After Gu Ziyi's words, Hu Li'er did not answer immediately, but fell into silence.

Indeed, as Gu Ziyi said.

Once they agree to cooperate with the Kingdom of Nanyan, according to their cooperation agreement, as long as a million mountains can get enough value, they can let Sun Simiao or Ou Yezi help refine holy-level medicine pills and magic weapons.

These are things that other forces in Yuzhou cannot give.

Even the pill city with holy-level low-grade alchemists couldn't give them these.

Because the alchemist of the low-grade holy grade, the success rate of refining holy grade medicinal pills is only less than 30%.

However, the alchemy masters of the middle grade of the holy grade are different, and the success rate is enough to reach 70%.

This difference, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is different!

For monsters, the allure of holy pills is too great!

Not to mention Ou Yezi, a sage-level middle-grade craftsman.

If it is said that there is still a Dan Longyan, the city master of Dan City, in Yuzhou, then in terms of refining, the other forces in Yuzhou do not have a holy-level refining master.

Only Ou Yezi of the Nanyan Kingdom is a Saint-level Middle Grade Crafter!

This is the most deadly temptation.

If a holy-level monster could have a holy-level divine weapon in their hands, the combat power would not be as simple as one plus one equals two.

But if they really agreed, the conditions of Nanyan Kingdom would also make Hu Li'er's mouth twitch.

A heaven-level elixir can only be exchanged for an earth-level elixir. This kind of transaction and robbery are unintentional!

The conditions for cooperation with Oufeng Commercial Bank, Forest Commercial Bank, and Yicheng Commercial Bank were even more unacceptable.

This made Hu Li'er unable to make a decision!

After pondering for a while, Hu Li'er looked at Gu Ziyi and said, "I can't decide this matter alone, I need to report to His Majesty the Demon Lord."

"Of course it is." Gu Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "Cooperation is no trivial matter, of course it has to be what it is, but I don't know how long it will take you?"

"Just a quarter of an hour."

Hu Li'er smiled sweetly and said, "Although our monsters can't keep up with humans in the elixir refining device, we also have some special methods."

After he finished speaking, he moved his hand, took out a turtle shell, tapped it, and the barrier rose, wrapping Hu Li'er in other places, so that people couldn't see and hear what Hu Li'er was doing inside.

Hu Li'er in the enchantment, and then the turtle shell cast a secret technique, and soon there was a change in front of him, and a middle-aged man in a dragon robe appeared in the enchantment.

"Hu Li'er pays respects to His Majesty the Demon Lord." Hu Li'er immediately bowed down when she saw the virtual shadow.

"In terms of cooperation with humans, except for Zhongzhou, Wuzhou, Jianzhou, and Yuzhou, the other five states outside the Yaozhou have found forces to cooperate, and can get a lot of medicinal pills in a very short period of time. "

"I can understand that Zhongzhou, Wuzhou, and Jianzhou have not been able to win cooperation. After all, the strength of these states is too strong, and everything will not be so simple."

"But Yuzhou is ranked one or two from the bottom in terms of strength in the Kyushu. You have been out for so long, why haven't you heard any good news?" The middle-aged man in the barrier said faintly.

in his words,

With a majesty that is not angry and arrogant, cold sweat broke out on Hu Li'er's forehead, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it is not because your subordinates are incompetent, but the current situation in Yuzhou is a bit complicated. "

"How complicated can the situation be in a small Yuzhou? You can tell me." The middle-aged man said lightly.

Hu Li'er quickly told Yaojun the general situation of Yuzhou.

After Yaojun heard this, his brows were slightly wrinkled, followed by a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Interesting, there are so many things in a small Yuzhou."

"There is still a Saint Venerable third-level Heavenly Martial Artist who is less than twenty years old, and he has the means to instantly kill Saint Venerable Fifth-level Heavenly, which is interesting."

"Your Majesty the Demon Lord, Yuzhou's forces are intricate and complicated, so it is impossible to determine the cooperation partner as soon as possible!"

"But now I have found a partner!" said Hu Li'er.

"The Ji Dynasty or the Cangchu Dynasty?" the demon king asked.

"It's not them, it's Nanyan Kingdom!" Hu Li'er said.

"Nanyan Kingdom?" The Yaojun frowned and said, "Although the emperor of Nanyan Kingdom is extremely talented and has good strength, it is still just a kingdom and is not qualified to cooperate with our Million Mountains!"

"Your Majesty, I also thought so at first, but apart from Emperor Lu Feng, the rest of the Nanyan Kingdom is not easy!" Hu Li'er said.

"What's not easy?"

"Besides Lu Feng, they also have a top military general, Yue Fei. It was Yue Fei who led the army to defeat the army of the Cangchu Dynasty, and the power of the Nanyan Kingdom even overwhelmed some dynasties in Yuzhou!"

"In addition, there is Lu Bu, who can deploy the cavalry army to the 'megacities of all directions'. The presence of these two has already made the military strength of the Nanyan Kingdom surpass that of some dynasties in Yuzhou!"


After a short pause, Hu Li'er said, "Nanyan Kingdom also has a saint-level mid-grade alchemist and a saint-level mid-grade alchemist!"

"What? Saint-level middle-grade alchemists and holy-grade middle-grade alchemists?"

The Yaojun was startled and hurriedly asked, "Are you sure that the Nanyan Kingdom has a middle-rank alchemist and a middle-rank alchemist?"


"I have met both of them, and I am very sure of their identities!" Hu Li'er affirmed.

When Yaojun listened to Hu Li'er's confirmation, he suddenly lost his calm.

If it was just Yue Fei, Lu Bu and Emperor Lu Feng, the demon king still did not take the Nanyan Kingdom in his eyes.

After all, there are countless powerful monsters in the millions of mountains, and this kind of existence is not enough to move him.

But the alchemist and the alchemist of the middle grade of the holy level are different!

Not to mention how eager the monsters are for holy-level medicine pills and holy-level divine weapons, this identity alone far exceeds that of the dynasty and the dynasty.

Even those forces in other states that Million Mountain cooperates with do not exist at this level.

Or to be more precise, in the entire Kyushu Continent, except for Zhongzhou, Wuzhou, and Jianzhou, the rest of the states basically do not see alchemists and alchemists of the middle grade of saints.

The Yaojun never imagined that in a Yuzhou province, one of the last two in the Kyushu state, a small kingdom could have such a level of existence.

"Cooperation, immediately cooperate with the Kingdom of Nanyan!"

After thinking for a while, Yaojun said without hesitation.

He knew very well how much it would be beneficial to cooperate with a force that had a middle-grade saint-level alchemist.

As long as you can get some holy-level medicinal pills and magical weapons, it is enough to increase the strength of those holy-level monsters in the million-dollar mountains.

It can even stabilize his status as a demon king!

"Your Majesty Mingjian, I think so too, but..."

"But what?" Yaojun frowned.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Nanyan also agreed to cooperate, but their conditions are a bit excessive!"

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