The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1245 becomes strange again

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a mid-level semi-holy warrior and gaining 550 million experience points."

The perfidy was Gong Mingkun, the first to be killed!

"how can that be?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

They knew that Lu Feng must have an attack target, but no one thought that Lu Feng would actually target Gong Mingkun.

You must know that Gong Mingkun is a body cultivator, and his strength is very powerful.

Among them, not to mention the top five in combat power, but they can definitely rank in the top seven.

Among these semi-sages, there are still many who are weaker than Gong Mingkun. No matter which one of these people is chosen, it is theoretically easier than killing Gong Mingkun.

However, Lu Feng chose Gong Mingkun, a semi-saint of physical cultivation who was not weak in combat.

What was even more unexpected was that Gong Mingkun was directly beheaded by Lu Feng just like that.


When they were stunned, two words suddenly entered their ears.

These half-sages heard it, reacted at once, and hurriedly arranged defenses.


But before a second had passed, a loud noise came, which suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

A warrior in the early stage of the Semi-Saint was knocked into the air by Lu Feng.

Even though 'Battling' was the martial skill that Lu Feng first acquired, his level was only Earth-level.

But even the earth-level martial arts were extremely terrifying when they were displayed by Lu Feng, who had reached the half-sage level.

This semi-sacred early stage warrior can stop it.


Under the gazes of these semi-sacred warriors, Lu Feng slashed down with one sword.


This sword directly divided the warriors of this semi-sacred early stage into two.

Kill it completely!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a warrior in the early stage of the semi-sage, and gaining 400 million experience points."

The system prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

"Lu Feng wants to break us one by one while our souls are wounded. We can't go on like this."

"Quick, let's all shoot together and attack Lu Feng!"

When Bi Ju saw that in the blink of an eye, two and a half saints had already died in Lu Feng's hands, he shouted loudly.

Hearing Bi Ju's words, even the half-sage of the dynasty who did not deal with them nodded immediately.

The remaining twelve and a half saints all started to attack Lu Feng with their own attacks.

"True Martial Sword Art."

"The fifth sword!"

Lu Feng gave a deep drink, and Gan concentrated the sword in front of him, and the sword energy lingered, turning into a silver-white sword energy.


Lu Feng held the Gan Jiang sword in his hand and cut it down from the air.


The space was shattered, and the sword instantly hit the combined force of these semi-sacred attacks.


With a loud bang, these semi-holy attacks were chopped up by sword energy.

The sword energy was also exhausted and disappeared into the space.

But at this time, Lu Feng suddenly said, "Jumping into the air!"

His figure disappeared, and he reappeared behind the third elder Shan Rong in the blood-clothed building.

"Broken Blade!"

With the Ganjiang sword swung, Lu Feng directly used the supernatural power of the Heavenly Rank attached to the Ganjiang sword: Broken Blade.

Although it is only a top-ranked heaven, but in the hands of Lu Feng now, the power is also very terrifying.

A half-moon-shaped sword energy slashed towards Shanrong from behind.


Shan Rong felt Lu Feng's attack, sneered, and said, "If you choose another half-sage, they may not be able to avoid your sword."

"But don't forget, I'm from the Blood Clothes Building, and I'm from the Shining tribe. How can you match my speed?"

"With a single thought, this old man can avoid your sword."

Lu Feng didn't answer, he just controlled the sword qi to cut down.

Seeing this, Shan Rong sneered, and directly wanted to use his talent speed.

But when he was about to use it, Lu Feng suddenly said, "Congeal!"

Eighty-one space Xuanwen suddenly appeared beside Shanrong, directly freezing the space around him.


Shin Young felt the surrounding space freeze,

His face changed dramatically, and he was instantly filled with panic. He hurriedly said, "Lu Feng, stop, stop."

"Don't kill me, I can kill you..."


Before Shan Rong could finish his words, the half-moon-shaped sword qi transformed from 'Broken Blade' had already concentrated on his body.

The violent sword energy directly smashed Shinrong's body.

But it didn't smash Shinyoung's soul in the first place.

Shan Rong, who became a soul state, wanted to escape, but before he could escape, a suction force suddenly appeared in the space of the formation, directly sucking the power of his soul into it.

Don't give him any time to react at all!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a mid-level semi-holy warrior, and gaining 530 million experience points."

The system's prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

After killing Shan Rong, Lu Feng flickered and quickly distanced himself from the remaining half-sages.

He stood in the void on the other side, holding the sword of Gan Jiang, and looked at the remaining Bi Ju and the others with cold eyes.

"Lu Feng!"

Bi Ju and the others all looked at Lu Feng with murderous intent in their eyes, but no one dared to act rashly.

After being killed by Lu Feng three times in a row, the remaining half-sages were already full of jealousy towards Lu Feng, for fear that they would be killed by accident if they rushed up.

Yi Luming frowned when she saw Lu Feng's appearance at this time, and she felt strange again.

According to Lu Feng's current situation, he can seize the time to kill the remaining half-sacred ones one by one.

After all, these demigods have been injured now, and their combat power is much worse than that of Quansheng.

But what's going on now?

Why did Lu Feng stop his rhythm?

Doesn't he know that once he has given these semi-holy time to recover, maybe there is a way to temporarily stabilize the wounded soul, and then join forces to kill him?

Not to mention, Lu Feng's current state was not achieved by his own cultivation, but by the improvement of secret techniques.

In the past period of time, this state will completely fall.

And a secret method like this will definitely have side effects.

At that time, when the realm of strength returned to the emperor's fifth-layered heaven, Lu Feng, how could it be possible to block these semi-sacred?

What kind of medicine is Lu Feng selling in the gourd now?

No matter what Yi Luming thought, Lu Feng really stopped now.

And this gave Bi Ju and the others time to react, and they hurriedly used various means to restore their souls.

Soon, the injury was stabilized.

Although there are still some gaps compared with the heyday, it is enough for a war.

For a time, the remaining eleven and a half saints, headed by the binocular saint and Bi Ju, flickered and surrounded Lu Feng in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, he sneered: "Lu Feng, Lu Feng, you are really confident and dare to give us time to recover. I really admire you."

"But unfortunately, you are just stupid, now..."

"You're dead!"

As soon as the words fell, eleven and a half saints attacked Lu Feng.

Unlike before, these eleven semi-sages have come up with the most powerful means, and several of them have used secret techniques.

Under this kind of attack, let alone Lu Feng in the middle stage of the Semi-Saint, even Bi Ju who is at the peak of the Semi-Saint will be instantly killed!

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