The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1269 Attack on the city

"Alas, it's a pity that Venerable Thousand Spirits, if she killed her before her strength fell, I would have gained more than 1.5 billion experience points!"

Hearing the system prompt, Lu Feng sighed in his heart.

The strength of the Qianling Venerable before was the peak of the Holy Venerable, and it is even possible that he entered the realm of the emperor with half a foot.

If the one who killed her now was still in that realm, then the experience value she gained would be more than 15 billion terrifying.

It's just a pity that Venerable Qianling's realm has fallen too hard now, and killing her now only has 1.5 billion experience points.

Although the 1.5 billion experience points are quite a lot, it still does not allow him to directly upgrade the level.

It's far from an upgrade.

"Cough, cough, cough."

After coughing twice, more blood flowed from the corner of Lu Feng's mouth.

Killing Venerable Qianling while being seriously injured made his body too overloaded.

"You must find a place to heal your wounds, at least so that you can set up a teleportation array to go back to the Kingdom of Nanyan."

As long as he returns to the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng has completed the task of the 'Dynasty Recruitment Order', and when the task is rewarded, his realm can be directly elevated to the second level of the Holy Reverence.

At that time, facing Gongyang Xu again, he will not be afraid at all.

But before that, he had to get out of here.

The Qianling Venerable just appeared here, and the fluctuation of the soul will definitely not be small. If the witch masters chase and kill, it will take a long time to feel it.

Swallowing two pills to suppress the injury in his body, Lu Feng looked around, his figure flashed, and he left here quickly.

The direction he went was not the direction of the Nanyan Kingdom, but the depths of the grassland.

If Lu Feng was the head of the Wu clan, before the news of his return from the Nanyan Kingdom came out, he could have concluded that he was still on the northern grasslands.

It will definitely block the direction leading to the Kingdom of Nanyan.

At this time, if he dragged his severely injured body and ran over directly, he would be courting death.

Therefore, Lu Feng chose to do the opposite and go deep into the northern grasslands.

Although the danger is still great, it is better than breaking through the Wu clan blockade now.


Less than half an hour after Lu Feng left here, the spatial fluctuations in this place dispersed, and three figures appeared here.

"That soul fluctuation came from here."

The leader looked around and said, "Look, you must find out what's going on. If it's Lu Feng, don't be reckless and inform the ancestor immediately."


The three separated and searched around.

Soon, they had gathered on the hillside where Lu Feng was before, looking at the big pit.

"There are soul fluctuations here, and there are traces of Xuanwen's presence, it must be Lu Feng."

The leader looked at this place and said solemnly, "I immediately pass on the news to the ancestors, saying that we have found traces of Lu Feng's existence."


Several people spread the news, and Gong Yang Xu appeared here after a while.

"See Old Ancestor." The three of them knelt on the ground.

Gong Yangxu ignored them, but looked at the hillside, feeling the different fluctuations in the air, and sneered: "Lu Feng, Lu Feng, this old man has found you."

The sound fell, his figure flashed, and he chased directly in the direction of Nanyan Kingdom.

He concluded that at such a time, Lu Feng would definitely rush back to the Nanyan Kingdom as soon as possible.

As long as he chased after him at this time, he would definitely be able to kill Lu Feng.

"What are we going to do now?" The rest of the Wu people focused their attention on the leading warrior.

"The old ancestor went in the direction of Nanyan Kingdom. He must have locked the direction of Lu Feng's escape. The next thing has nothing to do with us. Within our Hui family, we are preparing for the follow-up plan."


The three people flickered and left here quickly.


In Yuanhongguan City Lord's Mansion, Gao Shun and Jia Xu were in the study.

"There is news from Gu Wenqian that he is fully prepared. As long as we attack, he can immediately open the city gate for us."

Gao Shun looked at Jia Xu,

Said: "Prime Minister, can Gu Wenqian still believe it now?"

"no problem."

Jia Xu said: "After the last beating, Gu Wenqian has been very honest during this period of time, and has not had any contact with the people in Xueyilou."

"And I also arranged for Jin Yiwei to monitor the movement of the Gu family. They also heard news just now that the Gu family has indeed started preparations, and there is no problem."

"That's fine."

Gao Shun nodded and said, "Since all preparations are made, let's start the attack!"

"Of course."

Jia Xu smiled slightly and said, "I have prepared the arrangements for Jinyiwei here, to ensure that the 8 million Liyang Dynasty army in Tonglu City cannot retreat in a short time."

"So good."

Gao Shun didn't ask Jia Xu what his preparation was, because he knew that Jia Xu was saying that he was ready, so he must be 100% ready.

What I need to do next is to lead troops to attack Tonglu City.

"Send the order, the army will set off immediately and attack Tonglu City."


Meng Taoming, who was outside the study, immediately took the order and went down to give orders.

Gao Shun's order went down, and all the three million troops in Yuanhong Pass immediately set off according to the formation arranged by Gao Shun.


At the same time, on the side of the Monster Beast Army, the eighth-level Monster Beast in charge raised the sky and let out a long roar, and took it out.


In the sky, the blood eagle lifted off, followed by a thousand huge flying monsters.

On the backs of these flying monsters, there are 100,000 trapped camps and 200,000 Tiger Guards.

Gao Shun specially left those flying monsters with the largest stature in order to transport the trap camp and the Tiger Guards, and hit Tonglu City by surprise.

At this time, Gao Shun and Xu Zhu were standing on the back of a flying monster behind the blood eagle, their eyes fixed on the direction of Tonglu City.

The speed of the flying monster was not very fast under the order of Gao Shun. He wanted to control the time when the army arrived at Tonglu City.

"Prime Minister, is it really appropriate for the general to lead his troops into the enemy's army?"

In the infantry middle army chariot, Meng Taoming looked at the Prime Minister Jia Xu standing in front of him, and said, "The general is the commander of the kingdom's three armies. He shouldn't be leading the charge now."

"In the kingdom, there is no one other than General Gao who can fully exert the combat effectiveness of the trapped camp."

Jia Xu looked at Gao Shun and the trap camp on the back of the flying monster in the sky, and said, "The trap camp is the kingdom's trump card army, and it is a sharp blade."

"But this sharp blade needs to be held by a powerful general in order to exert the terrifying lethality of the sharp blade."

"General Gao is the general and the only general, so even if he is the general of the kingdom now, he must lead the trapped camp to the belly of the enemy."

Turning to look at Meng Taoming, Jia Xu said, "I know that the general wants to train you to become a new general in the trap camp, but now you don't have that strength."

"Work hard, don't let the general down, and don't let the kingdom down."

"At the end of the day, listen carefully to the teachings."

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