The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1210 The semi-holy peak is useless

If that's the case, then... that's really unbearable!

"Don't worry about that."

Nangong Duanyun saw the expressions of these people and knew what they were thinking. He smiled coldly and said, "Lu Feng can't defeat the warriors at the peak of the Half-Saint, Zhang Jiaqi will definitely be able to kill him."

"But the side effects of the burning of the demons will definitely make Zhang Jiaqi seriously injured, and he won't be able to recover in a few years."

"And now the energy of this array will be exhausted within a few years, and the Xuanwen that traps us will be useless at that time."

"At that time, we can leave here directly!"

Yi Luming's heart tightened when she heard it. If it was as Nangong Duanyun said, if Lu Feng really couldn't escape this disaster today, then her follow-up plan would really be useless at all.

"Don't worry, Zhang Jiaqi can't kill Lu Feng."

Xiao dreamed of Yi Luming's face and said.

"How do you know?" Yi Luming asked with some doubts.

Before Xiaomeng could speak, Zhang Jiaqi's gloomy voice over there already came: "Lu Feng, you forced me!"

"Go to hell!"

The long red sword in his hand suddenly condensed and slashed towards Lu Feng.


Lu Feng shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, a wave of energy flowed from Xuanwen in the sky, and it slammed directly on the red long knife.


The long knife shattered, Zhang Jiaqi quickly retreated, and exclaimed in shock, "This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible." Lu Feng looked at Zhang Jiaqi and said, "In front of me, the value of your attack is ridiculous!"


The madness in Zhang Jiaqi's eyes was even more intense. He stared at Lu Feng and said, "I must kill you today."


She frantically urged the demon to burn, and the momentum in her body increased again. In the blink of an eye, she had reached the semi-holy state.

But this hasn't stopped, and after a while, it has already reached the peak of the semi-sacred!

"Sure, sure enough!"

Nangong Duanyun looked excited, his face full of excitement, and said, "Zhang Jiaqi is desperate, Lu Feng will surely die, no doubt!"

The surrounding warriors were also very excited when they saw it. As long as everything was as Nangong Duanyun said, they would be able to escape this disaster successfully.

When Yi Luming and Ji Yixuan saw it, their faces changed completely.

The forces that the two of them are in are full of warriors of the semi-sacred peak, and they are warriors who have seen this realm.

Knowing how terrifying it is for a martial artist to reach this state, it is no exaggeration to call it a small saint.

No matter how powerful Lu Feng is, it is impossible for him to be able to fight against the top half-sacred warriors now.

However, they were in a hurry, but Xiaomeng's expression didn't change, there was no calm at all.

It's really strange to make Yi Lumingyi, could it be that Xiaomeng still thinks that Lu Feng can kill Zhang Jiaqi?

how can that be!

That is the powerful existence of the semi-sacred peak!

"Lu Feng, even if you die together today, I will definitely kill you!" Zhang Jiaqi stared at Lu Feng with red eyes, full of hatred.

She claims to be the smartest person in the Liyang Dynasty, but she has been planted in Lu Feng's hands over and over again, and she has been defeated again and again.

Today, lost again!


Red Guoguo's hate!

Now Zhang Jiaqi no longer thinks about climbing the pinnacle of martial arts, let alone trying to find ways to stand on the pinnacle of power.

Now, she just wants to kill Lu Feng, the person who made her fail again and again.

kill him!

"Semi-Saint Peak?"

However, Lu Feng didn't show any flustered expression on his face. Looking at Zhang Jiaqi, whose aura had reached the peak of half-sage, he said, "Unfortunately, you still don't understand."

Staring at Zhang Jiaqi, there was a bit of sadness in his eyes, and Lu Feng said: "If you are not the owner of the 'Soul Absolute Array' before the profound array disk, then I may really want to be right now if you want to be right. Trouble."

"But unfortunately, you are!"

"So, everything you do today is destined to be useless.



With a low voice, Lu Feng made three fingerprints with both hands and landed on the formation plate.


The formation plate trembled slightly, and a wave visible to the naked eye quickly locked onto Zhang Jiaqi.

"what is this?"

Zhang Jiaqi was taken aback.


As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a loud noise coming from her body, followed by severe pain.

Before she could understand what was going on, her consciousness instantly blurred.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a semi-sacred peak warrior and gaining 850 million experience points."

The system's prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

And Zhang Jiaqi has become a corpse.

Looking at Zhang Jiaqi's body, Lu Feng shook his head.

Just like what he said, if Zhang Jiaqi was not the original owner of this array, he would have a lot of difficulty in dealing with her who has reached the peak of the semi-sage.

But unfortunately, Zhang Jiaqi is!

On that formation plate, there is also Zhang Jiaqi's soul fluctuation. Lu Feng can use the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' to use Zhang Jiaqi's soul fluctuation left on the formation plate to smash Zhang Jiaqi's soul.

Although the burning of the demon is the power of Zhang Jiaqi's soul, it will not destroy her entire soul.

But Lu Feng was different. The word "soul" he controlled, Xuanwen, directly smashed Zhang Jiaqi's entire soul.

When he died, Zhang Jiaqi didn't understand how he died.

Nangong Duanyun and the others were completely dumbfounded. this dead?

The dignified and semi-sacred peak, facing Lu Feng and dying? Are you sure this semi-sacred peak is not mixed with water?

But now they have no time to think about why Zhang Jiaqi, a warrior at the peak of the semi-sacred, is so useless, and they only think about one thing now.

What to do next?

How can these people survive?

Did Lu Feng let them go?

In particular, Nangong Duanyun had the most ugly face. After seeing Zhang Jiaqi perform the secret technique, he counted him the highest and was the most excited.

It's okay now, I can't get excited.

Next, he had to think carefully about how to make Lu Feng not kill him and let him live. For people like Nangong Duanyun, this is not good news.

But for Lu Feng, it was a good harvest.

With 850 million experience points, his experience bar has increased by nearly half.

With another semi-sacred peak and a few semi-sacred early stage warriors, his level can be raised again.

This harvest is perfect!

"Hey, this is..."

Suddenly, Lu Feng felt a surge of soul on Zhang Jiaqi's body.

"Could it be that Zhang Jiaqi is not dead yet?

This idea was immediately rejected by Lu Feng as soon as it appeared.

The system has already reminded him of the experience points obtained by killing Zhang Jiaqi, she could not have died.


No matter what happened, Lu Feng was sure that the soul fluctuation he had just felt really existed.

Since it's not Zhang Jiaqi, there are other things.


Lu Feng pointed a finger, mobilized the formation plate, and quickly sealed Zhang Jiaqi's body. At the same time, he was ready to mobilize the power of the profound formation to completely strangle the body.

"No, stop, stop!"

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