The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1423 Is anyone else dissatisfied?

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The warriors were startled.

Indeed, what did these people do to protect the Tong clan headed by Tong Jingyi?

These warriors look at me, I look at you, and they still have some idea of ​​their own strength in their hearts.

There are seven saints in the Nanyan Kingdom, and there is even Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom who can instantly kill the fifth heaven of the saints. Although the strength of these people is not bad in Yuzhou.

Compared with Lu Feng, it is incomparable!

They want to protect Tong Jingyi, the biggest possibility is to protect their own lives!

"What are you still doing? Is it possible that you all want to be buried with Tong Jingyi?" The old ghost shouted angrily when he saw these warriors and still didn't speak.

When these words fell, those warriors were shocked, and they didn't want to bury Tong Jingyi.

Soon, a holy warrior stood up and said, "I agree to dismiss Tong Jingyi as the dean of the Hundred Kingdoms Academy."

"I agree."

Another holy warrior from the Hundred Nations Academy stood up.

After these two holy warriors, those semi-sacred warriors also stood up one after another, agreeing to dismiss Tong Jingyi from the position of dean of Hundred Nations Academy.

Tong Jingyi's complexion changed with these people. Every time a warrior came out, his complexion turned pale.

In no time it was as pale as paper!

The warriors from all the forces in Yuzhou who came to join the alliance watched this scene and didn't know what to say.

Originally, they came to join the Yanyan Alliance, but they did not expect that in the end, the Yanyan Alliance turned out to be a 'grand gift' to remove Tong Jingyi, the dean of the Hundred Nations College.

After more than 80% of the warriors above the semi-sacred realm of Hundred Nations Academy stood up, the old ghost breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said: "I announce that Tong Jingyi is no longer the dean of Hundred Nations Academy, and the Tong family has nothing to do with Hundred Nations Academy! "


The words fell silent,

Tong Jingyi took a few steps back with a pale face.

There are only two words in his mind: it's over!

Without Hundred Kingdoms Academy behind him, he is really finished!

There is no chance at all!

With his own strength, how could he be Lu Feng, an opponent who can kill a master of the fifth level of the Holy Venerable?

Completely finished!

"Your Majesty the King of Nanyan, Tong Jingyi, who is now an enemy of the Nanyan Kingdom, is no longer the dean of the Hundred Nations Academy, and has nothing to do with the Hundred Nations Academy."

"He will be handed over to Your Majesty to do whatever you want!" The old ghost said respectfully.

He put his identity very, very low.

So low it's hard to believe.

That is the Patriarch of the Holy Reverence Triple Heaven of Hundred Nations Academy!

In Yuzhou, he was an absolute top player, but now he is showing great respect to Lu Feng.

If this was in the past, no one would believe it if it was said.

But now those warriors see it, but they take it for granted.

After all, that was Lu Feng, the master who could kill the Holy Venerable Fifth Layer!


Lu Feng looked at the old ghost and said indifferently: "When did I say that Tong Jingyi is not the dean of Baiguo College, so he will spare Baiguo College?"


The old ghost was startled, looked up at Lu Feng, and said anxiously, "Baiguo Academy has nothing to do with Tong Jingyi, and will never be an enemy of Nanyan Kingdom in the future, I..."

"Some things, you have to pay for them!"

Lu Feng interrupted the old ghost and said lightly, "When Tong Jingyi attacked our Nanyan Kingdom, he was the dean of the Hundred Nations Academy, then your Hundred Nations Academy will have to pay for what he did!"


Tong Jingyi, who was originally pale, laughed when he heard this, and sarcastically said to the old ghost: "You originally thought that if you gave up on me, you would be able to keep Baiguo Academy, but they have no intention of sparing you at all."

"You thought you could survive by abandoning me, but in the end you still couldn't survive."

"Hahaha, idiot, idiot!"

"a bunch of idiots!"


Tong Jingyi laughed.

His laughter fell in the ears of those warriors above the semi-sacred realm at Hundred Nations Academy, making them all look ugly.

They had given up on Tong Jingyi just to save their lives, which was humiliating enough.

But they didn't expect that they lost their faces, but Lu Feng didn't want to spare their lives at all.

"Lu Feng, don't go too far!"

A saint from the Hundred Nations College became angry and stood up and shouted: "Although you Lu Feng is strong, don't forget that this is the Hundred Nations College. How can you compare the thousands of years of my Hundred Nations College?"

"If you just obediently retreat from today's matter, we can pretend that nothing happened, but if you still dare to entangle, don't blame us for being ruthless."

"Not showing mercy?"

Lu Feng looked at the annoyed Holy Venerable, shook his head, and said, "I'm really confident with honey!"

"Kill without mercy!"


Ran Min, Lu Bu and the others made another move.

Seeing this, the old ghost knew that there was no other way at the moment, so he came up with infuriating energy, but was quickly blocked by Tong Yuan.

The remaining Hundred Kingdoms Academy warriors were the opponents of Ran Min Yang Zaixing Lu Bu and others, and they were completely slaughtered without resistance.

It didn't take long for the warriors of Hundred Nations Academy to lose more than half.

When the old ghost saw it, Cangchu Dynasty Oufeng Commercial Bank and other warriors from other Yuzhou forces hurriedly said: "What are you still doing?"

"Do you think that after Lu Feng kills us, we will let you go? Don't forget the purpose of your coming here today!"

His voice fell, and the expressions of many holy warriors changed slightly.

Indeed, they came to participate in the Yanyan Alliance today. If Lu Feng killed the people from the Hundred Kingdoms Academy, would they still be able to end up?

Soon, the warriors of the Chongao Dynasty and the Silver Wolf Dynasty looked at each other, nodded, and immediately stood up and said loudly: "The old ghost is right, we are here to participate in the Yanyan Alliance today, and the purpose is to destroy I killed the Nanyan Kingdom and killed Lu Feng!"

"If Lu Feng kills the masters of the Hundred Nations Academy now, how can he let us go?"

"Don't forget, Lu Feng has always had revenge!"

"Everyone, instead of waiting until they kill the experts from the Hundred Kingdoms Academy to trouble us, let's take action now and surround the people of the Nanyan Kingdom with the experts from the Hundred Kingdoms Academy."

"With our strength, we will be able to kill them successfully!"

The rest of the surrounding holy warriors heard it, and their faces were a little moved.

Indeed, Lu Feng is a man who will take revenge. When he comes to kill him, it is better for everyone to kill them now!

The people from the Chongao Dynasty and the Silver Wolf Dynasty were overjoyed when they saw the faces of these saints, and then said, "As long as we kill Lu Feng, we can..."


Before they could finish their words, Lu Feng sent out with one palm.

The person from the Silver Wolf Dynasty of the Chongao Dynasty who stood up was directly smashed into pieces.

"Who else is going to stand up?"

Lu Feng looked at the rest of the forces and spoke lightly.

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