The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1229 Does your face hurt?

"Now, let's get started!"

Yi Luming handed the mid-level holy-level sky-splitting profound formation to Lu Feng, along with a jade tube, and said, "This jade tube records how to open the sky-splitting profound formation."

Lu Feng took over the profound formation and did not immediately open the air-splitting profound formation, but looked at the black vortex.

After pondering for a while, he threw an exploration technique on it.

In short, he can't trust Ji Minruo anymore.

Soon, the information from the exploration technique came back.

Spatial connection point: The connection point between Mochizuki Valley Secret Realm and Kyushu Continent. Only some non-independent Rifts have it.

The information from the exploration technique was fed back, and this was indeed the connection point between the Mochizuki Valley Secret Realm and the Kyushu Continent.

There is nothing wrong with what Yi Luming said.

Yi Luming felt a little nervous when she saw that Lu Feng didn't make a move. She understood why Lu Feng didn't make a move now, because of what Jin Lin said earlier.

But after pondering for a while, she still asked, "Lu Feng, what's the matter?"


Lu Feng shook his head, since he was sure that this was the spatial connection point, he didn't intend to delay any longer.

After all, the secret witch masters do not know when they will come.

As for whether Yi Luming has any secret arrangements, it can only be discussed later.

Now, it is important to leave Mochizuki Valley first.


According to the method recorded on the jade tube, Lu Feng made a handprint to condense the space Xuanwen in the void.


The sky-splitting profound formation flag trembled slightly and unfolded in this space.

The few space mysterious texts in the void quickly merged into the sky-splitting profound formation.

In an instant, everyone was in the sky-splitting profound formation.

Inside, a wisp of space power diffused out of that black vortex.


Yi Luming felt the power of these spaces, her face was overjoyed, and she said, "As long as we continue, we will definitely be able to break the connection point of this space."

Jin Lin was also full of excitement when she saw it.

As long as they can break the spatial connection point, they can return to the Kyushu Continent through the channel that appears, avoiding the besieged by the masters of the Wu clan.

At the same time, he also handed the condensing stone to Lu Feng.


Lu Feng controlled the power of the air-splitting profound formation and drove it into the space connection point.


Broken sound came.

The black vortex began to crack, and a more violent and unstable space force permeated out, filling this space.

Under the invasion of this power of space, the complexion of several people changed slightly, and they hurriedly used their inner qi to resist.

At the same time, the speed of the black vortex cracking became faster and faster. After a while, a black passage large enough to accommodate the two people appeared in the center of the vortex.


The moment the passage appeared, Lu Feng immediately shot out a void stone to stabilize the space.


In a loud noise, the condensing stone played a role, instantly fixing the spatial fluctuation of the passage and making it very stable.


When Yi Luming saw it, she was full of excitement and said, "Let's go!"

Then I wanted to go inside.

"Go? Where do you want to go?"

Just as her voice fell, an old voice came.

Immediately following, the space of the Sky Splitting Profound Formation suddenly fluctuated, and three figures appeared in the Profound Formation.


The moment they appeared, the surrounding space instantly shattered.

It was shattered by their aura.


But soon, the condensing stone came into play to stabilize the shattered space.

"Condensation stone?"

Gongyang Tongmei saw it, with some surprise in his eyes, and said, "It seems that there are quite a few treasures hidden in the forces of Yuzhou, and there are actually Ningkong Stones."

"Holy Venerable of the Witch Race!"

Lu Feng's eyes locked on the three figures that appeared, and his face became very ugly.

"Yes... it's the ancestor Gongyang Tongmei, she...she is a warrior of the Holy Reverend Three Heavens."

"At... by her side are also the two ancestors of the Wu clan,

The one on the left is the Gongyang Zhang, which has the cultivation base of the first stage of the Second Heaven of the Holy Venerable. On the right is Gongyangji, which has the cultivation of the Holy Venerable in the early days of the first layer of heaven. "

"They... they are all masters recorded in the history of the Wu clan.

Ji Minruo's trembling voice appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

"Huh? The soul body on your body actually has the breath of the Wu clan."

As soon as Ji Minruo's voice fell, Gongyang's charming voice came.

At the same time, a force of soul pressed on Lu Feng.


Lu Feng let out a low drink, his whole body surging with the power of his soul, and instantly bounced away the power of Ji Minruo's pressed soul.

"Nice little guy, you will be delicious."


Gongyang Tongmei looked at Lu Feng in surprise, but let out a silver bell-like laughter.

Sounds like a little girl.

But she was indeed an old woman.

This made Lu Feng stunned for a while. If it wasn't for the fact that what he saw with his eyes was indeed an old woman, he would have doubted his ears.


At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Lu Feng.

It's Yilu Ming!

While Lu Feng was talking to Gong Yang Tongmei, she suddenly turned around and quickly got into the passage.

Also with her is Ji Yixuan.


Jin Lin's expression changed when she saw it, and she wanted to follow up.

But before she moved, Gongyang Tongmei suddenly said coldly, "If you can escape, I will cut off my Gongyang Tongmei's head for you!"

"Come out to the deity!"

With a wave of Gong Yang's charming hand, a huge power of space suddenly condensed, and instantly merged into the black channel, trying to catch Yi Luming and Ji Yixuan who had got into it.


But just as her attack had just entered the passage, a talisman floated out of the passage.

The talisman exploded instantly, generating huge energy.

However, these energies did not cause any damage to the warriors, but instead destroyed the Sky Splitting Profound Formation.

At the same time, at the moment when the energy disappeared, the condensing stone suddenly disappeared.

Without the void-splitting profound formation and the void condensing stone, the spatial connection point was instantly restored to its original state.

The passage that appeared here also disappeared without a trace!


The ram's face was full of anger.

Looking extremely ferocious.

Lu Feng's face was also not good-looking. He was always on guard against Yi Luming, and even when he activated the sky-splitting profound formation, he kept his backhand. As long as there was anything wrong with Yi Luming, he could borrow the sky-splitting profound formation. Powerful beheading Yi Luming.

But because Gongyang Tongmei, the witch saint, appeared just now, most of his mind was put here, so he didn't pay too much attention to Yi Luming.

However, Yi Luming seized this opportunity and escaped from the passage.

Not only that, but also destroyed the sky-splitting profound formation, and the condensing stone was also taken away.

This is basically breaking the mind of someone who wants to leave this space connection point!

Jin Lin was completely dumbfounded, she never expected such a thing to happen.

"You, you will pay for this!"

Gong Yang turned his head beautifully and glared at Lu Feng and the others.


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