The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1413 The ancestors of the 0 country college

Tong Jingyi's complexion became very, very ugly. If these people chose not to take action, would this alliance that he initiated soon become a joke?

"Brother Yang, what are you doing? Didn't you say before you come here that you want to fight together?"

Chu Shengping anxiously used the means of sound transmission to enter the secret, and asked Yang Chenling, the fourth-level Heavenly Martial Artist of the Oufeng Commercial Bank.

"Brother Chu, don't worry, today's good show has just started!" Yang Chenling said with a smile on his face, "Let the people from Hundred Nations College come out and have a good time, we can just wait until the end."

"You mean, Hundred Kingdoms Academy still has a backer?" Chu Shengping asked.

"Hundred Nations Academy is not easy." Yang Chenling chuckled lightly: "Brother Chu, today's Lu Feng will not be able to go back. Don't worry, leave it to Hundred Nations Academy!"

Chu Shengping heard this, his face full of doubts, and he didn't understand what Yang Chenling meant by saying this, but soon his expression changed, and he suddenly thought of something, and said, "Could it be..."

"That's right, it's him, that old guy is back." Yang Chenling said with a heavy look in his eyes, "With that old guy here, today's Lu Feng can't live without us!"

Chu Shengping's expression also became a little heavy, he glanced at Tong Jingyi, turned and sat in his place.

It's completely telling Tong Jingyi that I'm not going to do anything anymore, and let you play in Baiguo Academy.

Tong Jingyi's already ugly face became even more gloomy.

"Tong Yuan, it's your turn to take action." Lu Feng in the sky said at this time.

Originally, according to his plan, he wanted to challenge one by one, and then kill them, destroying this so-called alliance.

But the Qianshui Holy Venerable of Yicheng Commercial Co., Ltd. was timid before the battle, and directly conceded defeat to the rest of the people. If they challenged those people, they would probably not be able to fight, so they could only let Tong Yuan make the first move.

Tong Yuan nodded, holding a long spear, took a step forward, pointed at Tong Jingyi, dean of Baiguo College, and said lightly: "Nanyan Tongyuan, I hope Dean Tong of Baiguo College can enlighten me!"

It may not be possible to challenge others, but to challenge Tong Jingyi, he has to fight.

Because if he didn't fight, he really became a joke today!

Tong Jingyi also knew this, he looked at Tong Yuan, smiled coldly, and said, "Tong Yuan, you and I both have the same surname, I shouldn't have done anything to you, but since you want to challenge me, then I will send you there. Yellow Spring!"

If it is against Lu Feng, he doesn't have much confidence.

After all, Lu Feng's previous record was really brilliant, defeating Chu Zhenlong and beheading Chu Yiheng.

Tong Jingyi is also a third-level Heavenly Martial Artist of the Holy Venerable. Although he thinks that he is stronger than them, he is also limited.

But he is not afraid of Shang Tong Yuan!

"Yuanmu Sword Technique!"

Tong Jingyi held a long sword and slashed at Tong Yuan.

The blade was sharp and criss-crossed in the void, and for a while, Tong Yuan was sealed in the blade air.

"Yuanmu swordsmanship is the strongest swordsmanship of Hundred Nations Academy. The attack is wave after wave. Tong Jingyi's attack is such a strong attack. It seems that he wants to quickly defeat Tong Yuan!"

Yang Chenling looked at it and said aloud.

"This is also normal." Chu Shengping nodded and said, "After all, today's alliance was initiated by Tong Jingyi. If he can't defeat Tong Yuan with thunderous means to regain his face, it would be a complete joke."


After a short pause, Chu Shengping said with some doubts: "Although Tong Yuan was also known as the Spear God before, according to our information, he is a warrior at the peak of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian at this time."

"But today, I became a Holy Venerable Third-layer Heavenly Martial Artist, and it's only been less than two years. This is a bit too unbelievable!"

Yang Chenling listened with a serious expression on his face. Indeed, this is not normal!

Yuzhou, as far as they know the saint, isn't that one who cultivates for more than three or four hundred years to become a land god?

Even the most talented warriors will stay for decades in front of the great ravine from the peak of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian to the Holy Venerable.

Tong Yuan was also trapped in this bottleneck before,

But after breaking through this bottleneck, it turned out to be so fast to reach the third heaven of the Holy Venerable, which is something no one thought of.

"Maybe, it was an epiphany!"

Yang Chenling sighed softly.

There are many geniuses along the way, and no one knows what will happen.

Although the epiphany is rare, it has also happened, and there are even more people who can go from an ordinary person to a land fairy, laughing Aoyu Nei.

"Hundred birds facing the phoenix!"

Tong Yuan picked up the long spear in his hand, and the spear flower bloomed, hitting the sword qi that wanted to lock him.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The gun is a little bit shattered.


Tong Yuan's hands kept moving, the spear turned and stabbed at Tong Jingyi.

On the spear, the phoenix chirped, and a white phoenix was wrapped around the tip of the spear.

"Yuanmu sword technique, condensate!"

The knife gas was shattered by the spear, and Tong Jingyi was not flustered. The long knife in his hand turned and slashed at Tong Yuan.

When his long knife was turned, the splintered sword qi that was smashed by the spear turned out to be condensed, forming a substantial sword qi on the blade, and slashed down at Tong Yuan.


The long knife stands on the long spear.


The white phoenix on the tip of the gun made a high voice again, and clicked on the real sword energy.


Just as Bai Fengfeng's mouth touched the blade, the sound of shattering came.

Immediately after a 'bang' sound, the sword qi dissipated directly.


When Tong Jingyi saw it, he was shocked. His own Yuanmu swordsmanship was broken like this?

This is the most powerful martial skill of Hundred Nations Academy, and the low-level god-level swordsmanship is approaching the middle-level swordsmanship!

Even the first wave of his Yuanmu swordsmanship was launched, and the second wave of more powerful attacks was broken before it was launched. How could Tong Jingyi accept this?

"Seven Coil Snakes!"

Just when Tong Jingyi was surprised, the spear in Tong Yuan's hand turned and changed his martial arts. The spear turned into a giant python and swallowed it at Tong Jingyi.


Tong Jingyi's expression changed greatly when he saw Tong Yuan's second wave of attacks.

Tong Yuan's previous martial skills have not been completed, how can he be able to use the second martial skills?

How did it change so fast?

More importantly, in this way, Tong Yuan didn't give him time to deal with it at all, so he could only take the blow.

Can't even use martial arts!

He could clearly feel that if he was hit by this blow, he would definitely be seriously injured, and if he fought Tong Yuan again, it would be strange if he didn't die.

It's just that he has no better way, he can only grit his teeth and plan to take it hard.


The spear turned into a giant python hit Tong Jingyi's body.


Tong Jingyi immediately vomited blood and flew out after being beaten.

Tong Yuan kept moving, and chased after him with a spear, completely taking the opportunity to take Tong Jingyi's life.


When the powerhouses of Hundred Nations College saw it, their expressions changed dramatically.

They wanted to make a move, but it was too late. Tong Yuan's speed was too fast, and he was already in front of Tong Jingyi in the blink of an eye.

The spear in his hand was less than twenty centimeters from Tong Jingyi's throat!

"Junior, you said it was a gift, why did you want to kill the dean of our Hundred Nations Academy?"

"Damn it!"

But at this moment, a voice appeared.

When the voice fell, the spear in Tong Yuan's hand could no longer move forward at all, and stopped at a position twenty centimeters from Tong Jingyi's throat!

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