The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1264 Concubine in the deep palace

There were originally two million navy masters in the Nanyan Kingdom, and one million of them participated in Zhou Yu's campaign to destroy the Jinshui Kingdom.

Although the remaining one million sailors did not participate in such a big battle, Zhou Yu had been training during this time.

In terms of actual combat experience, it may not be as good as the million sailors before, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it will definitely not be weaker than any sailor.

Zhou Yu didn't want his Nanyan Marine Division to stay on the battleship to bask in the sun, and he also wanted to lead the troops into the battle.

"Navy has other arrangements."

After Gao Shun just said this, he didn't say anything more.

Zhou Yu still wanted to ask, but when he saw Gao Shun, he didn't plan to say it now, and it's not good to ask again.

It can only be that the combat mission arranged by General Gao Shun for his navy is not an escort or something.

"I will retire at the end!"

Zhou Yu could only retire with hope in his heart.

At the same time, the eldest grandson Wuji, Guo Jia, Liu Ji and others also left. They were going to Yue Fei's army.

This time the battle was no trivial matter. Three of the five advisors would follow Yue Fei's army to fight against the army of the Cangchu Dynasty.

"Admiral, where do you plan to place the navy?"

After the others left, only Prime Minister Jia Xu and General Gao Shun were left in the council hall.

"Didn't the prime minister already know my arrangements?" Gao Shun smiled.

"I wasn't sure before, but the admiral said so, then I understand."

Jia Xu looked at Gao Shun, paused for a moment, and said, "Just, doesn't the general think that is too risky?"

"Once the front cannot be blocked, everything behind will be useless."

"If Yue Fei's army of ten million cannot stop the army of the Cangchu Dynasty, then he can apologize with death." Gao Shun said solemnly.

Jia Xu pondered for a moment, then nodded.

Indeed, in this battle, more than half of the kingdom's army belonged to Yue Fei, and he was led to Tianxian Dao. If he could not stop the army of the Cangchu Dynasty, then Yue Fei could indeed apologise with death.

"General, I will leave the matters on the front line of Tianxian Dao to Yue Fei, and I will leave it to you to fight against the Liyang Dynasty."

Jia Xu looked at Gao Shun and said, "Although we have the Gu family in Tonglu City, we have to be careful. After all, His Majesty is not here now. I don't know what the Gu family is thinking. We must ensure that no accidents occur."

"Well, I know that."

Gao Shun nodded and said, "Whether there is a Gu family or not, I will fight carefully. I am very aware of the importance of this battle."

"I will not ignore the eight million army in Tonglu City."

"That's fine."

Jia Xu nodded and said, "The matter of the battle is left to you, General, I will wait for your good news, as long as the news of your breaking the city comes, I will arrange it immediately, and the King Side by Side and Zhang Liyuan will definitely fight. "

"That's good!"

With a smile on his face, Gao Shun said, "As long as everything goes well, the catastrophe encountered by the Nanyan Kingdom this time may become a springboard for us to take off."

"very true."


Jia Xu paused for a moment and said, "I just don't know how your Majesty's situation is now."

Gao Shun's face also sank slightly. After His Majesty entered the northern grassland, they were no longer able to contact His Majesty.

This made their courtiers very worried.

"It should be alright." Gao Shun said, "The news that Yi Luming from Yicheng Commercial Bank released is that His Majesty killed the genius disciples of those forces in Yuzhou, and His Majesty will definitely be alright."

"We will give the kingdom to His Majesty to defend, and when His Majesty returns, we will be able to launch a counterattack and establish a prosperous dynasty in one fell swoop!"

Jia Xu also nodded. He was the prime minister, but he couldn't wait to see the day when the Nanyan Dynasty flourished.

But before that, they had to wait until Lu Feng returned.

"Prime Minister, I'm going to lead the army at Yuanhong Pass first, and you should also make Jinyiwei pay more attention.

As long as there is any action by the enemy, be sure to tell me as soon as possible. "Gao Shun said.

"Don't worry, General, after the war starts, I will hand over the dispatching rights of the Jinyi Guards on the front line of the Liyang Dynasty to you. When that time comes, they will directly obey your orders, and they will report to you as soon as possible if there is any news." Jia Xu said.

Gao Shun nodded, said no more, and left the political hall.


"The Empress, the eldest grandson, and the Snow Maiden ask to see you."

In the harem, as soon as Hua Mulan returned to the palace, the palace maid came to report.

"Wugou and Snow Maiden?"

Mulan heard it, nodded, and said, "Let them in."


Soon, the palace maid brought the eldest grandson Wugou and Xue Nu to the back of Hua Mulan's bedroom.


"Snow Girl."

"I have seen the queen sister."

The two saluted Mulan.

"They're all sisters, so there's no need to salute."

Hua Mulan helped the two of them up, looked at them, and said, "The two younger sisters are not cultivating in the palace, what are you doing here with me?"

"Sister Mulan, so many things have happened in the kingdom. Although we are in the harem, we have also heard about it. Your Majesty..."

Zhangsun Wugou looked at Hua Mulan and asked in a low voice, "Is there any news from Your Majesty?"

"There is news that His Majesty killed the Quartet in the Moon Moon Valley, beheading the genius disciples of many forces in Yuzhou, and he has nothing to do." Hua Mulan said.

When Changsun Wugou and Xue Nu heard this, they were all relieved.

What they were worried about was Lu Feng. As for who Lu Feng killed and what power he had, they didn't care.

"When will His Majesty come back?" Xue Nu asked in a low voice.

Hua Mulan did not answer immediately, but after pondering for a moment, she said, "When Your Majesty returns, he will definitely come to us."

"We are cultivating well in the harem to improve our strength. Just don't let His Majesty worry about us."

"We must trust Your Majesty, and it will be alright."

However, even though she said so, Hua Mulan was already worried.

After all, it was on the northern grasslands. There were barbarians and even witches, and those were not weak.

Not to mention, Yi Luming, the eldest daughter of Yicheng Commercial Bank, who also went to Mochizuki Valley, has already returned to her power, but Lu Feng has not yet returned, so how could she not be worried.

Both Changsun Wugou and Xue Nu also knew, but they knew better that these things could not be discussed, and the more they talked, the more worried they became.

What they can do is to do as Hua Mulan said, cultivate well in the palace, and don't let Lu Feng worry about them.

"Sister Mulan, when it comes to cultivation, your current strength can also be ranked in the top five in the kingdom." The eldest grandson Wugou looked at Hua Mulan and said.

Before Hua Mulan's cultivation talent was not strong, but with the Bodhi Spirit Fruit that Lu Feng found for her, her cultivation talent leaped a thousand miles.

Especially in the period just after taking it, the speed of cultivation can be described as a thousand miles in a day.

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