The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1262 Gao Shun deploys troops

"Master Changsun wants to create a chance for the Liyang Dynasty to seize power, let them fight on their own, and at the same time give us enough time to deal with the Cangchu Dynasty?"

Zhou Yu said at this time.


Zhangsun Wuji nodded and said, "If we continue to attack the Liyang Dynasty and cannot directly destroy the troops in the Beiguan and Dongguan camps, we will fall into the mud of war."

"It's definitely not good news for us."

"But as long as we let the Xiguan and Nanguan camps controlled by Zhang Liyuan be wiped out, the only army under Zhang Liyuan's control is the Dongguan camp."

"But the combat effectiveness of the Dongguan camp is weaker than that of the Beiguan camp."

"As long as we show our inability to take care of the Liyang Dynasty at this time, the ambitious side-by-side king will definitely not miss such a good opportunity."

"As long as the king side by side starts, we will no longer have any concerns on the front line of Yuanhongguan. At that time, we can devote all our energy to the war with the Cangchu Dynasty."

"At the same time, the Liyang Dynasty is in civil strife, and other dynasties are not easy to intervene. Therefore, even the Ming Song Dynasty and those dynasties in the east of Yuzhou are very difficult to pass through."

"In this way, we will only face the army from the Cangchu Dynasty in the northern part of Yuzhou, and the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty can only attack us through this road."

"It's equivalent to saying that as long as we hold the northern road, we can block the attack of the three dynasties of the Cangchu Dynasty, the Silver Wolf Dynasty, and the Chongao Dynasty."

"As for the rest of the Ice and Snow Dynasty..."

"If the Ice and Snow Dynasty wants to attack us, the easiest and fastest way is to take the northern grasslands and pass through the territory of the barbarians." Meng Tian took over.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and he said: "I, Meng Tian, ​​dare not say that I will enter the Ice and Snow Dynasty, but I am also confident that I will defend the northern grasslands."

Before Lu Feng left, he gave Meng Tian a position—the military commander of the north to lead the northern steppe front. Naturally, the purpose was to prevent the barbarians from attacking.

In this position, even Ran Min, Wei Qing, and Huo Qu Bing belong to Meng Tian's dispatch, and they have high authority.

"Lord Zhangsun, there is also a problem with this."

Zhao Yun opened his mouth, looked at the eldest grandson Wuji, and said, "If the king side by side of the Liyang Dynasty is very aware that this is a moment of life and death for the Liyang Dynasty, and does not choose to use troops at this time, what should we do?"

"There's no reason why he won't do anything."

Jia Xu took the words, his eyes flashing with cold light, and said, "Even if he doesn't move, Jin Yiwei will force him to move."

Hearing Jia Xu's words, everyone's heart was slightly stunned. They knew that Jia Xu must have a plan in his heart.

If the Liyang Dynasty side by side king really does not choose to use troops, the price to be paid may be very huge.

And in the end, it will still be mobilized.

Because they knew that when Jia Xu said something like this, he must have 100% confidence.

"In this way, all we need to do is deal with the army of the Cangchu Dynasty."

Xun Yu looked at the crowd at this time and said, "Next, we need a military plan."

"General Gao, in your opinion, how should we use our troops?"

Although Xun Yu and Jia Xu were the prime ministers of the Nanyan Kingdom, Gao Shun was the general of the kingdom.

In the absence of His Majesty the Emperor, Gao Shun was the supreme commander of all the armies of the Nanyan Kingdom.

This is why Lu Feng did not choose to replace the general.


Gao Shun's loyalty is absolute loyalty, not mixed with any other factors.

In addition, after Gao Shun was a general, he often asked Jia Xu Xunyu for advice, and even discussed the art of war with his generals.

The current Gao Shun's ability is much stronger than in history.

Gao Shun pondered for a moment, and said, "I am now guarding Yuanhong Pass. Apart from the camp, there are more than six million troops."

"In addition to this army of six million,

I have an army of over 150,000 monsters under my command, and more than 3,000 flying monsters. "

During this time, Zhao Yun led the troops to clear all the counties in the original Zonglan Kingdom, and after leaving some troops to guard them, he brought all the troops to Yuanhong Pass.

At the same time, the army led by Yue Fei also arrived at Yuanhong Pass, and with the addition of Luoshanyuan Barracks during this period of time, the army led by Gao Shun at Yuanhong Pass had exceeded 6 million.

This is mainly to deal with the Liyang Dynasty, and it is completely ready to go to war with the Liyang Dynasty at any time.

Moreover, the demon emperors under Lu Feng's control, in order to show their worth during this period of time, were madly searching for demon beasts suitable for joining the army.

On the contrary, it added a lot of combat power to the monster army of Nanyan Kingdom.

Especially the flying monsters, which reached more than 3,000, this is a huge combat power.

"The Liyang Dynasty has more than 8 million troops in Tonglu City, which is an astronomical figure, but because Tonglu City has already been controlled by the ancient family."

"With the Gu family in control, it is very easy for us to break the city."

"Therefore, I don't need so many troops under my command."

Gao Shun paused for a moment and said solemnly, "Yue Fei obeys the order."

"The end is here."

"With you as the commander in chief, lead Yuanhongguan's three million army and the rest of the kingdom's army to a total of nine million, and immediately head to Tianxian Dao. The Cangchu Dynasty's army must not be allowed to take half a step over Tianxian Dao!"

Tianxian Road is a road close to the million-dollar mountain, and it is also the only road for the Cangchu Dynasty to attack the Nanyan Kingdom.

Moreover, there is a legend about Tianxian Dao.

More than 20,000 years ago, Tianxian Dao was originally the site of a million mountains, and it was not called Tianxian Dao at that time.

And every few decades, the monsters in the millions of mountains will launch a beast tide in Tianxian Road to attack humans, causing countless human casualties.

After a thousand years in this way, the monsters in the million mountain angered a human saint, nicknamed Tianxian, this human saint entered the million mountain with one sword and slaughtered countless monsters and beheaded. Digital demon saint.

Since then, no monster has appeared there again.

The name of that road is also called Tianxian Dao because of Venerable Tianxian.

This road has also become the only road connecting the north and west of Yuzhou, as well as the south.

If the Cangchu Dynasty wanted to attack the Nanyan Kingdom, it had to go through Tianxian Dao.

"Lu Bu obeys."

"The end is here."

"With you as the deputy commander, lead a million cavalry, assist Yue Fei to guard the Tianxian Dao." Gao Shun ordered again.

"The end will follow orders!"

Lu Bu responded loudly.

He didn't care about why he wasn't the coach because he knew what he was capable of.

Although he has learned a lot of military books because of the words of His Majesty the emperor before, he is still inferior to Yue Fei when it comes to commanding the three armies.

Yue Fei's ability has been proved after many battles.

As Yue Fei's deputy commander, Lu Bu did not complain.

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