stunned for a moment. The news he just reported back from the exploration technique said that there were no restrictions. How could he not be able to cultivate?

Looking at Xiaomeng, he asked, "What's going on?"

"It is recorded in the jade tube that the master here is the Taoist master who killed a large number of demon masters and sealed them here. He is the Dao Jiu of that generation."

"Daojiu? Is this a code name?" Lu Feng asked.


This is a road number. "

Xiaomeng explained: "In Taoism, after the strength reaches the emperor, it will no longer use the previous name, but use the number as the name."

"The same generation, the first disciple to reach the emperor's realm is Daoyi, and then Daoyi, Dao3, Dao4."

When Lu Feng heard this, he was shocked. The names beginning with Dao were all powerful people at the level of Martial Dao Emperor.

This person is Dao Jiu, which means that before him, there are still eight Martial Dao emperors in the Taoist family!

So powerful, terrifying!

Xiaomeng went on to say: "Dao Jiu has a very special status in Taoism, his strength is only the Seventh Heavenly Venerate, but because he killed other martial arts emperors, he was promoted to Dao Jiu by exception, which means he can be compared with martial arts emperors. "

"At the back, the ancient war, the forces of the entire Kyushu continent were mixed in it, and the Taoists were divided into three in the war, namely Taishang Daomen, Wangqing Daomen, and Sihai Daomen."

"There are three supreme methods of mind in Taoism, namely Dao Jue, Taishang Wangqing Jue, and Sixiang Bagua Jue."

"The three major exercises were practiced in the first Taoist schools, and later they were divided into three major gates because of the differences in the exercises."

"But at the end of the ancient war, the three supreme minds of Taoism were all lost. The Three Great Paths sent many warriors to look for them, but they couldn't find any traces."

"Since that's the case, now that you have found the Dao Jue, you can completely cultivate by yourself, why do you say you can't cultivate?" Lu Feng asked.

"It's not that simple."

Xiaomeng shook his head and said: "Taoism is divided into three major gates, which are divided according to the exercises. Among them, the high-level Taoists in the Taishang Taoism practiced Daojue; the Wangqing Taoist practiced the Taishang Wangqingjue; the Sihai Taoist practiced the Sixiang Gossip."

"Now, although I have found one of the supreme methods, it is the supreme method of Taoism."

"If I practice, I will either be abolished by Wangqing Daomen and expelled from Wangqing Daomen, or Taishang Daomen will kill me and take me back. It will also seal all my memories to ensure that the exercises will not be spread."

Lu Feng frowned and said, "Even if the Taoists are divided into three great sects according to the three exercises, their exercises have all been lost, and now you have retrieved one of the three major exercises, the Dao Jue, no matter what. It is said that it is also beneficial to the Taoist door.”

"Not only do they not reward you, but they also do something to you? Are these Taoist priests fed up?"

"It's not because they are unreasonable, it's because of the rules."

Xiaomeng sighed softly and said, "Since the Taoist school has been divided into three, their ancestors have established a rule that the three parties are not allowed to practice each other's exercises, watch each other's exercises, or spread their own exercises. Kill without mercy!"

"The rules are unbreakable!"

"Thus, although the Dao Jue in my hand is a good thing, it is impossible to cultivate, it is like a tasteless, boring food, and it is a pity to abandon it."


When Lu Feng heard this, he really didn't know what to say.

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