The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1212 I need to see sincerity

Nangong Duanyun and the others, who were stunned at first, felt Lu Feng's eyes and instantly woke up.

Looking at Lu Feng's eyes, he was full of fear.

"You... what do you want to do?" Yin Shaotao asked in fear.

It's just that he asked like an idiot.

Who doesn't know what Lu Feng wants to do now?

"Kill you!"

When the words fell, Lu Feng didn't give these people more opportunities to talk nonsense. With a move of his hands, he took control of the profound formation and quickly strangled these people.

In an instant, the energy in the entire profound formation was madly pressing down on these people.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

"Lu Feng, you can't kill me, I'm from the Blood Clothes Building."

"Lu Feng, I'm from Dancheng. I have no grudges against you in the past and no grudges in the past. You can't kill me."


For a moment, the space was filled with begging voices.

However, these voices had no influence on Lu Feng.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the holy king peak martial artist and gaining 500,000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the emperor's second-level celestial warrior and gaining 3 million experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing..."

The system prompts kept ringing in Lu Feng's head.

Every time it rings, the life of a genius in Yuzhou will be taken away.

Before long, there were not many people in the space.

They were Lu Feng, Xiaomeng, Yi Luming, Ji Yixuan, and two other people from Yicheng Commercial Bank.

In addition, two other people were not killed.

They were Nangong Duanyun, the sword prince from the Ice and Snow Dynasty, and Dan Chen, the genius sent by Dan City.

The rest, without exception, all died under the profound formation.

As for Nangong Duanyun and Danchen, Lu Feng sealed the soul power in their bodies and threw them aside.


Ji Yixuan swallowed her saliva when she saw it.

After knowing that her grandfather cooperated with Lu Feng, she went to get to know Lu Feng specially, and combined with the news about Lu Feng she had obtained before, she knew very well that Lu Feng was a very arrogant person.

But even if she had known it for a long time, she never thought that Lu Feng would actually dare to kill these Yuzhou geniuses.

As soon as the forces behind these people move, it is really a careful response of the imperial capital.

However, Lu Feng dared to do this, and he had to admire this kind of daring.

Nangong Duanyun and Dan Chen were stunned at this moment, Lu Feng killed everyone else, why did he keep the two of them?

In particular, Nangong Duanyun was the strangest one.

After all, he had been clamoring to kill Lu Feng before, and it was also to kill the man who spared no effort in killing Lu Feng.

It stands to reason that Lu Feng may have spared anyone here, but it is impossible to spare him.

But what's going on now? Lu Feng didn't even kill himself?

As smart as Nangong Duanyun, he can't figure it out now.

Yi Luming on the other side is now looking at Nangong Duanyun and Danchen, but his face has become very ugly.


With a deep breath, Yi Luming looked at Lu Feng and said, "Your Majesty, the dignified Emperor of Nanyan Kingdom, why use this method?"

"It doesn't matter what the means are, as long as it works." Lu Feng looked at Yi Luming with a smile.

Xiaomeng and Ji Yixuan were stunned when they heard the conversation between Lu Feng and Yi Luming. What happened to these two?

The surviving Nangong Duanyun and Dan Chen also had strange expressions on their faces, and did not understand the meaning of Lu Feng and Yi Luming's words.

"So, I can't do it if I don't do it?" Yi Luming looked at Lu Feng and asked.

"What do you think?" Lu Feng still looked at Yi Luming with a smile.

Yi Luming took a deep look at Lu Feng and shook his head helplessly. With a move of his hand, a talisman quickly flew out and landed on Nangong Duanyun.

Nangong Duanyun hadn't reacted yet. With a 'bang', the talisman exploded, taking his life away.

When the rest of the people saw this scene, their expressions changed.

They immediately understood the meaning of the previous conversation between Lu Feng and Yi Luming.

Lu Feng wanted the information inside to not be leaked.

The best way is to kill all the people here.

But it's clearly not possible now.

In this dimension, there are still people alive now, and their identities are different.

Xiaomeng was brought by Lu Feng, and Lu Feng definitely believed in her.

Ji Yixuan is a worshiper of Gong Mingkun in the Chongao Dynasty. Gong Mingkun cooperates with Lu Feng, and she cannot die.

Yicheng Commercial Bank, Yi Luming and Lu Feng also cooperated, and they couldn't die.

But among these people, except for Xiaomeng, it is absolutely impossible for the news to leak out, the rest of them are likely to leak.

Therefore, something is needed to ensure that Yicheng Commercial Bank and Ji Yixuan will not leak the information here.

That way fell on Nangong Duanyun and Dan Chen.

Because the best way to make sure they don't leak it out is that they kill these people themselves.

Therefore, Lu Feng left Nangong Duanyun and Danchen behind.

Now that Yi Luming killed Nangong Duanyun, it is impossible for her to leak the news, unless she wants to provoke the sword saint behind Nangong Duanyun to hunt down.

Then finally...

Except for Xiaomeng, everyone's eyes fell on Ji Yixuan.

Here, it is impossible for Lu Feng to trust her 100% with the people from Yicheng Business.

Now Yi Luming killed Nangong Duanyun on behalf of Yicheng Commercial Bank, indicating that it is impossible for him to leak the news.

Then Dan Chen, the genius of Dan City, is about to fall on Ji Yixuan.

Compared to Nangong Duanyun, killing Danchen was actually the one that had the greatest impact.

Because standing behind Danchen is Dancheng, there are a group of alchemists in Dancheng, and if they offend them, it is not just a Dancheng.

Instead, it provoked the entire Yuzhou, and even the powerful warriors in other parts of Kyushu.

Alchemist's appeal is unparalleled in the entire Kyushu.

Especially in Danchen, there is also a Dan Sage in the legend, that is an existence that can refine the elixir that Saint Venerable dreams of.

When Dan Sheng spoke, even the Holy Venerable would come to help.

Killing Danchen, once known by the people of Dancheng, is really like stabbing a hornet's nest.

Now the problem lies with Ji Yixuan.


Still don't kill?


The news spread, not to mention that she was just a half-sacred bow Mingkun behind her, even if she was a sage, she might not be able to settle this matter.

If she didn't kill her, Lu Feng would definitely kill her now. There was absolutely no room for negotiation.

When the others looked at Ji Yixuan, Lu Feng also looked at her with a faint smile on his face.

If Ji Yixuan doesn't do it, he will definitely kill Ji Yixuan without hesitation.

The reason is very simple, it is impossible for him to leave a trouble for himself.

Even if he made a cooperation agreement with Gong Mingkun, he would not hold back at all.

Because this is not only related to him, but also the entire Nanyan Kingdom, the lives of hundreds of millions of people!

Moreover, he did not have 100% trust in Gong Mingkun.

"I can give you the origin of my soul, let you control my life, and let me die whenever I want."

"But I won't kill Danchen, okay?"

Ji Yixuan looked at Lu Feng and asked.

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