The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1383 The 0 Academy that jumped out

In Yuzhou, the names of Lu Feng and Nanyan Kingdom became louder and louder, and more and more people knew how powerful Lu Feng was as a monstrous genius.

But soon, another remark came out: Lu Feng, who was only 20 years old, had already led the Nanyan Kingdom to defeat the Cangchu Dynasty, the leader of the ten dynasties, ten years later? Fifty years later? What about in a hundred years?

Until then, who in Yuzhou can stop Lu Feng and the troops of Nanyan Kingdom?

Will the ten dynasties of Yuzhou still exist? Can the Ji dynasty still be a dynasty at that time?

Yuzhou's day, or today's day?

As soon as this remark came out, those forces instantly became tense.


Lu Feng, who was only twenty years old, was already able to kill the Holy Venerable Third-level Heavenly Martial Artist. After giving him a few decades, the ghost knew that his talent would grow to such a terrifying level.

How can these people still sit still?

Lu Feng must be killed!

For a time, the various forces began to discuss how to kill Lu Feng.

Discussions came and went, but none of the forces dared to come forward and say that they could kill Lu Feng.

After all, not all of the ten dynasties have a few warriors from the Holy Venerable Third Heaven.

Not to mention, Lu Fengneng's three-level warriors are all beheaded!

Among these forces, Hundred Kingdoms Academy is the one with the highest jumping.

"Old ghost, what are you going to do this time?"

In the secret attic of Hundred Nations College, Dean Tong Jingyi looked at the old man in front of him and said lightly.

"Lu Feng can kill the Holy Venerable Triple Heaven Warrior. You and I are both Saint Venerable Triple Heaven martial artists. Do you think the two of us can be more powerful than the Blood Clothes Building Ghost Saint and Shadow Saint together?" the old ghost said.

"Of course you and I can't."

Tong Jingyi said: "Lu Feng can kill the warriors of the Holy Reverend Triple Heaven, you and I are not opponents, even..."

After a short pause, he continued: "Although I don't know how Lu Feng has grown to the present, what is certain is that now he, even if he is a single force of Hundred Nations Academy, is not necessarily Lu Feng's opponent."

"Then what do you mean?" the old ghost asked.


Tong Jingyi's eyes flickered with cold light, and said, "The land of Yuzhou has many forces, and these can be counted forces have existed for at least a thousand years."

"They can't just let Lu Feng develop like this, because they know very well that once Lu Feng is allowed to develop for a few more decades, he will definitely launch a campaign against other forces in Yuzhou. One way!"

"So, if someone comes out to take the lead at this time and form an alliance, those forces in Yuzhou will definitely agree!"


The old ghost listened, shook his head, and said, "The last time the Shanghai City had an alliance, it was because many forces understood that now the dynasty is on the decline, and their alliance dynasty did not dare to do anything to them."

"But now we have to form an alliance to kill Lu Feng, hehe..."

Shaking his head, the old ghost said, "Don't forget, Lu Feng was able to kill the warriors of the Holy Reverence Triple Heaven. How many warriors are there in the entire Yuzhou?"

"Not to mention, even if we get the news that the Nanyan Kingdom is not Wuzhou's Forgiveness Daoist, but it has grown to such a terrifying level in just a few years, do you dare to say that there are really no other forces behind the Nanyan Kingdom? "


Tong Jingyi was at a loss for words. Indeed, the development of the Nanyan Kingdom was too fast. If there was really no superpower behind it, it would be impossible.

But soon he said: "I don't care what forces behind Lu Feng, I just know that this is a very good opportunity, a good opportunity to join forces with many masters in Yuzhou to kill Lu Feng!"

With even more coldness in his eyes, Tong Jingyi said, "If you miss this opportunity, you may never have another chance in the future!"

"I'm here just to ask you, I'm going to form an alliance, will you come?"

When the words fell, Tong Jingyi stared at the old ghost.

The old ghost looked at Tong Jingyi, sighed softly, and said, "If you can form an alliance, I will come."

"it is good!"

Tong Jingyi said nothing more, turned and left the attic.

Soon, news came out from the martial arts world in Yuzhou: Tong Jingyi, the dean of Baiguo College, in the name of the dean, invited the alliance of all forces in Yuzhou to discuss the matter of beheading Lu Feng.

After the news came out, there were countless people who responded.

Some first-rate forces and second-rate forces directly went to Hundred Nations College to participate in this meeting.

At the same time, the top forces in Yuzhou also received invitations from Baiguo College.

Even the dynasty received an invitation letter.

"Big brother, is the Dynasty coming forward for this alliance of Hundred Nations Academy?"

Ji Yanfeng, the patriarch of Ji's dynasty, received news from Shuangjue of the dynasty.

"Heh, a group of enemies of the dynasty want to form an alliance to deal with another enemy of the dynasty, why did the dynasty come forward?"

Ji Yanfeng sneered and said, "Let them go and bite the dog. Let's continue to study the map of the Great Emperor's ruins."


Dynasty Shuangjue and the two responded and were about to go down.

"Wait a moment."

Ji Yanfeng pondered slightly, and said, "It is reported that the secret realm where the Great Emperor Ruins is located is affected by space, and the opening time will be delayed again, two months later."


Dynasty Shuangjue was stunned for a moment, and said, "Big Brother, the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins has already been delayed once. Is it not a good idea to delay it now?"

"What's wrong?"

Ji Yanfeng said coldly: "Don't forget, the Great Emperor Ruins were discovered by our dynasty. The reason why we let them participate is also for our purpose. We must not open it until the map is thoroughly researched."

"Can the other forces in Yuzhou agree?" The Dynasty Shuangjue asked.

"Don't worry about them, now one Lu Feng is enough for them to have a headache. They wish that the Great Emperor Ruins should not be opened now, and wait until Lu Feng is solved."


The Dynasty Shuangjue was ordered to go down.

"Wait a moment."

When the Dynasty Shuangjue was about to go down, Ji Yanfeng suddenly spoke.

"Brother, what other orders do you have?" Dynasty Shuangjue asked.

"I asked the ghost to investigate the initial Xuanwen that Lu Feng was proficient at. Did you find out?" Ji Yanfeng asked.

"With the news, Lu Feng has more than just an initial Xuanwen, and one of them can be identified as 'Lin'!"

"Lin? Wood-based Xuanwen!"

Ji Yanfeng's eyes flashed, he pondered for a while, and said, "Go to Lu Feng and say that I have a cooperation with him, see if he is willing or not."



Dan City.

"City Lord, Hundred Nations College has invited to form an alliance to deal with Lu Feng, shall we take action?"

Dan Longyan, the lord of Dan City, got the news from his subordinates.

"Our Pill City only cares about alchemy, other things don't offend me, I don't offend others, there's no need to go to this muddy water, and..."

Dan Longyan paused for a moment and said, "Lu Feng's appearance has also prevented some forces from wanting to attack Dan City. After all, he still has some help for us."

"Don't worry about this alliance of Hundred Nations College."

"But the city owner, Dan Chen was killed by Lu Feng!"

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