The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1405 Monster Beasts 3-Man Group

? Ji Yanfeng listened to his father's angry words, he only dared to bow his head, and did not dare to speak back at all.

This is why he didn't report the imprisonment of Shuangjue to the dynasty in advance, because he knew that his father took the dynasty's face very seriously.

If he knew, he would be furious!

That's why I thought about solving it myself, and then trying to hide this matter as much as possible. After all, except for some special periods, my father and emperor will basically never leave the secret realm of the dynasty. As long as he conceals it well enough, he will not be discovered .

But he didn't expect that his thinking was too simple. Lu Feng's strength exceeded his expectations.

I had no choice but to come here to beg my father.

The old man was angry for a while before he calmed down. He stared at Ji Yanfeng and said, "You said that Lu Feng is very strong, what is his strength?"

"Your Majesty, I had a brief confrontation with Lu Feng in the Nanyan Kingdom, and finally..."

Ji Yanfeng's face was embarrassed.


"Erchen is completely defeated." Ji Yanfeng said with shame on his face: "According to Erchen's estimation, Lu Feng's strength should have reached about the fourth level of the Holy Venerable."

"Holy Venerable Fourth Heaven!"

The old man narrowed his eyes and said, "I can't believe that Lu Feng is only twenty years old, yet he has such strength. Where does the blood in his body come from?"


Ji Yanfeng glanced at his father emperor strangely and said, "Father emperor, do you think Lu Feng's current cultivation is because his bloodline is different?"

"Otherwise, what else could be the reason?"

The old man shook his head and said, "I went to Zhongzhou when I was young. At that time, I was a first-level saint, and I met a second-level martial artist in Zhongzhou who was less than twenty years old."

"I was more than 100 years old at that time. When I saw him, I thought he was a genius, a genius that is unparalleled in the world."

"But it was only later that I learned that the young saints and warriors are only because they have the blood of the emperor in their bodies, and those with strong blood can directly reach the realm of saints when they awaken their blood at the age of eighteen."

"A slightly weaker person can become a warrior above the emperor's realm at the age of eighteen."

"That's why those forces in Zhongzhou have always been prosperous for a long time.

Their bloodline convenience is really terrifying. "

"Except for Zhongzhou, even Wuzhou, which ranks second in Kyushu, rarely exists!"

Hearing this, Ji Yanfeng instantly understood, and now he wants to understand, if Lu Feng has the blood of an emperor in his body, then why he can have such strength at such a young age can be explained.

"The ancestor, what should we do now?" Ji Yanfeng asked.

"What did he ask for?"

Ji Yanfeng quickly told his father the request made by Lu Feng.

After the old man heard it, he sneered and said, "It's quite a lion's mouth!"

"Then..." Ji Yanfeng glanced at his father and said, "Ancestor, should we agree?"

"Don't worry."

The old man sneered and said, "Didn't the Hundred Nations College form an alliance to deal with Lu Feng? Let them go and play against Lu Feng first."

"If Lu Feng is defeated, the Kingdom of Nanyan will definitely suffer heavy losses, but now that Lu Feng's strength has reached the fourth level of the Holy Venerable, the Hundred Kingdoms Academy will not be able to ask for any benefits."

"Both losers are the most likely ending. We will take action after they lose both sides. At least we can destroy the Nanyan Kingdom and show the edge of the dynasty."

"Even if there is a chance, it can destroy the Hundred Kingdoms Academy and weaken other forces outside the Yuzhou Dynasty."

"Conveniently, there are not too many opponents in the Great Emperor Ruins to snatch treasure from us!"

"My son understands."

Ji Yanfeng immediately took the order.


"Is this the most prosperous human city in Yuzhou? It's really lively."

In Shanghai City, three people were walking on the bustling street.

The head is a young and seductive woman, followed by two burly men.

The three were the Holy Venerable Monster Beast trio who came from the branch of Tianxian Dao.

They came to Yuzhou to do business, and learned from some warriors that the most prosperous city in Yuzhou is Shanghai City, and the information in all aspects is also the most well-informed.

So I came here, intending to get the information I need here.

"What's the use of being lively?"

A big man waved his hand in disgust and said, "My old cow thinks it's better to be in the mountains, and the air should be fresher."

Hu Li'er rolled her eyes at the talking rhino, and said, "Don't forget that we are in a human city now, so don't take a bite of a mountain range."

"I finally managed to find a way to hide my breath and strength from those human masters. If you reveal our identity because of your open mouth and make our goal impossible to achieve, I will slice you and eat beef!"

The rhino shivered and said quickly: "Okay, listen to you, listen to you, I will never mention it again."

"It's almost there."

Hu Li'er nodded with satisfaction, and was about to continue walking with Rhino and another burly man when a voice came from the front: "This beautiful girl, Xiaosheng is polite."


Hu Li'er heard it, and turned her head to see the speaker, a white-faced little boy.

She looks quite handsome, but she is full of femininity, a full mother!

Hu Li'er was not even interested in eating him.

"Little white face, hurry up and get the hell out of the old cow, or I will tear you apart!" Rhino stared at the white-faced Xiaosheng with a fierce face.

Bai Mian Xiaosheng was startled, took two steps back, and almost turned around and ran, but looking at Hu Li'er's seductive face and perfect figure, he swallowed.

If you miss such a beauty, the sky will not forgive yourself!

As for the big guy, hmph, after I take down this beauty, I'm still worried that I can't let this bodyguard get out of the way?

He thinks Rhino is Hu Li'er's bodyguard.

These three monsters turned into human figures and walked down the street, and they did look like a noble lady with two bodyguards.

Bai Mian Xiaosheng took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, smiled slightly, and said, "Girl, listen to my self-introduction first."

"Xiaosheng's name is Tong Hua, and he is the favorite grandson of Tong Jingyi, the dean of Baiguo College. In this commercial city, if the girl mentions my name, Tong Hua, everyone must obediently make way for you."

Tong Jingyi, dean of Baiguo College?

Hu Li'er's heart moved. Although she has been in the depths of millions of mountains all year round, she is also known for some major forces in Yuzhou.

Tong Jingyi from Hundred Kingdoms Academy is a strong saint, and his strength is very strong.

His grandson, doesn't that mean that it is possible to get a lot of news through this Tong Hua?

Isn't that what you want?

Hu Li'er's eyes rolled and she had an idea, she giggled, and said, "It turns out that it is Young Master Tong Hua. The slave family has already heard about the name of Young Master."

Tong Hua listened with a smile on her face, looking at Hu Li'er's appearance, he knew that his desire to win this beauty was half done.

Thinking of Hu Mei'er's charming face and her figure that bulges forward and backward, if this is twisted on the bed, then...

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