The first thousand four hundred and fifty-seven chapters go to Xizhou

Royal Secret.

"Lu Feng chose to send troops to attack the northern grasslands at this time, which should have given up the fight for the emperor's ruins, which is a good thing for us."

The ancestor of the dynasty, Ji Yanfeng's father, Ji Yinfu, spoke slowly after hearing the news from the Nanyan Kingdom.

"It should be."

Ji Yanfeng nodded and said, "After all, Lu Feng knew about the existence of the Wu clan, but he still chose to attack the northern grassland at this time, making it clear that he wanted to take advantage of the good opportunity when we had no time to care about the Kingdom of Nanyan, to take the northern grassland and become the The hegemon of southwest Yuzhou."

"Even, he can use the dynasty left by the ancient Zhou dynasty in the southwest of Yuzhou to start a new dynasty."

"He should take the opportunity to establish a dynasty, so he chose to attack the northern grasslands at this time." Ji Yinfu said: "In this way, we have one less strong opponent in the Great Emperor Ruins. For us, it is a A great thing."

"Go on, let the warriors above the Holy Venerable in the dynasty begin to prepare, this opportunity, our dynasty must do our best!"


Ji Yanfeng immediately went down to give orders.

This kind of situation is not only staged in the Cangchu Dynasty and the Dynasty.

Blood Clothes Building, Yicheng Commercial Bank, Ice and Snow Dynasty, Silver Wolf Dynasty, Chongao Dynasty, etc.

After getting the news of the Nanyan Kingdom, they almost made the same judgment, that the Nanyan Kingdom had abandoned the Great Emperor Ruins, and wanted to take the opportunity to win the northern grasslands and establish a dynasty.

As a result, each of these forces became happy, and they worked hard to prepare for a big fight in the Great Emperor Ruins to get enough treasures.


In the next few days, Lu Feng received news from Meng Tian, ​​Ran Min and Wei Qing one after another.

Without exception, all good news!

The middle tribes of the barbarians had no army and were no match for them at all.

They all completely wiped out the barbarian tribes they were dealing with, just like the Kunou tribe that had been wiped out, and only a small number of these tribes escaped.

Likewise, the casualties they paid were very small.

Only Meng Tian attacked the Moyi tribe, the largest among the middle tribes in the northern grasslands, and the losses exceeded 50,000. Both Ran Min and Wei Qing kept the losses within 50,000.

And the results were very rich.

In the four major victories, the barbarians of the barbarian tribe have been slaughtered by more than 230 million.

When this number was passed back to the Nanyan Kingdom, it made the people in the kingdom even more excited.

The more enemies they kill, the more it means that their emperor is determined to solve the problem of the barbarian tribe this time.

From then on, they were close to the people in the north, and no longer had to worry about the intrusion and killing of the barbarian iron cavalry.

This is not only the luck of their generation, but also the luck of their children and grandchildren!

There were also some literati who were idle and had nothing to do, and said that Lu Feng condoned the massacre of his generals, which was inhumane and horrific.

It's just that the words just came out,

These people were drowned by saliva.

Inhumane? Terrible?

When the barbarian iron cavalry slaughtered the people of the three northern counties, why didn't they see these wastes come out and say that they were inhuman and horrific?

The barbarian iron cavalry slaughtered the people of the three northern counties for hundreds of years. Have you ever thought that this is an inhuman and horrific act?

Now that His Majesty is unparalleled in the world, to completely solve the problem of the damned northern barbarians, how can it be said to be inhuman and utterly tragic?

This is clearly the reincarnation of heaven!

In the past, the barbarian iron cavalry slaughtered the northern people, and today it is their turn to be slaughtered.

This is called retribution!

At the same time, Lu Feng's prestige completely reached its peak in the Southern Yan Kingdom.

Even if it was the 15th county of Hongbao, the 12th county of Aoxiang, the 13th county of Ziyang, and the rest of the people who were later accepted by the Nanyan Kingdom to destroy the country, they had an opinion on Lu Feng, and now they have no opinion on Lu Feng.

Now their emperor is indeed much better than the emperor before them.

You must know that it is not only the original people of the Nanyan Kingdom who have been invaded by the northern barbarians, but the thirteen counties of Ziyang, the twelve counties of Aoxiang, etc., as long as the people of the kingdom rely on the northern grasslands, they have all been harassed.

Now that Lu Feng's whole country has destroyed the northern barbarians, these people are the happiest!

Naturally, Lu Feng's reputation among them continued to rise.

For these, Lu Feng also knew, and he was also happy.

There are also surprises.

To be honest, he didn't even think that the Northern Expedition would have such a big impact, which made him a lot happier.

However, after confirming that there would be basically no problems in the northern battlefield, he also left the distance to Beiguan and returned to Nanyan City. At the same time, he notified the demon clan Hu Li'er and asked her to come to Nanyan City.

There are less than forty days left until the final opening time of the Great Emperor Ruins.

He must rush to Xizhou within these forty days, find the Lei Chi that Hu Li'er said, and improve his strength.

Only in this way can he have a chance to compete in the Great Emperor Ruins.

After all, with his decision this time, he was the only one to go to the Nanyan Kingdom at the Great Emperor Ruins, even with the addition of Zhongzheng Swordsman and his friend who might come, there were only three people.

The other forces in Yuzhou must be out in full force.

Although the strength of the three of them is not weak, it cannot be said that they are guaranteed.

But if Lu Feng's combat effectiveness was further improved, instead of relying on the 'soul' kendo Xuanwen, the success rate would increase even more.

Therefore, Lu Feng must take advantage of this good opportunity to make a move.


After hearing the news from Lu Feng, Hu Li'er immediately set off from the Million Dollar Mountain.

And carrying a lot of elixir, he came to make the first transaction with the Nanyan Kingdom.

Two days later, Hu Li'er arrived at Nanyan Kingdom.

Lu Feng met her.

"Your Majesty, the slave family has brought a lot of elixir, including tens of thousands of elixir of heaven. I wonder if your Nanyan Kingdom has prepared enough elixir?"

In the imperial study, Hu Li'er looked at Lu Feng with a charming smile.

"I have already prepared the medicinal pills you want."

If only Nanyan Kingdom could rely on its existing alchemy strength, it would definitely not be able to produce so much for a while.

But fortunately, the Nanyan Kingdom fought eastward and westward, and obtained a lot of medicinal pills, enough for the first transaction.

"It's so good!" Hu Li'er said with a chuckle, "This way, the slave family won't be running for nothing."

"You and Gu Ziyi will talk about the transaction. I'm going to go to Leichi. When will you take me?" Lu Feng stared at Hu Li'er and asked.

"Is Your Majesty going now?" Hu Li'er asked in surprise.

Lu Feng nodded.

"Since Your Majesty has decided, the slave family will naturally act according to the agreement."

Hu Li'er smiled tenderly and said, "After the transaction is over, the slave family will take His Majesty to the Million Mountain Thunder Clan in Xizhou."

"it is good!"

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