The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1409 You are not qualified to speak, only death!

"If you don't destroy Nanyan, you will never give up?"

"It's really a big breath. Today, I'm here to take a look. Look at the huge Yuzhou. Who dares to destroy my Nanyan!"

Just as the voices of these people fell, a very calm voice came.

Immediately following, seven people appeared in the sky.

Tong Jingyi looked at the leader with a gloomy and ugly expression: "Lu Feng!"

The person who came was Lu Feng, and behind him were the spear prodigy Tong Yuan, the divine general Yang Zaixing, the hussar general Lu Bu, and Changshan Zhao Zilong.

And Ran Min and Huo Qubing, who were supposed to be guarding the distance to Beiguan!

Among the seven people, Lu Feng and Tong Yuan are warriors of the third level of the Holy Reverence, Yang Zaixing and Ran Min are the warriors of the second level of the Holy Lord, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, and Huo Qubing are all warriors of the first level of the Holy Lord.

"Seven saints!"

Chu Shengping's eyes narrowed.

Lu Feng and his party did not hide their own aura, Chu Shengping and the other holy warriors could clearly feel the realm of Lu Feng and others.

They knew that Lu Feng's Nanyan Kingdom had masters of saints, and they were already prepared in their hearts, but they never thought that Lu Feng would bring seven saints directly!

Among them, there are also two warriors of the Holy Venerable Third Heaven.

Not to mention, in the kingdom of Nanyan, there are Yue Fei, the top military general, and Wei Qing, the general from Beiguan, who is rumored to be no weaker than Lu Bu and Zhao Yun.

Seven saints!

In Yuzhou, among the top ten dynasties and top ten commercial houses, even the top five dynasties and commercial houses, except for the Oufeng Commercial Bank and the Cangchu Dynasty, the rest may not be able to directly pull seven saints!

Not to mention, Lu Feng's combat power is far beyond that of the usual Holy Venerable third-level Heavenly Martial Artist, this is the most terrifying!

"When did the high-end combat power of this Nanyan Kingdom become so powerful?"

Chu Shengping's heart is very solemn. He is now starting to worry. With the strength of the Nanyan Kingdom, can the Cangchu Dynasty really be able to fight?

Can you really win?

After thinking for a moment in his heart, Chu Shengping couldn't help shivering. According to the strength displayed by the Nanyan Kingdom now, if the Cangchu Dynasty wanted to destroy the Nanyan Kingdom, it had to use the forces hidden in the dark.

Even if it is used, it is very likely to be a lose-lose ending, and there will be no benefit.

"Damn it!"

Cursing secretly in his heart, Chu Shengping can say with certainty that if the Cangchu Dynasty and the Nanyan Kingdom really fought and lost both sides, the Dynasty would not hesitate to take action against the Cangchu Dynasty.

"But it's okay..."

Looking at the people sent by the various forces in Yuzhou present, Chu Shengping felt a little at ease.

There have been more than a dozen saints here, and there are still some powerhouses hidden in the dark.

With them here, the people brought by Lu Feng today are more fortunate than good fortune!

As long as Lu Feng and the people he brought with him are killed, the Nanyan Kingdom is nothing to be afraid of!

"What? Didn't they all say just now: Don't kill Nanyan, don't you give up?"

"The emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom is here, why don't you all stop talking? Are you all dumb?"

Lu Feng looked at the forces in Yuzhou who had been quiet after he appeared, and said lightly.

His voice fell, and he thought there would be some rebuttal voices.

What he didn't expect was that everyone below was still silent, but shifted their gazes to Tong Jingyi.

The alliance was proposed by Tong Jingyi. Now that the protagonist of the alliance, Lu Feng, has appeared, shouldn't you, the alliance initiator, say something?

Tong Jingyi's face was ugly.

If it was the previous Nanyan Kingdom, he must have shot directly, but not now, Lu Feng is already a strong man who can kill the Holy Venerable Third-layer Heavenly Martial Artist.

If he loses, the league will be embarrassed today.

"A bunch of trash!"

Lu Feng spoke again, looking at the masters of Yuzhou forces sitting below, and said with disdain: "It seems that you are all rubbish with harsh words behind your back. After seeing me, no one dares to speak."

"It's ridiculous!"

"Bastard Lu Feng!"

"You must look down on my Yuzhou martial artist!"

this time,

However, there was a warrior at the peak of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian who stood up. He was the elder of the Hundred Kingdoms Academy, and it was Tong Jingyi who signaled him to stand up.

Pointing at Lu Feng, the elder of the Hundred Nations College shouted, "You Lu Feng relied on forces outside Yuzhou to nibble away at our Yuzhou forces. You are absolutely guilty..."


Before he could finish his words, Lu Bu had already made his move, Fang Tianhua had pierced his body on his halberd, and then said coldly, "A mere ants dare to point fingers at my Majesty Nanyan, damn it!"


Fang Tianhua's halberd shook, and the elder's body was directly shattered, and blood was scattered.

Just in front of the seats of those Yuzhou forces.

There is some blood in front of each power seat.


Chi Guoguo's provocation!

Those forces in Yuzhou clenched their fists tightly, their faces full of anger.

Lu Bu is completely disregarding them!

"The dignified Nanyan Hussar General, the Holy Venerable Powerhouse, actually shot at a Sovereign Warrior, isn't it too cheap?"

A warrior of the first level of sainthood stood up from the position of the Chongao dynasty, looked at Lu Bu, and said, "As a saint, you should ask your fellow saints to do it, Lu Bu, do you have the courage to play against me, Qu Weiding? "

"Qu Weiding actually stood up!"

"This Qu Weiding is a Saint Venerable powerhouse who became famous thousands of years ago. Saint Venerable killed a Saint-level monster in the first battle, and made a nine-cauldron knife with the spine of that Saint-level monster."

"It is rumored that in a thousand years, although his strength has only reached the peak of the first layer of the saint, he has not yet reached the second layer of the saint, but his swordsmanship has become more and more powerful, and he has already entered the realm of the unity of man and knife."

"In the entire Yuzhou, his swordsmanship can definitely be ranked in the top ten!"

"Then the hussar general of the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Bu, is finished. Although he is a powerful general, he will surely die when he encounters Qu Weiding, a veteran saint with powerful swordsmanship!"

The Loose Cultivators who were watching on the outside saw the Holy Venerable who stood up in the Chongao Dynasty and whispered.


Lu Bu looked at the holy warrior of the Chongao Dynasty and said, "You are not strong enough to fight with me."


Hearing that Lu Bu looked down on others, Qu Weiding was furious and shouted, "The arrogant Nanyan abolished general, I want to see if your Fang Tianhuaji is stronger or my Jiuding Dao is stronger!"

"Jiuding sword technique, the sword cuts the universe!"

Qu Weiding held the Jiuding Knife and flew into the sky.


The others are in the air, completely fused with the Jiuding Saber.

"Knife and man are one!"

When the Holy Venerable warriors present saw it, they all narrowed their eyes and said, "It was said that Qu Weiding entered the realm of the unity of swordsman and man. I thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't want to actually enter this realm."

"This Qu Weiding is stronger than a thousand years ago, not only 30% to 50%!"

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