The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1221 The first person under the Holy Venerable

"The first... the third initial Xuanwen!"

When Yi Luming saw it, her eyes tightened, her face full of incredulity.

The original Xuanwen that should have disappeared long ago, she actually saw three of them on Lu Feng's body.

Xiaomeng was also surprised, her background was as strong as hers, and she had never heard of anyone who had a few initial mysterious texts after the first batch of mysterious formation masters disappeared.

Even, there are very few Array Masters with initial Xuanwen.

The current Lu Feng has three initial Xuanwen.

"Who is standing behind him?"

"Who can provide him with the original Xuanwen that has long since disappeared?"

Xiaomeng was really puzzled.

"You... who are you?"

When Gongyang saw the third initial Xuanwen in Lu Feng's hands again, his face was full of despair.

My heart is filled with regret.

Knowing that Lu Feng had so many methods, he shouldn't have been too confident in his own robe.

If he hadn't let the terrifying wood-type energy enter his body before, destroying his internal organs, with his half-sacred peak strength, even if he couldn't kill Lu Feng, he would have no problem to pay some price to escape.

but now……

He, who was seriously injured, faced Lu Feng's third initial Xuanwen, and he would definitely die!

"I can't answer you this question. You can go to hell and ask Hades. If he knows, maybe he will tell you."

After Lu Feng said something lightly, he controlled the initial Xuanwen in front of him to merge into the profound formation.

The initial Xuanwen of the word 'hong'.


When the initial Xuanwen of the word 'hong' was integrated into the profound formation, the profound formation changed instantly, and an ancient killing aura came, making everyone in the profound formation feel as if they were in an ancient battlefield.

Everyone's eyes seemed to see countless wild beasts fighting on the battlefield, their flesh and blood flying.


With a scream, Xiao Meng and the others in the profound formation reacted.

Looking at it again, the ram has turned into a corpse.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a semi-sacred peak warrior and gaining 600 million experience points."

With the sound of the system prompt, it also means that the ram has completely disappeared from this world.

At the peak of the dignified semi-sacred, he died very aggrieved.

If he hadn't been too confident in his own soul-shattering robe, he would definitely not have died so quickly in the end, and even had a chance to kill Lu Feng.

But unfortunately, he was too confident in the Soulless Robe.

Lu Feng seized the opportunity to be severely injured, and then killed him instantly.

At the peak of the dignified and semi-sacred, before he can fully display his power, he has already fallen into the Jiuyou Hell to be with the King of Hell.


Looking at his experience points, Lu Feng shook his head regretfully.

I thought that by killing Gongyangfu and the three half-sages of the Wu clan, my strength could instantly increase to the emperor's fifth heaven.

As a result, he was disappointed.

Now he is still some distance away from the emperor's fifth heaven.

At least a few more experience points provided by the semi-paladin are needed to make up this distance.


Looking at Gong Yangfu's corpse, Lu Feng couldn't help thinking in his heart, why isn't this guy a saint? If it is the Holy Venerable, maybe the experience points provided have already made him level up.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. If Gongyangfu is really a saint, then he may have become a corpse now.

At present, he does not have the strength to compete with the Holy Venerable.

"However, this soulless robe is not bad."

Lu Feng moved his hand, and the Soulless Robe floated over from Gong Yangfu's body.

The Soulless Robe is not the robe worn by Gong Yangfu, but a transparent magic weapon, which can only work if it is attached to the robe.

"This thing is indeed a good baby."

Lu Feng looked at the Soulless Robe in his hand with a smile on his face.

Previously, the profound formation that he had used the initial Xuanwen of the word "soul" to launch an attack was completely blocked by this soulless robe.

Very unusual.

"Such a good thing, I'm welcome."

Lu Feng directly attached the Soulless Robe to his own robe,

The soulless robe came into play very quickly, so that he could obviously feel a mysterious energy fluctuation around his body.

This energy wave is only aimed at the soul attack.

And, without encountering an attack, he was the only one who could feel it.

With this soulless robe and the power of the emperor he possesses, he can almost say that all the soul attacks of the saint are useless to him.

Of course, the attack motivated by martial arts infuriating is another matter.

"Now you are really the first person under the Holy Venerable." Yi Luming looked at Lu Feng and sighed lightly.

Her eyes are very complicated.

The first person under the Holy Venerable.

This title can make many warriors of the semi-sacred peak compete for their heads.

But unfortunately, this title now only belongs to Lu Feng.

In a short period of time, Gong Yangfu, who was at the peak of the semi-sacred peak, has not suffered any damage. Just this alone, Lu Feng is already a very terrifying existence.

The first person under the Holy Venerable, well deserved!

The first person under the Holy Venerable who has only the strength of the four emperors in the martial arts...

It was hard for Yi Luming to imagine that if this was spread out, it would make waves in the entire Yuzhou... No, it was the entire Kyushu continent.

When Lu Feng heard Yi Luming's words, he just smiled and said, "I can't afford this title."

Lu Feng did not agree with the name of the first person under the Holy Venerable at all.

He still knows how much he has.

Although in this Mochizuki Valley, he counted the existence of three semi-sacred peaks before and after.

One is the ancient sage in the Devil's Tomb, the other is Zhang Jiaqi who used the secret method, and the other is the elder Yang Fu of the Wu clan.

But he knew very well that the ancient saint was only a soul body, and the word 'soul' had completely restrained him. In addition, he was in a weak state, and his real strength could not be regarded as the peak of the semi-sacred.

As for Zhang Jiaqi, it was because she had left a soul wave on the soul crusade before. Lu Feng used this trace of soul wave to kill her, and it was not considered a real fighting force.

Only Gong Yang Fu can be regarded as a genuine semi-sacred peak warrior.

However, Gong Yangfu was completely courting death by himself. He was too confident in his own soul robe. He was so confident in the end that he died inexplicably.

These, Lu Feng is very clear.

If he is allowed to really fight against a semi-sacred peak warrior, he may be able to kill him, but the premise is that the price he pays must be very, very heavy.

Semi-Saint Peak!

It's really not just a simple statement.

What is the first person under the Holy Venerable?

If he goes out with such a name, then he is really tired of living.

At that time, the semi-sacred peak warriors in the entire Yuzhou will fight him like crazy. He does not think that he has the strength to monopolize the entire Yuzhou.

Yuzhou is not big, but it is not small, the ghost knows how many old monsters are hidden in the dark.


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