The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1252 Gong Yang Xu's Shock

"My Xuanwen?"

Lu Feng looked at Gongyang Xu, sneered, and said, "Since you want to see it, I will let you take a look."


Lu Feng pointed a finger, and the power of the soul in his body suddenly merged into the surrounding space of the formation.


Gongyang Xu frowned slightly when he saw it. Lu Feng said that he would use Xuanwen, but he did not see any trace of Xuanwen.


At this moment, along with the buzzing sound, two initial mysterious texts appeared in the formation space.

Soul, forest!

"Initial Xuanwen?"

Gong Yangxu frowned even tighter when he saw these two mysterious initials.

To be honest, he was very surprised, he didn't expect Lu Feng to be proficient in the initial Xuanwen.

You must know that a martial artist in his realm has a little understanding of some secrets in the ancient times.

He knew how powerful the initial Xuanwen was.

Lu Feng was able to display the initial Xuanwen, which surprised him.

But the strange thing is that although these two Xuanwen appeared, they just appeared, and there was no change.

The surrounding array space is still the same as before.


However, at this moment, there was a loud noise in the space of the formation.

With the two initial Xuanwen as the center, a space crack appeared instantly.

"what is this?"

Gong Yangxu saw it, his eyes were a little puzzled. He had lived for so many years, and he had never seen such a thing.

Just two initial mysterious texts caused cracks in the surrounding space.

The problem is that cracks appear, but they are just cracks.

The real space cracks have very violent energy overflowing, and there is no energy overflowing from the cracks created by the two initial Xuanwen in front of them.

This is completely different from the spatial crack that Gongyang Xu understands.


However, at that moment of his strangeness, a loud noise came out.

Immediately after that, I saw that the entire space had changed, and it was completely distorted in the blink of an eye!


The distorted space made a loud noise again, and then exploded with the two initial mysterious texts as the center.

A terrifying energy flooded the world in an instant.


Gongyang Xu was shocked when he saw it, and shouted: "Lu Feng, you actually detonated this soul profound formation, don't you want to live?"

At this time, Gong Yang Xu finally reacted.

Lu Feng's two initial mysterious texts were actually detonating this soul profound formation!

You must know that soul profound formations are very rare. Even in the ancient times, when there were those few profound formation masters, there were not many soul profound formations.

Not to mention the high-level Soul Profound Formation of Saint-level High-Rank, in the long history of Kyushu Continent, the number of times that it has appeared can be counted.

Now, Lu Feng actually detonated this soul profound formation so decisively and directly, what shocked Gongyang Xu was not a little bit.

After being shocked, there is a hint of admiration, and he has the courage to directly detonate a holy-level high-grade soul profound formation that can be called a peerless treasure. Gongyang Xu has lived for so many years, and he has never seen it before.

But in admiration, he sneered again and scolded: "Stupid!"

That's right!

In Gong Yangxu's eyes, Lu Feng's biggest characteristic is stupidity.

A high-grade holy-level soul profound formation, if Lu Feng used the initial profound text to motivate him, even if he would die in the end, he would still be able to hold on for some time.

But now that the soul profound formation is directly detonated, the only thing that can be changed is to change from being killed by someone to being killed by oneself.

With the detonation of the sacred soul profound formation, it was absolutely impossible for Lu Feng to survive.

Gongyang Xu also understood that the reason why Lu Feng did this must be to use this profound formation to injure himself.

But unfortunately...

Looking at Lu Feng who was holding on in the violent space energy, Gongyang Xu shook his head slightly and said, "Lu Feng, Lu Feng, your idea is good, detonate a high-grade holy-level soul profound formation to severely injure this old man."

"If the strength of this old man is only the Holy Reverend Three Heavens,

Then you can really do it this way. But unfortunately, the old man's martial arts have been condensed into essence. "

"The profound formation of the high-grade saints that you detonated is not powerful enough to shatter my martial arts!"


With a deep shout, Gong Yang Xu condensed the Dharma image behind him.

Is a witch ancestor god.

Compared with Gongyang Tongmei, Gongyangzhang, and Gongyangbi, the martial arts of Gongyangxu are quite different.

Gongyang Tongmei's martial arts dharma, although it is a dharma, is somewhat illusory and unreal.

But the martial law behind Gongyang Xu is completely different.

This martial arts form is very solid, as if a real person appeared.

The eyes of the ancestor god of the witch race were exactly the same as the real one, giving people a very strong pressure.

And after the appearance of martial arts, it seemed like a layer of barrier appeared around Gong Yang Xu's body, completely blocking the terrifying space energy storm around him.

No harm was done to him.

As Gong Yangxu himself said, these space storms are of no use to him.

"What? Lu Feng, surprised?"

Gongyang Xu, who had condensed the martial arts form, saw Lu Feng who was struggling to persevere in the energy storm looking at him, smiled slightly, and said, "You can't imagine that the old man's martial arts form has reached the point where he can ignore the energy storm driven by the detonation of this profound formation. Bar!"

"And you? Persevering and shivering in this terrifying energy storm."

"But what can we do in the end? It's not just a dead end!"

"But the Jing Kong in your hand made the old man accept it. When the old man gets the treasure of the emperor, the old man will thank you."

"And as a gift of thanks, this old man will kill all your subjects of the Nanyan Kingdom one by one, and leave none of them behind, and let them be buried with you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gongyang Xu's laughter was very cold and vicious.

When Lu Feng heard it, he sneered and said, "Really?"


Gong Yangxu frowned when he heard it, and what he saw in his eyes was Lu Feng's persistence in the energy storm.

How could Lu Feng still answer himself?

"Not right!"

Suddenly, Gong Yangxu was stubborn, and when he was about to take a shot to find out, Lu Feng's voice suddenly came: "Break!"


The space that had already exploded, the terrifying energy storm actually exploded again.

In the previous terrifying energy storm, there were still many mysterious texts hidden, and these mysterious texts were not discovered by Gong Yangxu.

" is this possible?"

Gong Yang Xu was stunned at this moment.

He is not surprised that Lu Feng is proficient in Xuanwen, even if it is the initial Xuanwen, he is a little surprised, and he will not say that he is stunned.

But now, Lu Feng was able to hide Xuanwen in the space energy storm and detonate the space twice.

How is this done?

Gong Yangxu couldn't understand it at all!


At this moment, the sound of cracking came.

Cracks appeared on the barrier where Gongyang Xu's martial arts were condensed.

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