The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1402 The scene is 1 degree 10 minutes embarrassing

? "you……"

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Ji Yanfeng was even more angry.

The golden flame that had disappeared in his hand had ignited again, and he was about to shoot.

It's just that the shock that Lu Feng's shot brought him just now made him not have the courage to shoot now.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Lu Feng and said, "Although the dynasty has gone downhill in the past thousand years, it is not something you, a small kingdom, can ignore."

"You will definitely pay for your actions today!"

After saying that, Ji Yanfeng turned around and left.

When Xun Yu saw it, his heart suddenly rose. If it really angered the Dynasty because of today's events, and let the Dynasty take action on the Kingdom of Nanyan now, it would be a big trouble.

The current Nanyan Kingdom is already facing the threat of other forces in Yuzhou. If there is another dynasty, it will really be a crisis of destroying the country.

He hurriedly turned his head to look at Lu Feng, wanting to ask Lu Feng to say a few words, without persuading him softly, he also couldn't let the dynasty attack the kingdom now.

At least until the kingdom solves the immediate troubles.

But just as he looked at Lu Feng, he realized that Lu Feng gave him a look to reassure him.

Xun Yu, who understood the meaning in Lu Feng's eyes, was still very worried, because he had no idea why Lu Feng was so calm.

But he was very nervous in his heart, for fear that Ji Yanfeng would walk out of the banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, there was another person as nervous as Xun Yu, not Lu Feng, but Ji Yanfeng.

Every step he took towards the door of the temple, he said secretly in his heart: Let me stop, let me stop.

That's right, Ji Yanfeng didn't want to leave at all, he just wanted to use the fact that he left to tell Lu Feng that you are in trouble.


As long as Lu Feng opened his mouth, he would be at a disadvantage, and he could bring Lu Feng into his own rhythm and let Lu Feng follow his own thoughts.

This is Ji Yanfeng's purpose.

It was also planned by him for a long time, because he dared to conclude that the Kingdom of Nanyan would never dare to offend the dynasty completely at this time.

Because they are now facing the trouble of other dynasties and other powerful forces in Yuzhou, if they completely offend the dynasties and let the dynasties take action on them now, then the Nanyan Kingdom will definitely not be able to stand it.

This is Ji Yanfeng's confidence.


Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the gate of the Yanke Hall, Ji Yanfeng's heart suddenly rose.

This is not the case!

Why didn't Lu Feng stop himself?

He was about to go out, why didn't Lu Feng tell him to stop?

Could it be that he really dared to offend the dynasty at this critical moment?

"No, it's impossible."

"Nanyan Kingdom is just a kingdom. Even if it is much stronger now, it is not enough for him to have the courage to fight against the Dynasty and other forces in Yuzhou at the same time."

"Absolutely impossible!"

"The reason why he hasn't shouted yet is that he is testing me and trying to make me go backwards."

"Hmph, how can I do what he wants?"

Ji Yanfeng, who sneered in his heart, continued to walk outside the Yanke Hall. He believed that when he was about to go out, Lu Feng would definitely call him, and then everything would follow his plan!


After a few more steps, his mood suddenly became very bad.

In two more steps, he walked out of the gate of the Banquet Hall, but Lu Feng didn't even call him, this... this is not right!

"No, it must not be like this, he doesn't have the courage to offend the dynasty now!"

Taking a deep breath, Ji Yanfeng continued to take a step forward.

Then, he was waiting for Lu Feng to call out his own voice.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

ten seconds...

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes...

A quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour...

Soon, half an hour passed, Lu Feng still didn't make a sound, and Ji Yanfeng stopped at the last step for half an hour.

Not one step forward, not one step back.

The scene became very embarrassing for a while.

Xun Yu, who was on the other side of the hall, almost laughed out loud when he saw this scene. Now he knew why His Majesty the Emperor Lu Feng didn't open his mouth to stop Ji Yanfeng.

It turned out that Ji Yanfeng could not leave at all if he was ready!

Thinking about it, the Shuangjue of the Dynasty is still in the hands of the Nanyan Kingdom, that is the ancestor of the Dynasty, the two great powerhouses at the level of sainthood.

It is the absolute top combat power in the dynasty.

How could the ancestor of the dynasty in front of him just leave like this, leaving the life and death of the dynasty Shuangjue in the Nanyan Kingdom uncertain?

Isn't that an absolute blow to the dynasty's top combat power?

"Sure enough, His Majesty is His Majesty, and you will always see things further than I can."

Xun Yu sighed in his heart, and at the same time was very happy.

The more powerful Lu Feng is, the happier he is, because it proves that there is no problem with the people he chooses to follow.

Lu Feng is a master worth following!

"Haha, Your Majesty the King of Nanyan, it is a blessing for Yuzhou to have such a proud person as you in Yuzhou!"

Ji Yanfeng over there, turned around and laughed, covering up his embarrassment.

The Dynasty Shuangjue is in the hands of Lu Feng, and he cannot leave.

If they leave, the dynasty will be extremely murderous, and it will be a fatal blow to the current dynasty.

But in that smile, there is a fierce killing intent!

And what he said almost made Lu Feng laugh.

Yuzhou's blessing?

Haha, the horror of your dynasty is that you can't wait to kill yourself long ago!

However, he did not dismantle Ji Yanfeng.

For Lu Feng, his purpose of standing up has been achieved, and what he is doing now is enough to make Ji Yanfeng realize that he is not a good bone to chew on.

As for killing Dynasty Shuangjue, Lu Feng never thought about it.

Because he knew that the reason why the dynasty had imprisoned Ji Yanfeng and hadn't acted was because he wanted to watch him fight against other forces in Yuzhou.

It's better to fight and lose both, so that they can come out to clean up the mess and stabilize their position as the hegemon of Yuzhou.

But if he killed the Dynasty Shuangjue directly, it would be tantamount to crossing the bottom line of the Dynasty. At that time, no matter how the Dynasty didn't want to do something to itself now, it had to do it.

In Lu Feng's heart, he has always had a degree of this matter.

He is very careful to grasp this degree!

Right now, Ji Yanfeng is basically admitting cowardice, and there is no need for him to continue to lose face of the dynasty. It is a better choice to use them in exchange for some good things.

After all, they are two holy warriors anyway. If Ji Yanfeng doesn't come up with some good things, then Dynasty Shuangjue will continue to be imprisoned in Nanyan Kingdom.

But Lu Feng didn't speak, just looked at Ji Yanfeng, waiting for Ji Yanfeng's offer.

Ji Yanfeng also looked at Lu Feng, waiting for Lu Feng to make a request.

But after waiting for a while, a look of helplessness appeared on his face. After he had just wanted to leave Lu Feng but didn't stay, he understood that the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, was only twenty years old.

But this level of handling things doesn't look like a teenager who is less than 20 years old.

On the contrary, it is like an old politician who knows politics well.

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