The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1455 National Celebration

Chapter 1455: National Celebration

"General, we have won this battle. Only some lucky barbarians of the Kunou tribe escaped by taking advantage of the large force."

"But the number of people who escaped will not exceed 100,000!"

"It can be said that the entire Kunou tribe was wiped out in this battle!"

The lieutenant reported the battle report to Huo Qubing.

Huo Qubing, covered in blood, nodded and said, "Good job!"

These days, Huo Qubing has been fighting at the forefront, and the barbarian cavalry that died in his hands will cost millions!

He felt that his flag of the town god should be able to condense successfully after a while.

Maybe when the barbarians are destroyed, his banner of the town god can be successfully condensed.

At that time, his army strength will be further improved!

After a short pause, Huo Qubing asked, "How about the casualties of our army?"

"Thanks to the bravery of the general, the courage of the enemy was destroyed in this battle. Therefore, our soldiers attacked very smoothly. They rarely encountered resistance, and it was basically a massacre."

"The five-day war is over, and the death toll of the entire army is only over 30,000!"


The lieutenant looked at Huo Qubing, sighed and said, "General, you killed the entire Kun'ou tribe with one million iron cavalry, and more than 50 million Kun'ou tribesmen were killed."

"And we only paid 30,000 casualties. This number is simply an impossible number!"

"In the entire history of Yuzhou, there has never been such a battle!"

"General, this battle of yours will definitely make you a marquis, even a one-word marquis!"

Huo Qubing shook his head and said, "Although the entire Kunou tribe was killed, it's not a big deal."

"At this stage, the barbarians are not our opponents at all, and we are not at the same level at all. We have destroyed 50 million enemy troops and lost more than 30,000 people on our side. This number looks incredible now."

"But when you wait until the battle situation of General Meng Tian, ​​General Ran Min, and General Wei Qing comes back, you will know that this number is not so unbelievable."

Others thought this record was great, but Huo Qubing knew it in his heart.

The main reason for this victory is that the Nanyan Iron Cavalry and the Barbarian Cavalry are not on the same level.

Think about it, Nanyan Iron Cavalry currently has a Saint-level general, and the army formation ability is very powerful.

Looking at the barbarian iron cavalry, there seems to be a large number of people. Basically, the standing iron cavalry of every medium tribe is five million or more.

But what about more iron cavalry? The armies of the barbarian middle tribes do not have any formations.

These millions, even tens of millions of iron cavalry, if there is no army formation to gather them together, it is a mess of sand.

Not to mention facing a million cavalry, even if it is 500,000 or 300,000, Huo Qubing is confident that he can defeat them, but it will take more time.

The gap between the current barbarian cavalry and the Nanyan cavalry is like the difference between a baby and a strong man.

Even bigger than this difference!

The two sides are not comparable at all!

This is why, Meng Tian dared to say before that within three months, there will be no more barbarian cavalry on the northern grasslands.

The Nanyan Kingdom has such strength!

Therefore, Huo Qubing did not feel that his current record was worth showing off.

If it is really worth showing off, you have to destroy the three big tribes of the barbarians before you can show off.

Because the barbarian iron cavalry in those three big tribes exists, there are people who are proficient in military formations. They are not barbarians, but some human beings who run over in pursuit of wealth.

Because they are proficient in military formations, they are all loved by the king in the three major tribes.

Because of their existence, the iron cavalry of the three major tribes are more powerful in combat.

But Huo Qubing had nothing to fear.

He looked at the lieutenant and said, "You immediately send a battle report to Your Majesty and tell His Majesty what we have gained here."


The lieutenant will do it immediately.

Huo Qubing ordered the army to clean up the battlefield.

Mainly to have the army burn the corpses in this place.

After all, there are 50 million barbarian corpses here. If they are allowed to rot here, plagues will easily occur, causing accidents to the surrounding cattle and sheep.

Huo Qubing didn't carry too much food and grass, and depended on these cattle and sheep as military rations, so nothing happened.

Soon, the army cleaned up the battlefield and moved valuable things and many cattle and sheep away. Then, Huo Qubing used his infuriating energy to drive the flames and swept the entire Kunou tribe.

The fire filled the sky, making the sun in the sky pale.

If it wasn't for the strength of the Holy Venerable Huo Qubing controlling the surrounding space, this fire might even ignite more surrounding grasslands.

After dealing with the funeral of the Kunou tribe, Huo Qubing led the troops to a suitable place to rest, slaughtered cattle and sheep to make jerky, and then prepared to drive to the Aohan tribe.


"happy event!"

"happy event!"

"happy event!"

Away from the main mansion of Beiguan City, Lu Feng was dealing with government affairs from Nanyan City, and Liu Ji ran in excitedly.

"Bowen, what made you so complacent?" Lu Feng looked at Liu Ji and asked with a smile.

"Your Majesty forgive me, this minister has lost his temper."

Liu Ji quickly apologized, and then excitedly said: "Your Majesty, you must not have thought of what a happy event!"

"It's a happy event to be able to say this within the distance from Beiguan. It should be a good news from the northern battlefield!" Lu Feng said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is really a god, I guessed it right away!"

Liu Ji exclaimed and said, "General Huo Qubing has received good news that he has already defeated the Kunou tribe, the target of his army's attack."

"More than 50 million barbarians in the entire Kun'ou tribe were slaughtered, and only less than 100,000 barbarians who ran fast escaped. Now General Huo Qubing has sorted out the battle situation and is ready to rush to the Aohan tribe as planned."

"And the army under his command only suffered casualties of more than 30,000 soldiers."

"Such a record is unbelievable!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Lu Feng also had a look of joy, and said, "Huo Qubing is doing well, and I did not disappoint me!"

"This first victory he won has given us a good start in the northern battlefield. You immediately send the order and let Jinyiwei quickly spread the news. I want the people of the entire Nanyan Kingdom to know, and destroy the northern barbarians. The war has begun!"


Liu Ji immediately went down and followed Lu Feng's orders.

Soon, under the spread of Jin Yiwei, the entire Nanyan Kingdom knew about this great victory.

Many people were in high spirits. Near the city in the north, there were many people wearing lanterns and lanterns, just like the Chinese New Year.

In particular, the people of the older generation knelt down towards Nanyan City to thank their most wise and powerful emperor.

The reason is very simple. The people who are close to the north have been harassed by the northern barbarians all the year round. The parents of the older generation were even killed by the barbarians.

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