The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1358 I am so relieved!

"The last general Yue Fei."

"The last general Lu Bu."

"Lian Po, the last general."

"Chen Liu Ji."

"My minister Guo Jia."

"Chen Tianfeng."


"Meet Your Majesty the Emperor."

"Long live Long live Long live."

On the second day after Lu Feng arrived at Wangze Peak, the army led by Yue Fei and Lu Bu also arrived here.

A group of civil and military ministers went up to Wangze Peak and met Lu Feng.

Lu Feng looked at the large number of civil and military officers under his command with a smile on his face.

Especially looking at generals like Yue Fei and Lu Bu, I sighed a lot in my heart.

In his previous life, how could he imagine that he would one day have these famous and talented people in Chinese history?


Taking a deep breath, Lu Feng looked at these people and said, "Everyone, hard work."

"The last general (minister) and others dare not speak of bitterness."

Wen and Wu, headed by Yue Fei and Liu Ji, said in unison.

After a short pause, Liu Ji continued: "It's your majesty, you are a man of ten thousand gold, but you mustn't take the lead any longer. Regarding the charge, there are Feng Xianzilong and others, so don't worry, majesty."

Liu Ji was worried about Lu Feng's safety.

After all, Lu Feng is the real foundation of the Nanyan Kingdom, and Liu Ji sees this better than anyone else.

In this case, you must be careful and careful.

"Lord Liu said very much. In the future, there will be me and Zilong in the army, so don't worry, Your Majesty." Lu Bu immediately said.

When Yue Fei Lianpo and the others heard this, they all nodded.

Lu Feng was helpless when he heard it, but he was also happy in his heart. With so many ministers thinking about him, this is something to be happy about.

In some other kingdoms and dynasties, some officials were eager for the emperor to charge into battle, and it was best to die in battle, so that they could take the opportunity to gain power or make profits for their own family.

I don't have such a courtier under my command, but I am fortunate.

He smiled and said, "In the future, I will have some measure of these things."

Although I didn't hear Lu Feng say no directly, this also made Liu Ji and others heave a sigh of relief.

"Pengju, tell me how you plan to arrange this battle." Lu Feng looked at Yue Fei and asked.


After Yue Fei responded, he paused for a while and said, "Your Majesty, the last commander intends to defend first and then attack."

"Go on."


Yue Fei continued: "Right now, we don't know the combat effectiveness of all the armies of the Cangchu Dynasty, so the last general plans to build a defensive barracks to form a horn with Wangze Peak, so that the enemy will attack Wangze Peak or our barracks. can be adequately supported.”

"And this will also allow the enemy army to have two goals and not be able to concentrate all their forces on one point, which is beneficial to us."

"After we have tested the enemy's combat effectiveness, it is time for us to attack. When the two large armies attack together, we will definitely give the enemy a head-on attack."

Lu Feng nodded. This was a good idea. After all, this was the first time that the Nanyan Kingdom had fought against the ordinary army of the Cangchu Dynasty.

Now we must first find out a bottom line, otherwise rash attacks will easily cause heavy losses to our side.

He looked at Yue Fei and motioned for him to continue.

Yue Fei continued: "Therefore, the last general plans to divide his troops into two places, deploying 700,000 iron cavalry plus 2 million infantry soldiers on Wangze Peak, with old General Lian Po as the main defensive general, and General Lu Bu as the main attacking general."

"In this way, when Wangze Peak is defending, there will be old General Lian Po, and when it is attacking, General Lu Bu will lead it."

Lian Po is good at defense, and it's a good thing to have him in charge of defense.

Lu Bu was able to take charge of the attack, and he was brave enough to make the enemy eat a pot.

"For the remaining army, I plan to build a barracks twenty miles to the left of Wangze Peak. It is also a high place. Although it is not as good as Wangze Peak, it is still a good place."

"When the timing is right later, we will be able to directly attack from two places to break through the enemy army!" Yue Fei continued.

"it is good.


Lu Feng nodded and said, "You are in charge of commanding this battle."

"The last general takes orders!"

Next, Yue Fei started the arrangement according to the plan.

After leaving 2 million infantry and 700,000 cavalry to Lianpo Lv Bu, Yue Fei led the rest of the army to the position he had thought before and started to build a camp.

Before long, the preliminary camp was completed.

At the same time, there was also news from the scouts that the General of the Cangchu Dynasty, Yu Kai, sent an envoy to see Lu Feng.

"What does the Cangchu Dynasty mean by sending envoys at this time?" Qin Qiongwenchou and others were a little puzzled.

Guo Jia pondered slightly and said, "I have known Yu Kaijun before, he is very complicated."

"That's right."

Liu Ji nodded and said, "There is a list of generals in Yuzhou, which is drawn by a group of good people. The generals who can enter the list are all famous in Yuzhou."

"Being able to enter the top ten of them is the military pillar of the dynasty."

"Yu Kaijun is on this list and ranks ninth. Not only is his military ability outstanding, but his martial arts strength is also very strong. He has already reached the Holy Venerable Realm."

"not only that."

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "It is rumored that there has never been a counselor in Kai's army, because he thinks he is the best counselor."

"In the beginning, this kind of behavior made all the generals in Yuzhou sneer, thinking that his behavior was completely idiotic. But after Yu Kai's army fought a hundred times without a single defeat, no one thought he was an idiot anymore."

"This person really has great ability!"

"Good one Yu Kaijun."

Lu Feng smiled lightly, but he did not have any fear. He had Yue Fei, Lian Po, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Liu Ji, Guo Jia, Tian Feng, etc.

In Chinese history, they are all famous and outstanding people in all eras.

Could it be that they are no better than a Yu Kaijun? What a joke!

Looking at Yue Fei, Lu Feng said, "Pengju, do you have confidence in defeating him?"

"Your Majesty, within a month, the last general will cut off his head." Yue Fei said respectfully.

There was no arrogance in his tone, but he didn't take Kai Jun in his eyes at all.

As the chief general of Nanyan, Yue Fei had investigated the Kai army long ago and knew that Yu Kai's army was powerful, but he had more confidence in himself.

As long as he temporarily defends against the enemy's attack and probes the enemy's combat strength, he can formulate a combat plan that will wipe out the enemy's entire army.

As for Yu Kaijun, he really didn't pay attention.

"it is good!"

Hearing Yue Fei's words, Lu Feng had a smile on his face. He didn't want the generals under his command to be mad, but he also wanted the generals under his command to have such confidence.

Because they are the most outstanding people from all eras in China, they should have such confidence!

"Let the envoy of Yu Kai's army come in, but I want to see what he is doing." Lu Feng ordered.


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