The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1248 The troubled times are coming, the king is coming

"It should be gone."

Lu Feng nodded and said.

Although it feels a little strange.

But Lu Feng couldn't tell what was strange there.

After all, he could feel that Yi Qingyi had indeed left here through the Soul Array.

Xiaomeng heard it, nodded, and said nothing.

Lu Feng looked inside the space of the Soul Absolute Formation, and with a move, he controlled the formation to run.

Soon, a stream of pure soul power appeared in the space.

In the void, it quickly condensed into a pure soul orb.

It didn't take long for the soul beads to condense successfully.

Lu Feng held the Soul Orb with a smile on his face.

This soul bead contains the power of fourteen half-sacred souls, which are very, very pure.

If you can absorb it, not to mention filling up the soul power that you need in the pseudo-saint realm, you can at least fill up more than half of it.

After all, there are fourteen half-sacred soul powers, including several semi-sacred peaks.

At least there will be something good.

"I gotta go."

Before Lu Feng could absorb the soul power in the soul bead, Xiaomeng suddenly said.


Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xiaomeng with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Return to Wangqingdao Gate."

Xiaomeng said in a low voice.


Lu Feng wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.


At this moment, Xiao Meng took out a token and threw it in the void.

The void trembled slightly, and a space door appeared.

"This is the space door leading to Wangqingdao Gate, and I can use it after I leave Mochizuki Valley."

After Xiao Meng said something, she looked at Lu Feng again and said, "Lu Feng, although I don't know what you have done to me, it makes me feel strange about you."

"But I may understand what the sect elders said to me."

"Wangqing Daomen is also a secular place. There are too many intrigues. Some people have already regarded you as a chess piece. They will soon arrive in Yuzhou. You should be more careful."

After speaking, Xiaomeng walked towards the space door.

"Wait a moment."

But at this moment, Lu Feng suddenly spoke.

Xiaomeng paused, turned to look at Lu Feng, and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

"Do you have to go?" Lu Feng asked after pondering for a moment.

With Xiaomeng there, there will be a lot of conveniences. For the current Nanyan Kingdom, these conveniences are very much needed.

"I can't stay in Yuzhou, because that will make the eyes of Wangqing Daomen focus on Yuzhou, and it will not benefit anyone at that time." Xiaomeng whispered.

"Forget the eyes of Daomen?" Lu Feng whispered.

"The elder star-gazer who asked me to come to Yuzhou told me something when I left." Xiaomeng said suddenly.


"The troubled times are coming, and the king is coming."

"Life is ruined, and the benevolent will appear."

Looking at Lu Feng, Xiaomeng continued, "I don't understand what the elder said, and I don't understand why she asked me to come to Yuzhou."

"If you want to understand, come to Wangqingdaomen to find me, and I will promise any of your requests."

After saying this, Xiaomeng continued to go to the space door.

"Xiaomeng, this bead is for you."

But at this moment, Lu Feng moved his hand and threw the fourteen half-sage condensed pure soul beads to Xiaomeng.


Xiaomeng turned her head and looked at Lu Feng with a complicated look.

"Don't look at me like that."

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Although this bead is precious, it still can't improve the realm of my soul. It's useless to ask for it. I might as well give it to you."

"If you can raise the realm of your soul to a false saint, don't forget to help me at that time."

The last sentence, Lu Feng said in a joking tone.

Because he knew that after Xiaomeng went back this time, it might be a long, long time before the two met again.

ten years? century? even longer.

Lu Feng didn't know!

But speaking,

His requirements for the Soul Orb are indeed not too big, because as long as he returns to the territory of the Nanyan Kingdom, the task of the Imperial Recruitment Order has already been completed.

The rewards of this task are very rich, allowing him to improve five small realms, and instantly reach the second level of the Holy Venerable.

At that time, his soul realm will instantly reach the second heaven of the saint.

The realm of false saints naturally passed.

And Xiaomeng is different from herself. Her strength needs to be improved a little bit. Even if she is talented, she still has a long way to go to the realm of sainthood.

The pure soul power in the soul bead can save her a long way.

Therefore, instead of keeping the Soul Orb in his hands, he might as well give Xiao Meng a favor.

Xiaomeng looked at the Soul Orb in her hand and said nothing for a long time.

She knew that Lu Feng's soul had reached the pseudo-sage now, and as long as he had enough soul power, the word "pseudo" in front of the pseudo-sage could be removed.

Then it will be a true holy!

The saint known as the god of the land!

Although the power of the soul in this bead could not allow Lu Feng to directly pass through the realm of pseudo-sage to the realm of sainthood, it could also save Lu Feng a long time of savings.

But now Lu Feng gave it to himself...

Xiaomeng glanced at Lu Feng and said, "I owe you two favors."

After speaking, Xiaomeng escaped into the space door.


After Xiaomeng entered the space door, the space door disappeared.

Lu Feng looked at the place where Xiaomeng had disappeared and sighed softly.

"The troubled times are coming, and the king is coming."

"Life is ruined, and the benevolent will appear?"

Lu Feng murmured in a low voice, "That's a bit interesting."

"But who is the king? Who is the benevolent?"

"The matter of Yuzhou, now, no one can tell."

"As for Kyushu's affairs, in the future, it's not necessarily anyone's guess."

Lu Feng shook his head and didn't think too much about this sentence.

He sits cross-legged in the void, and his inner body is infuriating.

The system has raised his realm to the sixth level of the emperor, but he has not yet fully experienced this realm.

He needs to get acquainted.


"Ancestor, did we just leave like this?"

On the edge of the northern grassland, Yi Luming and Yi Qingyi stand here.

Yi Luming looked in one direction, which was the direction of Moon Moon Valley.

Just now, Yi Qingyi took her directly away from the Moon Moon Valley for thousands of miles.

There was some unwillingness in her eyes. If Lu Feng had just been killed, her follow-up plan would be easier to implement.

At that time, Yicheng Commercial Bank could go further.

"Don't worry about your plans."

Yi Qingyi looked in the direction of Moon Moon Valley, smiled faintly, and said, "Lu Feng can't live in the northern grasslands."


Yi Luming was stunned for a moment, looked at Yi Qingyi strangely, and said, "Old Ancestor, what do you mean by this?"

"Don't forget, the northern grasslands are the territory of the Wu clan."

With a smile on Yi Qingyi's face, he said: "What happened in Moon Moon Valley is so big, how could the old fellows of the Wu clan not find anything?"

"They have an agreement with the dynasty that they will not let anyone out of Mochizuki Valley alive. If you have me take them away, who can Lu Feng take away?"

"That old guy will spare no expense for the Great Emperor Ruins!"

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