Although the remaining few people from Yicheng Commercial Bank also wanted to enter Mochizuki Spring, they did not dare not to listen to Yi Luming's words.

Obediently stood in the distance and let out the wind.

After entering Wangyuequan, Lu Feng instantly felt that a wonderful energy entered his body and merged into his soul.

Then, he felt that the power of his soul was improving little by little.

At the same time, it has become more powerful.

But this is very slow, very slow.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry.

Just sit in the Moon Moon Spring and let the energy of the spring water strengthen your soul.

As time passed, Lu Feng felt that his soul realm could no longer be improved in the slightest.

He has reached the critical point of the peak of the emperor, and he can push the realm of the soul into the realm of the saint!

But unfortunately, the energy contained in the Moon Moon Spring is not enough to allow his soul realm to enter the Holy Venerable.

However, the effect of spring water has not disappeared.

After being unable to improve the realm of soul, the energy of this spring water is helping him strengthen the power of soul, making the power of soul more powerful.


A few days passed, and a buzzing sound suddenly sounded in Lu Feng's mind.

Immediately following him, he felt that his soul became very clear, as if it was completely new.

At the same time, a suction force suddenly appeared in his body, quickly inhaling the energy contained in the surrounding spring water into his body.

In the blink of an eye, Moon Moon Spring formed a huge vortex with Lu Feng as the center.

"what happened?"

The movement here made Xiaomeng and others wake up in an instant, their bodies flashed, and they left Wangyuequan.

When they saw the movement in Wangyuequan, they were all shocked, and Ji Yixuan said in shock, "What's going on?"

"Looking at this movement, it's a bit like a breakthrough in the soul realm. Could it be that Lu Feng's soul realm is about to break through?" Yi Luming said.

"'s unlikely!"

Ji Yixuan looked at it and said, "Lu Feng's soul realm has already reached the peak of the emperor. If he breaks through again, the soul realm will directly enter the realm of sainthood."

"Although Wangyuequan has a magical effect, it still does not have the ability to push the realm of the martial artist's soul to cross a big realm! Especially this big realm is the bottleneck between the martial arts emperor and the saint!"

"Besides that, it's hard to explain what's happening in Mochizukiquan now." Yi Luming shook his head, stared at Mochiequan, and said, "This is very much like the movement caused by the breakthrough of the soul realm."


Xiaomeng said suddenly at this time.


When Yi Luming and Ji Yixuan heard it, they were stunned and looked at Xiaomeng suspiciously. They had never heard of such a state at all.

"The difference between the pseudo-sage and the half-sage is not much. The difference is that the half-sage is a realm, and the pseudo-sage is just a critical point."

Xiaomeng looked at Lu Feng in the center of the whirlpool and said, "After the warriors enter the Semi-Saint, there are still three small realms that need to be broken through: the early, middle, and late stages."

"And as long as the martial artist enters the semi-holy realm, and then wants to enter the sacred realm from the semi-holy realm, it is completely difficult to ascend to the sky."

"From ancient times to the present in the Kyushu Continent, the number of warriors who can enter from the semi-holy realm to the holy realm will not exceed a hundred people."

"But false saints are different."

Xiaomeng looked at Lu Feng's eyes a bit complicated, and said, "Strictly speaking, the pseudo-sage is not a real realm, but a critical point, a critical point where the power of the soul reaches the martial arts emperor and then goes further."

"In this position, it can basically be said that the soul realm of the warrior has crossed the bottleneck of the emperor to the saint, but the power of the soul is far from enough, so it is called a false saint."

"As long as the power of the soul is replenished in place, the word 'pseudo' in front of the pseudo-sage can be removed and become a real saintly powerhouse."

"But because the pseudo-sage is a critical point where the power of the soul far exceeds the realm of the warrior itself, there are very few people who know it. Even in Wuzhou, only a few major sects have recorded it."

"There is such a thing.


Yi Luming and Ji Yixuan were amazed when they heard it.

Their origins can be regarded as a big force, but they are unheard of for false saints.

"What are the benefits of the martial artist who has entered the pseudo-sage in the following martial arts?" Yi Luming asked suddenly.

Because she herself is also a warrior whose soul realm far exceeds her realm, she has some ideas about this.

"There is only one benefit."

Xiao Meng looked at Lu Feng with more complicated eyes, and said, "All the warriors who have entered the pseudo-sage will eventually become the emperor of martial arts without exception!"


Yi Luming and Ji Yixuan were surprised.

They know that the distance between the Martial Dao Emperor and the Holy Venerable is like the sky and the earth.

Not even one of the 100,000 Martial Dao Sovereigns can break through to the realm of Saint Venerable.

And the distance between the realm of the saint and the emperor of the martial arts is much farther than that of the emperor of the martial arts to the saint.

If there is not one in 100,000 people from the emperor of martial arts to the realm of the saint, then there is not necessarily one in a million people from the saint to the emperor of martial arts.

But Xiaomeng actually said that as long as the warriors who have entered the realm of pseudo-sages, finally entered the realm of emperors of martial arts without exception.

Doesn't that mean that as long as Lu Feng doesn't die in the middle, as long as the time is up, he will definitely become a martial arts emperor.

This is too scary!

"In the ancient records of Wangqing Daomen, a total of three geniuses entered the realm of false saints when they were in the realm of martial arts emperors, and finally they all became emperors."

"One of them established a huge presence in Zhongzhou, which still exists today."

Xiaomeng sighed lightly, looked at Lu Feng again, and said, "I am more and more wondering now, what force is standing behind Lu Feng, and it can actually cultivate such a genius as him."

"This...isn't the force behind Lu Feng the sect of forgetfulness?" Yi Luming was taken aback for a moment.

"Although I am a disciple of Wangqing Daomen, I have to say..."

With a wry smile, Xiaomeng said: "Wangqing Daomen does not have the strength to cultivate a genius who can enter the pseudo-sage in just twenty years."

"Only those super sects in Zhongzhou that have been passed down to the ancient times or some old monsters that have lived for hundreds of thousands of years can do this."


Yi Luming really didn't know what to say when she heard it.

I thought that standing behind Lu Feng was Wangqing Daomen, but I didn't think it wasn't Wangqing Daomen.

But now listening to Xiaomeng's words, the existence behind Lu Feng is very likely to be more terrifying than Wangqingdaomen.

This made Yi Luming really not know what to say.

The emperor of a small kingdom in the southwest of Yuzhou has a huge monster standing behind him. What else can people think?


Yi Luming was a little puzzled and asked: "If there is really a super sect in Zhongzhou behind Lu Feng, or an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, then their strength must be at the peak of the entire continent. ."

"Since that's the case, why didn't they just take action and help Lu Feng unify Yuzhou?"

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