The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1453 Brave and invincible, Huo Qubing!




Millions of troops responded in unison, and the momentum was overwhelming.

If it wasn't for Huo Qubing's use of infuriating energy to isolate this space, so that the sound could not get out, the enemy would have heard the movement long ago.

Most of the iron cavalry from Beiguan are from the three northern counties.

The hatred between them and the barbarians was accumulated over several generations.

Many people have seen the barbarian iron cavalry massacre their relatives and friends after a few hours. Their hatred for the barbarians is blood hatred!

It's a feud!

Hearing Huo Qubing's words at this time, the hatred in his body filled his entire chest.

They want revenge, they want to kill the barbarians, just as they slaughtered their own relatives and friends in the past!

Hatred is their best weapon!

"it is good!"

"We take revenge!"

Huo Qubing pointed his gun at the barbarian tribe in front of him, and said loudly, "The front is the barbarian Kunou tribe!"

"They used to send troops to attack us for hundreds of years, not just once, killing our relatives."

"Today is our time to fight back!"

"The generals obey the order, the whole army charges, and kills the enemy!"

"Don't take prisoners in this battle!"



Huo Qubing's voice fell, and the first one rushed out on a war horse.

Behind him is a million cavalry!

Soon, Huo Qubing met the barbarians of the Kunou tribe.


Before the barbarian could react, Huo Qubing had already pierced his body with the spear.

Then, continue to lead the army forward.

Along the way, I met more and more barbarians of the Kunou tribe, and without exception, they were all killed!

When the sun was about to set, the barbarians of the Kunou tribe basically returned to their base camp.

In the largest king tent, the senior officials of the Kunou tribe were drinking and watching the dance, enjoying themselves.



At this time, a hurried soldier came in and said anxiously, "Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Nanyan is attacking, and the Kingdom of Nanyan is attacking!"

"Shut up nonsense!"

The new king of the Kunou tribe snorted coldly and said, "Nanyan Kingdom is a few days away from us. Even if they want to attack us, it is impossible for our people to fail to find out after such a long time."

"There is no news from the front, how can the enemy attack? I think you are..."

"Tap Tap!"

Before the new king of the Kunou tribe could finish speaking, he heard the rapid sound of the iron cavalry, and his expression changed suddenly.

He said anxiously: "Your Majesty, a human iron cavalry was found outside the tribe, and they are attacking us at this time!"


This time, the new king of the Kunou tribe was stunned. He did not expect that the Nanyan Kingdom would actually attack.

In the past, barbarian iron cavalry attacked the human world!

How did you turn around today?

Not to mention, the enemy army led the attack, and our own side only got the news until now.

In the past, this was simply impossible!

Before, the enemy cavalry had just entered the grassland and they got the news.

The other senior leaders of the Kunou tribe in the account were also panicked.

Since their old king was killed, they have become a little more afraid of the Nanyan Kingdom, not to mention that the Wu clan later called everyone to attack the Nanyan Kingdom, and in the end it was nothing.

Although I don't know what happened between the Wu clan and the Nanyan Kingdom, everyone can more or less guess it. It must be the Wu clan who suffered from the Nanyan Kingdom.

Now the enemy is coming again, and they are terrified in their hearts.

"What are you afraid of?"

The new king of the Kunou tribe reacted, looked at the senior tribal leaders in the account, snorted coldly, and said, "My Kunou tribe has more than five million armored men, and everyone is a man of string control, so why be afraid of the enemy military?"

"Go down and gather a large army, and I will lead a guard of two hundred thousand kings to block the enemy first.

When our army is assembled, it will be the day of the demise of the enemy army! "

Hearing the new king's words, the senior officials of the Kunei Kunou tribe reacted.

Yes, my Kunou tribe has more than five million iron cavalry. When everyone gathers, how can the enemy be an opponent?

Before the old king was killed, it was because the army was not there. If the army was there, what was the use of the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom even if there were ten people?

Thinking of this, the confidence of these people rose, and they said loudly: "Yes!"

Then go down and call the army.

The new king of the Kunou tribe directly summoned a guard of 200,000 kings to meet the enemy.

The army led by Huo Qubing was almost unstoppable along the way and quickly rushed to the Kunou tribe.

Now they finally arrived at the outskirts of the Kunou tribe before dark.


Looking at the barbarian tribe in front of him, Huo Qubing pointed the barbarian spear in his hand and directly led the troops to kill.

Puff puff!

Those barbarians who came to resist have all become ghosts under the sword of Huo Qubing's elite soldiers.

In particular, Huo Qubing, who swung a barbarian spear in his hand, took the lives of a large number of barbarian cavalry.

Under his leadership, the millions of iron cavalry under his command broke into the periphery of the Kunou tribe without encountering any obstacles.

The barbarian iron cavalry encountered along the way, without exception, became corpses!

"The thieves will be furious!"

At this time, the new king of the Kunou tribe arrived with a guard of 200,000 kings.

The new king looked at Huo Qubing, pulled the horse to a stop, pointed his gun at him, and said coldly: "Who is coming? Sign up, or I won't know who I killed, young master!"

"What a crazy thief general, listen to grandpa, I am the new king Ou of the Kunou tribe..."

"Haha, it's actually the king of the Kunou tribe, good, very good!"

Before the new king had finished speaking, Huo Qubing laughed and said, "Today, Huo Qubing, I will kill you, the so-called new king, first!"

"What? Huo Qubing!"

When the new king heard this, his face changed greatly,

He naturally knew the name of Huo Qubing, and understood that this was a fierce general that the Nanyan Kingdom placed at the distance to Beiguan to prevent the barbarian cavalry from attacking.

He did not expect that Huo Qubing would lead the troops to attack.


At this moment when the new king of the Kunou tribe lost his mind, Huo Qubing had already taken action.

Holding the Zhangbaping savage spear, he flew from the battle horse and directly attacked the new king of the Kunou tribe.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

There are also several warriors in the guards of the king behind the new king, but the highest realm is only the realm of the master, and he flew up to block Huo Qubing.

In the end, before Huo Qu's body was even close, he was already smashed to pieces by the agitation of Zhang Baping's gun.

Then, under the unbelievable gaze of the new king of the Kunou tribe, he pierced his throat with a thud.

Under the control of Huo Qubing, the gunfire did not break the so-called new king's body.

Huo Qubing picked up the new king's body, flew into the sky, and said loudly, "Your king is dead, why don't you put down your weapons and wait for death?"

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