The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1450 I want you for 500 years!

The reason why Lu Feng didn't promise himself now was because he wanted more benefits.

He looked at Lu Feng and said solemnly, "As long as you agree to take me to the Great Emperor Ruins, you can make any request. As long as I think I can accept it, I will never postpone it!"

"Okay, cheerleader!"

Lu Feng looked at the Zhongzheng Swordsman and said, "My request is very simple. The time you will serve Nanyan will be increased from 100 years to 500 years. At the same time, in the days to come, if Nanyan wants to use troops against Jianzhou , you must cooperate fully!"

In fact, Lu Feng really wanted to cooperate with Zhongzheng Juggernaut.

The reason is very simple. Zhongzheng Juggernaut was the Juggernaut of Jianzhou, and he knew Jianzhou very well. If Nanyan used troops against Jianzhou in the future, he would be a very good guide.

Second, the strength of Zhongzheng Juggernaut is very powerful, reaching the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Venerate.

If Lu Feng did not use special kendo xuanwen, and just used his current methods, including the initial xuanwen, the most likely outcome would be a tie.

This was the conclusion that Lu Feng's intuition told him.

Zhongzheng Juggernaut is really strong, the whole person is like a hidden sword, but if it is unsheathed, it will be shocking!

Let him fight with Tong Yuxian, he can't kill Tong Yuxian, but it is almost impossible for Tong Yuxian to defeat him!

Such strength, Lu Feng sees it.

What the current Nanyan Kingdom lacks is this high-end combat power!

But, even so, Lu Feng had to get enough benefits for the cooperation.

"Nanyan uses troops against Jianzhou?"

Zhongzheng Jiansheng laughed when he heard Lu Feng's words, shook his head, and said, "There are rumors in the world that His Majesty the King of Nanyan is an arrogant person."

"When I listened to it, I smiled in my heart. After all, it is common sense for young talents to be more or less arrogant."

"But I didn't expect that His Majesty's arrogance was beyond my imagination. He even said that Nanyan would use troops in Jianzhou in the future!"

Shaking his head again, Zhongzheng Sword Saint said: "Your Majesty is too confident in himself, and at the same time he underestimates Jianzhou too much."

"Jianzhou has martial arts sects and powerful dynasties. They all have one thing in common, and they are very powerful."

"As far as the Ji Dynasty in Yuzhou is concerned, in Jianzhou, it's just a first-class force, and you can't even touch the threshold of a top-notch force!"

Compared with what Lu Feng said, Juggernaut Zhongzheng felt that the five hundred years of your life he said was not worth mentioning.

"I have no doubts about what you said. After all, Jianzhou is the third strongest existence in Kyushu, second only to Zhongzhou and Wuzhou."

"But even so, I have no fear in my heart. After all, who knows what will happen in the future?"

"at the moment……"

After a short pause, Lu Feng looked at Zhongzheng Swordsman and said, "You just need to tell me, you agree or not!"

"I have no objection." Zhongzheng Sword Saint smiled slightly, and said, "If His Majesty really moves troops against Jianzhou in the future, I am Zhongzheng, and I will definitely cooperate with you!"

In the five hundred years of service, the Juggernaut did not take it to heart.

If you enter the Great Emperor Ruins this time, you can get good things that can improve your strength, even if you improve a realm, it is not comparable to five hundred years.

After all, he knew very well how difficult it would be for a loose cultivator to cultivate and progress!

In Jianzhou, there are too many juggernauts who have been stuck on the fourth, fifth, and sixth heavens of the holy deity all their lives.

Zhongzheng Juggernaut is only a few hundred years old now. Compared with those warriors who have cultivated for thousands of years to reach the fourth level of the Holy Reverence, his talent and luck are very good.

But at this state, he really knows how difficult it is to improve his strength.

That's why he chose to come to Yuzhou to explore his luck in the soon-to-be-opened Great Emperor Ruins.

To this end, even if it takes five hundred years of time, it is also worthwhile.

Even, he is very clear that if the news of the Great Emperor Ruins spreads, the entire Jianzhou will be shocked.

Especially those trapped in the fourth heaven of the holy deity,

The warriors of Wuzhongtian will try their best to enter the Great Emperor Ruins.

At that time, let alone making them pay for five hundred years, even if it was a thousand or two thousand years, they would not hesitate!

"it is good!"

After receiving the reply from the Zhongzheng Swordsman, Lu Feng said with a smile: "In this case, you will be the royal servant of the Nanyan Kingdom for the next five hundred years. You only need to obey the orders of me and the Queen Hua Mulan."

"And I will also take you to the Great Emperor Ruins when the Great Emperor Ruins opens!"

"I... my subordinates obey!"

The role of Zhongzheng Juggernaut changed very quickly. After confirming the matter, he immediately called himself a subordinate.

Lu Feng also nodded.

The attitude of Zhongzheng Juggernaut is what he wants.

However, he still threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the information of the exploration technique was fed back.

Zhongzheng Juggernaut: A famous Juggernaut in Jianzhou, who is a loose cultivator in Jianzhou.

Realm: The pinnacle of the Four Heavens of the Holy Venerable.

Weapon: Zhongzheng Sword (Holy Grade Middle Grade)

Loyalty: 80

Compared with the information returned by the previous exploration technique, the loyalty above has become 80 points this time.

30 points more than just now.

This also proves that Zhongzheng Juggernaut is really here to cooperate, not to fool people.

Lu Feng looked at it and nodded in his heart.

"By the way, I think you should know other holy warriors in Jianzhou. If you have a good relationship and have a good character, you can also introduce them to me. I can also bring him to the Great Emperor Ruins. He paid same as you."

"If you can do it, I can ask the alchemists under my command to refine a few middle-grade holy-level medicinal pills for you." Lu Feng said, looking at the Zhongzheng Sword Saint.

This is what he just thought.

In order to have the opportunity to enter the Great Emperor Ruins, the Zhongzheng Sword Saint was willing to serve the Nanyan Kingdom for five hundred years, so it is not impossible for other holy warriors to do so.

What Lu Feng wanted was this possibility!

After all, the high-end combat power of the Nanyan Kingdom is still the only one in Yuzhou. If this opportunity can be used to add a lot of high-end combat power to the Nanyan Kingdom, it will be a good thing.

"I understand what Your Majesty thinks, but..."

Looking at Lu Feng, the Sword Saint Zhongzheng said, "Your Majesty said that he has middle-rank alchemists under his command. I'm afraid this is an exaggeration!"

"You must know that even in Jianzhou, there are no saint-level middle-rank alchemists in the first-class forces, only the top-level forces have such existence!"

"Do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you?" Lu Feng laughed.


Juggernaut Zhongzheng was taken aback for a moment. Indeed, Lu Feng had absolutely no need to deceive himself.

Because according to the agreement between himself and him, he will be the servant of the Nanyan Kingdom for the next five hundred years. If he is deceiving himself, five hundred years will be enough for him to see whether it is true or false.

If it is false, it will be detrimental to the Nanyan Kingdom.


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