The lieutenant had a smile on his face and said, "If we can kill Gao Shun, that would be a great achievement."

"It's more than a great achievement, and it can be pursued by taking advantage of the victory."

Another lieutenant stood up and said with a smile: "If we can kill Gao Shun, then the remaining three million troops of the Nanyan Kingdom will definitely be in chaos, and they will definitely retreat."

"At that time, we will take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, and we will be able to take Yuanhongguan in one fell swoop. At that time, the Liyang Dynasty will achieve great results, and His Majesty will also give us generous rewards."


The two lieutenants looked at Qi Xuefeng and said, "General, now we hope that Gao Shun is really attacking the West Gate City Wall. Only in this way can we have a chance to kill him."

When Qi Xuefeng heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Report, general, report from the front, the west gate city wall was led by Gao Shun and attacked by the Tiger Guards, and it has now been breached."

"The 800,000 soldiers defending the city suffered heavy losses, and only less than 100,000 escaped."


When the news came, everyone in the hall changed dramatically.

In particular, the two lieutenants who spoke earlier looked like they had seen a ghost.

They were really dumbfounded.

These people just thought that if Gao Shun really came to attack, they would behead Gao Shun and make a big contribution.

But the beauty in my heart has not fallen, how did it become such a thing?

Reality is coming too fast, too cruel!

"This is impossible!"

Qi Xuefeng reacted and roared, "I put 800,000 troops on the west gate city wall, a full 800,000 troops."

"Even if the camp and the Tiger Guard are powerful? That's an army of 800,000 people, how could it be defeated so quickly?"

"Even if it were 800,000 pigs, Gao Shun's time would be delayed to kill them. How could the city wall be breached now?"

"What nonsense!"

"You must be a spy sent by Gao Shun to disturb our army. Come on, drag me down and behead!"


The soldier who came to report hurriedly knelt on the ground and said: "General, even if you give your subordinates ten thousand courage, they will not dare to lie about the military situation."

"The west gate city wall was only held for less than half an hour before it was broken. The remaining troops were trapped in the camp and chased by the Tiger Guards during the retreat, and suffered heavy losses."

"In addition, there are flying monsters attacking in the sky, so only 100,000 people escaped by chance."

"General, what your subordinates is telling the truth is true, there is no falsehood, and I hope the general will spare your life."

"What about the defensive formation? What about the defensive formation of the West Gate City Wall?"

A lieutenant stared at the messenger and shouted, "The West Gate City Wall is a defensive formation, and it is the most powerful defensive formation in Tonglu City. Even if a Saint Venerable master comes to attack, he can persist for a while, how could it be broken by Gao Shun so quickly? already?"

"Reporting to the general, all this happened too fast. The defensive formation on the west gate city wall has not had time to deploy the enemy army and attacked the city wall through flying monsters."

"What about the chief guard of the city?"

Qi Xuefeng said angrily at this time: "What is he doing to eat? The 800,000 army held on for less than half an hour. Is he a pig?"

"General, the main general was shot and killed by Gao Shun less than a quarter of an hour after the start of the battle, that's why the army was defeated so quickly."

"Trash, trash, a bunch of trash!"

When Qi Xuefeng heard it, he even yelled.

"General, what should we do now?"

The lieutenant looked at Qi Xuefeng and hurriedly said, "The West Gate City Wall is the gateway to Tonglu City. If it has been in Gao Shun's hands, it will be difficult for us to take it down when the three million army behind Nanyan Kingdom arrives."

Qi Xuefeng took a deep breath and said solemnly, "The West Gate City Wall must be recaptured before the follow-up troops of the Nanyan Kingdom arrive."

"The order goes on, and Bi Yi is ordered to immediately lead two million troops to attack the west gate city wall, and be sure to capture the west gate city wall before the follow-up army of the Nanyan Kingdom arrives.


Bi Yi was the first general under Qi Xuefeng's command, and he was also a military general that Qi Xuefeng trusted very much. He was not only powerful, but also good at siege warfare.

Qi Xuefeng sent him out, making it clear that he wanted a quick decision and that the West Gate City Wall must be recaptured in the shortest possible time.


The lieutenant went down immediately to give orders.

"General, I think in addition to attacking the west gate, we should also take advantage of the good opportunity before the enemy's arrival, and transport the rest of the army out of Tonglu City through the south gate and the north gate, and arrange it in the necessary passage of the follow-up army of the Nanyan Kingdom. on the way."

"As long as we wait until the enemy army arrives, our army will expand and we will definitely be able to block the enemy army and buy enough time for General Bi Yi to break through the west gate city wall." Another lieutenant said.

"No, I believe that Bi Yi can retake the West Gate City Wall before the enemy's follow-up troops arrive." Qi Xuefeng said.


The lieutenant looked at Qi Xuefeng and said, "General, even if this is the case, we can be fully prepared. If General Bi Yi makes a mistake, we will have remedial measures."

"As long as our army can block the follow-up troops of the Nanyan Kingdom, then we will definitely give General Bi Yi time to break through the Ximen City Wall, and we can also use this to besiege the Nanyan Kingdom General Gao Shun."

"This is a surefire way, General, you..."

"A surefire way?"

Qi Xuefeng looked at the lieutenant, snorted coldly, and said, "You never thought about it, if the troops we transported from the north and south gates were too slow, and before we had time to set up our army, the enemy troops would have arrived."

"When the time comes, we will be caught off guard, and who will be hurt badly in the end?"

When the lieutenant heard it, he was stunned. How could the enemy army be faster than his own army?

It takes at most one day to transport troops from the north gate and south gate, and it will take two days for the enemy troops to follow up to the west gate, even if they have to march quickly.

An extra day is enough to set up a battle.

"Even if we take a step back, our time is too late, but if Gao Shun leads his troops to attack us from the rear at this time, with the fighting strength of the trapped camp and the Tiger Guards, it will definitely disrupt our formation, and the enemy's follow-up troops will come again. , we will lose without a doubt!"

This is simply impossible!

The lieutenant secretly thought in his heart, if this is the case, then the two million troops led by Bi Yi will directly overwhelm them, and Gao Shun's trapped camp and the Tiger Guards will be trapped in a tight siege, and they will surely die.

Gao Shun is a smart person, how could he do this?

But he didn't dare to say it.

Because the lieutenant saw it, it wasn't that Qi Xuefeng didn't know the benefits of these arrangements, but that Qi Xuefeng simply didn't want to block the arrival of the subsequent three million troops of the Nanyan Kingdom.

If at this time, he said that he wanted to transfer troops out of Tonglu City, then he would be completely courting death.

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