"Let's go, I'll take you to the space connection point between the Mochizuki Valley Secret Realm and the Kyushu Continent."

After Yi Luming finished speaking, he led the way in front.

Lu Feng took Xiao Meng, Jin Lin, and Ji Yixuan with her.

The other warriors on Wangyue Platform saw a few traces of people. You look at me and I look at you. They have absolutely no idea what Yi Luming is talking about.

I don't know where they are going now.

Don't even dare to follow.

"You don't believe in Yi Luming?"

On the way, a voice came from Lu Feng's mind.

It was Xiaomeng who spoke to him through the power of the soul.

"I can't say I don't believe it, but, in the face of these geniuses in Yuzhou's great forces, you must be more vigilant." Lu Feng said.

Before, after what happened on the top of Yuchao Mountain, Lu Feng believed in Yi Luming.

After all, at that time, Yi Luming chose to stand in front of her. Not everyone would do this kind of thing.

Therefore, he believed that Yi Luming really wanted to cooperate with him.

But now, he is more vigilant.

If one of the parties hides something in cooperation, and he still completely believes it foolishly, then he is a fool.

Regardless of whether what Yi Luming said is true, it is a good thing for Lu Feng to have a third party join the cooperation.

This will reduce a lot of problems.

"Then do you still believe the spatial connection point she said?" Xiaomeng asked.

"This will be no problem."

Lu Feng said: "Not only do we have to leave Moon Moon Valley, but she also has to leave Moon Moon Valley. The teleportation array cannot be used, so we have to find a second way."

"The elven princess Jin Ling said the same thing, there shouldn't be any problem. Besides..."

After a short pause, Lu Feng sneered and said, "If she really wants to plot against me, then I will show her what hell is like."

Xiaomeng nodded and said nothing.

On the contrary, Ji Minruo said suddenly, "Lu Feng, I have a bad feeling."

"A bad feeling?"

Lu Feng was taken aback and asked, "What's your hunch?"

"This is a feeling that comes from the depths of my soul, as if something major is about to happen." Ji Minruo's voice was a little flustered unconsciously.

"Feelings in the depths of the soul?"

Lu Feng frowned. If Ji Min is a soul body, if she can make her feel this way, it can only be something related to her bloodline.

If this is the case, it means that something is going to happen to the Wu clan.

Now in the entire Yuzhou, the only thing that can be called a major event is the imperial summons.

Before the end of the imperial conscription order and the Great Emperor Ruins, no matter how much hatred of those forces in Yuzhou, the hatred must be temporarily put down.

Because there are so many things involved.

Now if Ji Min is feeling this way...

"Could it be the Holy Venerable of the Witch Race?"

Such an idea suddenly popped into Lu Feng's mind.

But this possibility is too small.

The saint of the Wu clan is high above, not something a small character like Ji Minruo can touch.

But for now, this is indeed a potential threat in the dark.

"We have to speed up."

Lu Feng said to Yi Luming.

Although Yi Luming wondered why Lu Feng suddenly said to speed up, he still nodded and said, "Okay."

Then, the group immediately used the Jing Kong Order to release the seal in their body, used the infuriating energy in their body, and quickly left here.


More than an hour after they left, there was a sudden loud bang in the sky of the moon-watching platform, followed by the opening of a gate.

Three people came out of it.

It is the Holy Venerable of the Wu clan headed by Gongyang Tongmei.

"Master of the Witch Race!"

When the warriors who were still on the Moon-Watching Platform saw these three people, their eyes narrowed.

They instantly recognized the costumes on the three people, which were the costumes of the Wu clan.

"How could they be here together? Wouldn't the warriors who entered Mochizuki Valley be separated immediately?" a warrior whispered.

"Generally speaking, this is indeed the case, but if the person who enters can control the space, it is possible to appear in the same place at the same time." Another warrior said.

"Control the space?"

The rest of the people were stunned for a moment, followed by shock, and said, "Holy Venerable Powerhouse!"

"That's right, these three must be Saint Venerable powerhouses!"

This time, everyone was full of shock, looking at the three witch masters standing in the sky in disbelief.

"My subordinates see the three ancestors."

After the ram Tongmei just appeared, eleven people flew around.

The costumes they wear are also witch costumes.

When the warriors on the Moon-Watching Platform saw these eleven people, their expressions changed dramatically.

Because they recognized them, these people were the ones who were chasing them, including the semi-sacred powerhouses.

They've been around here all the time.

"How many of you are left?"

Gong Yang looked at these people, frowned, and said, "Are the rest of them dead?"

These masters of the Wu clan hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

They are also puzzled.

This time, among the people sent by the Wu clan, the weakest also had the cultivation of the Emperor First Layer, and the most powerful was Gong Yangfu.

Semi-Saint Peak.

In addition to this, the other half-sages add up to eight people.

Although there are only three mid-half-sacred warriors among these eight people, the rest are all warriors in the semi-sacred early stage.

It stands to reason that with such a configuration, let alone besieging and killing the younger geniuses of these Yuzhou forces, even the semi-sages who besieged and killed those forces in Yuzhou would not have any accidents.

But unfortunately, now there is an accident.

Eight and a half saints, now there are only three half saints left.

There is only one warrior left in the middle stage of the Semi-Saint.

The semi-sacred peak of Gong Yangfu died inexplicably.

You must know that in the last month or so, the remaining masters of the Wu clan were frightened, for fear that the geniuses of Yuzhou who they were chasing would have the cards to counterattack themselves.

It can be said that every time they kill a Yuzhou genius, their hearts are raised.

I am afraid that I will die in the end.

Now, it's finally good. When the ancestors arrive, they are all powerful saints. Even if the geniuses of Yuzhou have any means in their hands, it is useless to face the saints.

"A bunch of trash."

Gongyang looked at these people, shook his head, and said, "If we knew this earlier, we might as well take action and kill these people, there will be so much trouble there."

Gong Yangzhang, who was standing next to her, heard this and was sweating coldly.

Sister, if we, the Holy Venerables of the Wu clan, can really take action directly, why would the dynasty ask us to cooperate? It's not as good as their Holy Venerable shot himself.

They are all saints.

If the Holy Venerable makes a move, the same Saint Venerable can sense something more or less. If the Saint Venerable powerhouses in Yuzhou except the dynasty know that they are the geniuses of the younger generation who have taken action against their own forces, they will not kill the northern grasslands and fight them desperately. Just weird.

After these years of recuperation, the Wu people have become stronger, but they want all the forces in Yuzhou except the dynasty...

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