As the voice fell, three figures appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The head is a seductive woman.

Behind him are two burly men.


Holy monster!

Yu Kaijun, who was originally desperate, saw the three 'people' who appeared, and his eyes suddenly became happy.

The million-dollar mountain was originally a paradise for monsters, and powerful monsters emerged one after another.

If Yue Fei and his army entered the million-dollar mountain and attracted powerful monsters, then the troubles of the Nanyan Kingdom would not be so big.

Maybe he can take advantage of this good opportunity to escape.

Yue Fei frowned when he heard this. He didn't expect that there would be holy-level monsters in the periphery of this million-dollar mountain.

He looked at the three holy-level monsters standing in the air, and said, "I am Yue Fei, the general of the Nanyan Kingdom. I am chasing and killing the enemy army into the millions of mountains. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

The monsters in the million-dollar mountain are powerful, and there are many holy-level monsters, especially in the depths, there are rumors that there are emperor-level monsters.


Yue Fei also didn't want to be too rigid with these monsters. After all, the Nanyan Kingdom was facing enough trouble now.

"Excuse me?"

One of them, a burly man turned into a holy monster, sneered and said, "What Nanyan Kingdom? Never heard of it!"

"The nameless country dares to forgive us? Where does the courage come from?"

"Look at how Grandpa taught you these ignorant humans today!"

After speaking, the burly man roared and turned into his real body, a black rhino, and charged towards the army of Nanyan Kingdom.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

When Yu Kaijun saw the rhinoceros, his heart was in his throat.

If the army of Nanyan Kingdom is hit by this holy rhino, what will happen to the army of millions? It would be strange not to lose seven, seven or eight.


Seeing that the monster was so rude, Lu Bu shouted angrily, and charged towards the rhinoceros with the Fang Tian Hua Halberd.

"Haha, a human with the guts, dare to fight against me, and see how my grandfather's horns will wear you through!"

The holy-level rhino laughed, and the power of rushing over was even more fierce.

Lu Bu jumped suddenly, Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand was wrapped in demonic energy, and the halberd hit the rhino's back.


With a loud noise, the rhino's body suddenly disappeared to the ground.

Look again, there is a huge pit on the ground, and the rhino is in the pit.

Lu Bu was standing on the back of the rhinoceros, and the tip of the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand plunged into the flesh on the back of the rhinoceros, and blood gushed out.



The rhino kept screaming and roaring, "Human, I want you to die!"


The rhino suddenly let out a roar similar to that of a dragon, and behind it, a huge rhino shadow appeared.

But this shadow is not the same as the head of a rhino.

Shadow Rhino turned out to be a dragon head!

This holy-level rhino turned out to be directly using martial arts.


Lu Bu was unafraid, he pulled out the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand, and the infuriating energy in his body poured into Fang Tianhua halberd.


The soaring demonic energy was released from the Fangtianhua Halberd in Lu Bu's hand, and a figure composed of demonic energy was condensed behind him.

The figure is solid, wearing a purple-gold crown with three-pronged hair on his head, a black wind robe on his body, and a beast-faced head-swallowing chain armor. The waist is tied with an exquisite lion belt. Bow lead with him, hand drawn halberd, sat down and hissed the red rabbit horse.

This is completely an enlarged version of Lu Bu.

Martial arts law!

Lv Bu's condensed martial arts form.


Lu Bu held the Fang Tianhua halberd and smashed it down at the holy rhino's martial arts.

The martial arts aspect behind him also followed his movements, holding the halberd in his hand and attacking the rhinoceros martial arts aspect.

A huge power instantly enveloped the rhino.


The rhino screamed again, but this time was filled with panic.

Under the suppression of this human magic power in front of him, it found that it could not occupy any initiative, and its aura was completely suppressed.

In the face of this human general in front of him, he actually felt that he had no chance of winning!

If this halberd fell, he felt that he might be killed directly.


At this moment, the fox-like woman in the lead hurriedly shot, and at the same time, she also shot quickly, and the pink energy emanated from her hands to form a huge defensive shield in front of the rhinoceros.


Fang Tianhua halberd hit the shield.


The defensive shield only shattered after persisting for a few seconds, and the power of the halberd was weakened, and it still smashed on the martial arts of the holy rhinoceros.


"It hurts the old cow, it hurts the old cow!"

The rhino screamed in pain.

However, there was happiness in the voice. Fortunately, the attack of the human general in front of him was blocked, otherwise the halberd would be completely gone.


When Yu Kaijun saw it, he swallowed, his eyes full of fear.

My God, what kind of existence is this Nanyan Kingdom? There are so many perverted generals there?

He knew Lu Bu.

It was Lu Bu who led the cavalry to break through his barracks before, and he knew that Lu Bu had reached the realm of 'mega shocking all directions' that cavalry generals dreamed of.

I also know that Lu Bu is also a holy general.

But he didn't know that Lu Bu's combat power was so powerful.

He could feel the combat power of that holy rhinoceros, at least it was at the peak of the holy venerable 1st layer, stronger than he might be.

But under Lu Bu's attack, just one halberd almost shattered the martial law.

If it wasn't for the seductive woman at the head, maybe the rhino would not only be shattered in martial arts, but also become a dead cow under this halberd.

And that seductive woman, if I guessed correctly, she should be in the realm of the Holy Reverence Triple Heaven, no less than the ancestors of the dynasty, Chu Yiheng and Chu Zhenlong.

The defensive shield that can be condensed was so easily abolished by Lu Bu, this Lu Bu's combat power is too terrifying!

Could it be that the Nanyan Kingdom descended from Lu Feng, all of them were perverted? Otherwise, why is it so powerful!

For the first time, Yu Kaijun could not feel the confidence to defeat the Cangchu Dynasty.

"What? You want to take action too?"

Lu Bu held the Fang Tianhua halberd, the martial arts behind him had not yet dispersed, and he was still stepping on the holy rhinoceros, looking coldly at the seductive woman who had helped the rhinoceros block his fatal blow.


The seductive woman smiled and said, "The general is joking, how can the little girl be the general's opponent?"

"Now that old ox made a move, it was just because you were deploying troops in the million-dollar mountains. You mistakenly thought that you were going to make a move on monsters, so you lost your mind. I hope the general is not surprised!"

"Now we already know that the general is leading the troops to hunt down the enemy troops who have fled to the millions of mountains, so it's clear that it's our fault."

"General, you are leading your troops to leave the Million Mountain, and we will not shoot again."

The seductive woman's words made Lu Bu sneer.

Earlier, Yue Fei explained the reason very clearly, but the rhino still shot, and made it clear that regardless of the reason, it must be shot.


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