The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1464 Terrifying Emperor Crocodile

After the three walked in the swamp for most of the day, suddenly a strange sound came from the swamp below:



When Hu Li'er heard it, her complexion changed greatly, and she said anxiously, "It's a monster eating crocodile, hurry up, let's fly up some, so as not to be stuck by the poisonous gas."

As soon as Hu Li'er finished speaking, green water arrows suddenly shot out from the swamp below, attacking the three of them.

From far away, Lu Feng could feel the poison contained in the water arrow.

He frowned slightly, waved his hand, and several mysterious papers appeared in the air, forming a barrier, blocking the feet of several people, and blocking the water arrows that were shot.

Hu Li'er was relieved when she saw it.

Lu Feng really has a lot of means. As far as she knows, some monsters who entered the swamp just underestimated that the water arrow was contaminated, and then their combat power plummeted and fell into the swamp, where they were eaten by the monster eating crocodile.


There were more voices of the crocodile from below.

Soon thousands of water arrows shot towards the sky.

He kept hitting the barrier formed by those few mysterious texts.

After a while, the Xuanwen barrier was also stained with green liquid, and the barrier began to become weak.

"Can it erode the Xuanwen barrier?"

When Lu Feng saw it, his expression changed slightly.

He is proficient in Xuanwen, and has used Xuanwen to fight many times.

But this was the first time he had seen something that eroded Xuanwen.

"leave here!"

Lu Feng said solemnly.

He realized that these monster eaters are not easy.

Although, his soul power also felt that the monster eating crocodiles in the swamp were not strong, and the strongest ones that appeared now are only about the fifth level of the human emperor.

But there are too many.

In this short period of time, he already felt that there were at least thousands of monster eating crocodiles gathered below.

If it could be beheaded, he wouldn't worry about it.

But if it is beheaded, it will easily disturb the emperor crocodile.

Hu Li'er said that the strength of the emperor crocodile is similar to that of the demon monarch. Lu Feng conservatively estimated that the strength of the emperor crocodile should be in the sixth or even seventh heaven.

This kind of strength is still difficult for him to handle at present.

Therefore, if you can not kill these monster eating crocodiles, try not to do it.

The three speeded up and wanted to leave the swamp earlier.

But sometimes, he doesn't want to do it, it doesn't mean that others don't want to do it.


The three of Lu Feng didn't walk out for a long time, when the huge sound of the monster eating crocodile came out from below, followed by a big bloody mouth biting at the three of them.

"Saint-level monster eating crocodile!"

Lu Feng's complexion changed slightly.

The strength of this monster eating crocodile has the realm of the holy level.

And he also felt that in the depths of the swamp, there are more monster eating crocodiles from the first level of the holy realm running here.


Lu Feng stretched his arms around Hu Li'er and Xue Ying, two 'Shen Xing' Xuanwen appeared under his feet, and quickly left.

Although Hu Li'er and Xue Ying were not slow, they couldn't compare to Lu Feng.

Although they felt a little embarrassed to be hugged by Lu Feng, the speed was indeed much faster than before, and they were out of the attack range of these first-level holy crocodiles in no time.

But he ran really fast, but he also found helplessly that on their only path, there were already several holy-level second-level monster eaters waiting for them.

Seeing them running over, he opened his bloody mouth and started attacking.

"Three steps into the air!"

"Leap into the sky!"

Without any hesitation, Lu Feng performed 'Sky Jump'. His figure disappeared in the distance, and he reappeared. He had already crossed the attack range of these two holy-level second-level monster eating crocodiles, and then continued to run forward.

But it didn't take long for him to discover that there were several holy-level three-level monster eating crocodiles in front of him.

And these monster eating crocodiles seem to know that he will use the space method, and block the space early, so that his three steps of jumping into the sky cannot be used.

It was also discovered by Lu Feng with Hu Li'er and Xue Ying.

"What should I do?" Hu Li'er asked anxiously.

The blood eagle also looked ugly.

"Since there is no way to avoid it, then only violent means can be used."

A cold light flashed in Lu Feng's eyes, and the violent soul power gushed out from his body, turned into sharp arrows, and stabbed directly on the souls of the three holy-level three-level monster-eating crocodiles.

The power of the monster eating crocodile's soul is relatively weak, and it has no power to resist Lu Feng's violent attack.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing five holy-level triple-day monster eating crocodiles and gaining 700 million experience points."

The system prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

As soon as they met, Lu Feng instantly killed these three holy-level three-level monster eaters, providing him with 700 million experience points.

Hu Li'er was completely stunned when she saw this scene.

After all, they were also five holy-level three-level monster eating crocodiles, but they were killed by Lu Feng in one second? Still got killed together!

This Lu Feng's strength is too terrifying!

However, at this time, Lu Feng's expression did not show much joy because he killed five holy-level triple heavenly eater alligators in seconds.

Because he knew very well that if there was really a crocodile in this swamp, it would definitely be shot.

After all, he had killed five of his holy-level three-level monster-eating crocodiles. If the emperor crocodile didn't take action, then the emperor crocodile's temper would be too good.

"What a crazy human being!"

"Not only do you dare to enter a million mountains, but you also dare to kill my monster-eating crocodile people, you should be damned!"

Sure enough, a voice filled with terrifying anger came from the swamp.

Immediately after, a terrifying coercion suddenly appeared in the sky, pressing on Lu Feng, causing Lu Feng to slump and almost fell into the swamp.

In front of him, a huge crocodile of more than a thousand meters floated in the air, blocking their path.

The crocodile body starts from the forehead, and there is a set of golden lines running through the body, which makes the crocodile more majestic.

"Emperor...Emperor crocodile!"

When Hu Li'er saw it, her face turned pale instantly.

She knew that the demon lord to whom she was loyal was not just one time revealing her fear of the emperor crocodile.

Today, I actually saw this terrifying existence!


This was the only thought left in Hu Li'er's mind.

Lu Feng's face also became very ugly.

The moment the emperor crocodile appeared, his exploration technique was thrown up.

Information is also fed back.

Emperor Crocodile: A terrifying existence with the bloodline of the swallowing crocodile in ancient times.

Realm: Saint-level seventh-level first-level (equivalent to the human saint-level seventh-level warrior in the early stage)

Innate magical power: swallowing the sky (with a huge crocodile mouth to generate a terrifying swallowing ability, it can swallow everything that is not higher than his three realms!)

Passive supernatural powers: Iron body (When the supernatural power is used, the defense of the emperor crocodile will increase hundreds of times, unless the martial arts emperor, or no one can break it! Defect: When the iron body is used, the emperor crocodile cannot attack, and the movement speed is very slow .)

Bloodline shortcomings: Because the bloodline of the emperor crocodile is not pure, the power of the emperor crocodile's soul is very weak, only equivalent to the peak of the fourth-level human saint.

The strength of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate was within Lu Feng's expectations.

After all, it is also an existence on a par with the demon king. If the strength is too weak, it is not qualified.

But are you two supernatural powers sure you're not joking with me?

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