The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1432 Desperate Liyang Dynasty

In the secret realm of the royal family of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, Emperor Nangong Rong is reporting to his ancestor Nangong Ling about the Hundred Kingdoms Academy.

"I didn't expect that Lu Feng would be able to instantly kill a warrior of the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable."

Nangong Ling sighed lightly, and said, "At the age of twenty, he is a warrior who can instantly kill the fifth-layered saint. Such talent is really enviable!"

"Originally, my Ice and Snow Dynasty also had such a genius, but unfortunately, Duanyun's child was killed by Lu Feng, and I will avenge this revenge!" Emperor Nangong Rong said coldly.


Nangong Ling looked at Nangong Rong and said, "When Nangong Duanyun was alive, he relied on his master to be a swordsman of Jianzhou, and he kept forming gangs to split power with you, the emperor. You are the happiest when he is dead. the one!"

Nangong Rong hurriedly knelt down and said, "Duanyun is my child. He was killed. I am very sad, and I am not at all happy. I..."

"Okay, stop pretending."

Nangong Ling waved his hand and said lightly, "Nangong Duanyun is the damned person."

"He wants to turn the Ice and Snow Dynasty into his own Dynasty, but he himself is the descendant of the Sword Saint of Jianzhou. If he is the emperor, how can I be the Ice and Snow Dynasty? The Nanyan Kingdom is the top priority."

Nangong Rong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it. What he was worried about was that Nangong Ling blamed him for not taking revenge for Nangong Duanyun.

After all, Nangong Duanyun's talent is indeed the strongest in the Ice and Snow Dynasty for nearly a thousand years. With time, he will surely become a saintly powerhouse.

But unfortunately, he died in the hands of Lu Feng.

Although Nangong Duanyun was his son, when Nangong Rong heard the news that Nangong Duanyun was killed, his first reaction was not grief, but joy!

Because this son relied on the Sword Saint behind him to form a gang in the Ice and Snow Dynasty, not just once or twice to divide his power.

Although he is the emperor, he doesn't dare to do anything to Nangong Duanyun. After all, standing behind Nangong Duanyun is the Sword Saint of Jianzhou, and he can't afford to offend him.

Nangong Duanyun was killed behind, he was the happiest one.

As for his own son who died, he didn't care at all.

For someone like him, how many more than a dozen sons?

Not to mention that Nangong Duanyun just saw the product after drinking and died.

"Ancestor, in your opinion, how should we prepare now?" Nangong Rong asked cautiously.



Nangong Rong was puzzled, looked at Nangong Ling, and said, "Ancestor, what do you mean by this?"

"The strongest dynasty in Yuzhou is not us, but the Cangchu dynasty. It is also the Cangchu dynasty that is most likely to overthrow the Ji dynasty and become the new overlord of Yuzhou."

"We don't need to be the first bird, we just need to wait for the Cangchu Dynasty to act. Whatever they do, we will follow suit. We don't need to think too much." Nangong Ling explained.

"Then do we still need to send troops to the Nanyan Kingdom in a symbolic way?" Nangong Rong asked.

"It's not necessary."

Nangong Ling sighed softly and said, "The current emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, is too strong, and there is still a top military general in the country, Yue Fei. We and him have a low chance of winning, and there is no need to fight them."

"just wait!"

"After the Great Emperor Ruins are opened, we will get a lot of good things from the Great Emperor Ruins, improve our strength, and then plan for a major event in Yuzhou!"

"Old Ancestor, what do you mean by this..."

Looking at Nangong Ling cautiously, Nangong Rong asked in a low voice, "Ancestor, are you going to the Great Emperor Ruins in person?"


Nangong Ling nodded and said, "No surprise, the old guy from the Cangchu Dynasty will temporarily give up on the Nanyan Kingdom after knowing the strength of Lu Feng of the Nanyan Kingdom. Behead Lu Feng and then do it."

"Although our Ice and Snow Dynasty is far in the west of Yuzhou, we have to share in Yuzhou's major events."

"So I decided that I would personally take action at the Great Emperor Ruins, get as many good things as possible, improve my strength, and prepare for the chaos of the universe in the future!"


Nangong Rong responded immediately, "I'll go down and make preparations.



Not only the Cangchu Dynasty and the Ice and Snow Dynasty, but also the Guda Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty, two other dynasties in the western part of Yuzhou.

The Yinlang Dynasty, Dafeng Dynasty, Lieqi Dynasty, Dongxia Dynasty in the east, and Ming and Song Dynasty in the south of Yuzhou.

After the ancestors of their respective royal families got the news, they almost all chose one word: wait!

Waiting for the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins, I want to fight in the Great Emperor Ruins, strive for good things, greatly improve my strength, and make all preparations for the upcoming chaos in Yuzhou.

Of the ten dynasties in Yuzhou, only the Liyang Dynasty has not moved at all.

It's not that they are not interested in the Great Emperor Ruins, but now they don't have the energy to think about the Great Emperor Ruins anymore.

"Ancestor, what should we do? Gao Shun's army has taken Duxiong Pass, and two million troops are stationed in Duxiong Pass, eyeing the capital."

"Old Ancestor, what should we do?"

In the secret territory of the Liyang Dynasty, Emperor Zhang Liyuan looked at Zhang Xiao, the ancestor of the royal family, with bitterness.

A few days ago, Gao Shun led his troops to attack Duxiong Pass with lightning speed.

The Liyang Kingdom's capital, and the only pass, Duxiongguan, fell into the hands of General Gao Shun of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Then, the Liyang Dynasty was tragic.

When Duxiongguan fell, the entire capital was exposed to the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom.

As long as Gao Shun is willing, he only needs to arrange an iron cavalry, and in less than half a day, he can charge to the capital of the Liyang Dynasty.

For a dynasty capital, this is simply a nightmare!

The most terrifying thing is that the current Nanyan Kingdom has already obtained a large number of Sacred Sacred Crossbows from the Cangchu Dynasty. With these Sacred Sacred Crossbows, even if Liyang City, the capital of the Liyang Dynasty, has a formation defense, it will not last long.

It can almost be said that as long as Lu Feng is willing, the capital of the Liyang Dynasty will be conquered within three days!

For Zhang Liyuan, the emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, it was like a nightmare.

He assembled the officials of the entire capital to discuss countermeasures, but nothing could be discussed.

In desperation, he could only come to the ancestor Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao could only smile bitterly when he heard it.

How to do?

How does he know what to do?

The current Nanyan Kingdom is too strong, he knows what happened at Hundred Kingdoms Academy, and he knows Lu Feng's strength.

What can I do if I kill the powerful existence of Saint Venerable Fifth Layer in seconds?

He was just a mid-level semi-sacred warrior. Going to deal with Lu Feng would be of no use at all other than sending them away in vain.


Zhang Xiao let out a long sigh and said, "Let it be your fate!"

"Dynasty, now there is no strength to stop Nanyan Kingdom."


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