The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1421 Are you worthy of the National Academy?

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As soon as Tong Yuxian said these words, all the warriors present were stunned.

The dignified Hundred Nations College actually surrendered to the Nanyan Kingdom? This...isn't this a joke?

But how could it be a joke for a dignified Saint Venerable 5th-level warrior to say this?

The faces of Chu Shengping and Yang Chenling turned pale instantly.

Now that it's just a Nanyan Kingdom, it's already so difficult to deal with. If you add a Hundred Kingdoms Academy, how can people play?

But right now they really don't have the courage to oppose anything.

Lu Feng defeated Tong Yuxian like a god, how could those who are not as powerful as Tong Yuxian dare to talk nonsense?

The people who were the most uneasy in their hearts were the people from Hundred Kingdoms Academy.

Their dean, Tong Jingyi, held the inauguration ceremony of the Yanyan Alliance at the Hundred Nations College today with great momentum. First, the two saints were killed in seconds, not to mention.

Now their old dean, Tong Yuxian, has also lost.

That's fine. After all, everyone is a martial artist. Victory or defeat is unpredictable. Who hasn't experienced defeat?

However, what did you do to make Hundred Nations College surrender to the Nanyan Kingdom?

The establishment ceremony of the Yanyan Alliance, which was promised, has now become a surrender ceremony?

How is this acceptable?

What if you don't accept it?

The words were said by their old dean Tong Yuxian, can they resist? Have the courage to resist?

I didn't see that the person standing above was Lu Feng, the existence of the fifth-layer heavenly warrior who defeated the Holy Venerable!

This makes them dare not move!

Behind Lu Feng, Ran Min, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, and the others were stunned when they heard Tong Yuxian's words, and followed with excitement.

To know,

This is Baiguo College!

Although the Hundred Kingdoms Academy and the Nanyan Kingdom have been hostile for many years, it must be admitted that the Hundred Kingdoms Academy is very strong and powerful.

It can definitely be ranked in the top five in Yuzhou.

Even if it was because the surrender of the Nanyan Kingdom would affect the Hundred Nations College's network and some forces, it was still a small part, and the rest were still a huge existence.

At least it can double the power of the Nanyan Kingdom today!

This is a great help for the current Nanyan Kingdom.

They all looked at Lu Feng. As long as Lu Feng agreed to Tong Yuxian's surrender, the power of the Nanyan Kingdom would double out of thin air.

"Surrender to me?"

Lu Feng looked at Tong Yuxian, sneered, and said, "Are you worthy of Baiguo Academy?"


When Lu Feng's words fell, the space on this side was suddenly quiet, completely quiet.

Even if a needle fell on the ground, everyone could hear it.

All the warriors present, whether it was a saint, an emperor, or even weaker warriors, all looked at Lu Feng in disbelief.

What was he just saying?

It turned out to be rejecting the surrender of Baiguo Academy? this not a joke?

My goodness!

Those warriors looked at Lu Feng as if they were looking at a lunatic.

In their eyes, Lu Feng is a lunatic, because only a lunatic would refuse the surrender of Baiguo Academy.

If the Hundred Kingdoms Academy surrendered to the Dynasty or the Cangchu Dynasty, then the Dynasty and the Cangchu Dynasty would definitely celebrate the whole country for a month.

But Lu Feng actually refused!

This is downright hilarious!


The saints listened, and almost all cursed in their hearts.

In this world, there are still people who refuse the surrender of Baiguo Academy?

Not to mention that there is no such person in Yuzhou, even in Wuzhou, Jianzhou cannot refuse the surrender of Baiguo Academy.

But Lu Feng did just that. Isn't this an idiot?

That is Hundred Nations College!

If they surrendered to the dynasty or other dynasties, then their emperors could wake up laughing from their dreams.

But Lu Feng actually refused!

Isn't that what an idiot is?

But while calling Lu Feng an idiot, these people also breathed a sigh of relief.

If Lu Feng really accepted the surrender of Hundred Nations Academy, it would be really difficult for them.

"You... you actually refused?"

Tong Yuxian looked at Lu Feng in disbelief. The young man in front of him actually refused the surrender of his Hundred Nations Academy?

My God, I heard that right!

How could he refuse?

This is Baiguo College!

"Your Hundred Nations Academy is not worthy to serve me and my kingdom of Nanyan Kingdom."

Lu Feng really despised Baiguo Academy.

Because he wants to cultivate his own college of Nanyan Kingdom and send talents to Nanyan Kingdom.

Although the Hundred Kingdoms Academy is good, even if it surrendered the Nanyan Kingdom in name, how could it really follow you with determination?

Totally impossible!

Even if it accepts the power of Baiguo Academy, it will take decades for Nanyan Kingdom to completely digest this power.

For decades, Lu Feng had full confidence in allowing his Kingdom College to develop.

And he is still in the system. In a few decades, it is even possible for Kingdom Academy to far surpass the current Hundred Nations Academy.

If that's the case, why is he going to make trouble for himself?

Not to mention, Tong Yuxian did not have any good intentions for the Baiguo Academy to surrender to the Nanyan Kingdom!

"You want to live under my sword in this way, but if I want to kill you, can you survive?"


The Gan Jiang sword appeared in Lu Feng's hand, pointed at Tong Yuxian, and said, "You said you wanted to make me regret being a human being, and I originally intended to make you regret being a human being."

"But I have a good heart, and if I can't do something horrible, I'll send you to hell!"

Holding the Ganjiang sword, Lu Feng aimed at Tong Yuxian's neck and slowly lowered it.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

Tong Yuxian's face was full of horror, and he frantically ran his own exercises, trying to raise his true qi to fight against the enemy Lu Feng.

But no matter what he did, the True Qi in his body could no longer be mobilized at all, and he couldn't resist at all.

"help me!"

"help me!"

"Tong Jingyi, old ghost, save me, save me!"

Tong Yuxian shouted for help at the standing position of the people at Baiguo Academy.

But those who listened to his cry for help, let alone standing up, lowered their heads even lower, for fear that Lu Feng would notice them.

Seeing that no one came to save me for a long time, Tong Yuxian was completely desperate.

Looking at the Gan Jiangjian who was constantly approaching his heart, he said in horror, "No!"


Gan pierced his heart with the sword.



Tong Yuxian raised his finger and pointed at Lu Feng with difficulty, trying to say something, but he couldn't say anything and fell to the ground, without any breath of life.

It gives the impression that he is completely dead!

Everyone looked at Lu Feng and became even more frightened.

Tong Yuxian, who talked about the fifth heaven of the Holy Reverence, died like this!

He died in the hands of Lu Feng, the Holy Venerable Third-level Heavenly Martial Artist!

"Do you really think you can deceive me with such a trick?"

Just when they thought Tong Yuxian was dead, Lu Feng's voice suddenly came out.


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