"Cough, if you don't want it, I will accept it with a smile." Lu Feng coughed twice.

After all, the things here are all left by the Taoist master Dao Jiu.

It also belongs to Taoism.

If it wasn't Xiaomeng who came in, but another Taoist person, Lu Feng might just accept it.

But since it is Xiaomeng, it is still necessary to ask.

"I only want these two."

Xiaomeng moved her hand, and two jade tubes flew into her hands.

Lu Feng glanced at the two jade tubes. He had the impression that one was a soul martial art that enhanced the power of the soul, and the other was a magical power that nourished the soul.

The grades are not high, only the low grades of heaven.

But among all the jade tubes here, there are many higher grades than this one, and there are more than 30 top grade ones.

Lu Feng looked at Xiaomeng and said, "Are you sure you want these two?"


Xiaomeng nodded and said: "There is no shortage of soul martial skills and magical powers, and I can get everything else, but the martial skills that enhance the power of the soul and the magical powers that nourish the soul are not suitable for the gate of forgetfulness."

"These two are very suitable for me, so I only need these two."

Xiaomeng said this, and Lu Feng was rude. With a wave of his hand, he put all the jade tubes in the storage space.

Looking at other things in the secret room, those books also recorded a lot of things, mostly ancient formations.

Among them, there are quite a few holy-level formations, which are useless to Xiaomeng, so she doesn't want them, and Lu Feng accepts them all.

The last storage ring, there are all kinds of things inside.

There are some exercises, medicine pills, weapons, spirit stones and so on.

There are countless varieties, but they all have one thing in common.

No matter if it's a cultivation technique or a pill weapon or something, none of the grades are lower than the heavenly grade, and some of them have reached the top of the holy level and the pinnacle of the holy level.

The only regret is that it did not reach the god level!

And because it is in the storage ring, even the most easily damaged medicine pills and weapons have not been damaged in any way.

The medicinal effect of the elixir is still there, and it is also very sharp.

"Tsk tsk, worthy of being a strong man who can kill martial arts emperors, these things are really good." Lu Feng is still very satisfied with these gains.

These exercises are not Taoist exercises, they were collected by Dao Jiu.

Xiaomeng didn't think these things were precious. Although 60% of the cultivation stones in Wangqing Daomen were lost due to the ancient war, even the remaining ones were very, very large.

Her status in the sect, what she saw on weekdays, was not lower than the holy level.

If there are god-level exercises in these, she is somewhat interested, but heaven-level saint-level ones have no idea.

And it is also very strange why Lu Feng is so excited.

"Don't the mysterious forces behind him provide him with magic pills and weapons?"

Xiaomeng was really puzzled.

Now she is even more curious as to whether the force behind Lu Feng came from that place in Kyushu.

Why are you acting so weird?

Watching Lu Feng collect the contents of those storage rings again, Xiaomeng didn't bother her, but looked elsewhere.

"Hey, what's in this wall?"

Xiaomeng stared at the wall on the right side of the secret room.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Feng had just put those useful things into the storage space, turned his head and asked with some doubts.

"Look at this..."

With a move of Xiaomeng's hand, several tokens flew out of the secret room and handed it to Lu Feng.

"Empty Command!"

When Lu Feng saw the token, he immediately thought of the Empty Token, because it was the same shape as the two Essence Tokens he got except the color was different.

But in order to be sure, he still threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the feedback information proved Lu Feng's conjecture, and this was the Jing Kong Ling.

"It doesn't seem like the air jingling orders are all the same color!" Lu Feng murmured in a low voice.

"Empty air order? What's the use of this?" Xiaomeng asked with some doubts.

"There are many uses, but I'm not very clear about the specifics. As far as I know, the biggest use is that it can temporarily unlock the seal of Moon Moon Valley on our infuriating energy." Lu Feng said.

"Can you unlock the seal of infuriating energy?"

Xiaomeng's eyes were filled with joy, if she could unlock the seal of her true qi, her combat power would be greatly enhanced.

After all, she is not an array mage, and the power of the soul is not her strong point.


She looked at Lu Feng and said, "Is this the case with all the air-defense orders?"

"Not really."

With a move of his hand, Lu Feng took out the crystal-like emptiness order he had obtained, and said, "The emptiness order I got before is like this, but the order I see now is like this."

"It's not surprising, the Jing Kong orders here should be the same shape, but different colors."

"If so, then I know there is a lot of places." Xiaomeng said.

"Oh? Where?"

"It's in this mountain range. I saw it before when I was chased by that group of demon monsters, but I didn't have time to check it out, but it is certain that there are many such tokens there, at least some Dozens of dollars." Xiaomeng said.

"so much?"

Lu Feng was startled, Du Ze and the others had a hard time finding this, and later they saw Zhang Jiaqi and the Prince of the Silver Wolf Dynasty, Jing Yuqing, also fighting for a piece of Jing Kong Ling.

It's enough to see that this fine air order is definitely not the road.

If what Xiaomeng said was true, then if she got those fine air orders, even if she and Xiaomeng split the account 50 to 50, there would still be a lot.

Although I don't know what other uses of the Empty Empty Order besides unlocking the seal of infuriating energy are, one thing is certain, that is, the Empty Empty Order must be a very important thing.

This kind of good stuff, the more you get, the better!

Without any hesitation, Lu Feng immediately said, "Alright then, we'll find all of them here. After we find out all the emptiness orders, we'll go to the place you said."

"it is good!"

Soon, Lu Feng and Xiaomeng searched the secret room and the entire palace inside and out, and found a total of twelve air orders.

After the two are divided, each is six yuan.

Then go to the place Xiaomeng said.

The place Xiaomeng was talking about was a canyon in this mountain range. At that time, she was passing through the canyon when she was being hunted down, and she saw Jingkong orders on both sides of the canyon.

Soon, Lu Feng followed Xiaomeng to the place.

"Sure enough, it's all fine air orders!"

Lu Feng looked at both sides of the canyon, and there were air orders at intervals. At a glance, there were dozens of dollars.

"We'll put away all the emptiness orders here."

After Lu Feng said something, he and Xiaomeng were ready to start.


"You two, stop for me, and don't touch my Jingkong order!"

It's just that the two of them just took a few steps forward when a roar came from the canyon, followed by a black tiger jumping up from below with an aura no less than half-sacred, staring at Lu Feng and Xiaomeng.

ps: Six more.

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