The crocodile is very depressed, very depressed!

In these two days of chasing, Lu Feng completely played him.

Every time I appear in front of them, what awaits me is the soul attack of this damn human.

However, in the face of this damned human's soul attack, he had to use passive magical powers to resist.

Then, the speed slows down, and this damn human will take this opportunity to escape.

That's what happened, time and time again, until today out of this damn swamp.

However, this also made him discover that the body technique of this damned human being cannot be used at will.

Without the source of water, his movements would be useless.

Now, he would like to see, now that there is no water around here, what can this damn human do.

"Your discovery is quite quick, a little unexpected." Lu Feng looked at the emperor crocodile with a smile.

"How dare you laugh when you are dying!"

"You are the most rampant human being that I have seen in so many years!"

The emperor crocodile roared and said, "You die for me!"

Then he attacked Lu Feng.

"The might of the emperor!"

Without hesitation, Lu Feng used the power of the emperor again, and the five-clawed golden dragon condensed by the power of the soul appeared in front of him and quickly attacked the emperor crocodile.

The emperor crocodile looked at the five-clawed golden dragon condensed by the power of the soul in the sky, and his face was helpless.

In the past two days, he could not remember how many times he had experienced such a scene.

Now, continue to experience it.

Iron body!

The passive magical power was used, and then, the soul attack was blocked, but the attack speed also became very slow.

Lu Feng easily avoided the attack of the emperor crocodile.

But this time, the emperor crocodile smiled coldly in his heart. The reason why this damned human was able to escape in front of him many times before was because of his movement skills.

Now that there is no water here, he wants to see how the damned human can escape.

"Lu Feng, what should I do?"

Hu Li'er also asked in a low voice.

In the past two days, she has also seen that Lu Feng's movement requires water, and now they are in a position where there is no water at all.

"White tiger escape!"

Lu Feng didn't answer, he quickly cast the White Tiger Escape, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.


Only the stunned emperor crocodile was left in place.

Wouldn't human beings be unable to perform movement techniques without a source of water? This... what's going on here?

There is no water here, so how can the damned humans still use the body technique?

After a while, the crocodile reacted and roared: "Damn human, don't appear in front of my eyes again, or I will definitely smash you into pieces!"

"Break to pieces!"

The crocodile is very angry, very angry.

The damned human escaped from him again.

And, now he has no way to catch up.

After leaving the swamp, he can no longer change positions as he wants.

In this case, his speed was not as fast as that of Lu Feng, and he could only watch Lu Feng leave helplessly.

have no choice!

The emperor crocodile slowly felt helpless in his heart!

But no matter how helpless and angry he is, he can only leave it like this, that damned human has already escaped!


"Finally escaped!"

On the other side, Lu Feng used the white tiger escape to take Hu Li'er and Xue Ying away from the place far, far away.

Hu Li'er was relieved.

As a monster, she knew how powerful the crocodile was.

She has lived for so many years, and she has never imagined that she will one day escape from the crocodile swamp, one of the million forbidden places in the mountains.

Especially in the face of the pursuit of the emperor crocodile!

She had never thought of escaping under such circumstances.

And this made her look at Lu Feng even more complicated.

The Emperor of the Southern Yan Kingdom, Lu Feng, in front of him was really too strong.

In the face of the emperor crocodile, there are so many ways to escape with the two oil bottles of himself and the blood eagle.

With such means and strength, it is hard for people to believe that Lu Feng is only nineteen years old.

Not yet twenty years old!

Such a monstrous genius turned out to be a human being, which made Hu Li'er a little sighed.

If such a monster genius appeared in the demon clan, it would definitely be the hope of the demon clan.

But among human beings, he is still the emperor of a country, and those ambitious monsters are probably worried.

But Hu Li'er shook her head secretly in her heart, she didn't care about it, she just hoped that her race could survive forever.

"Where should we go next?" Lu Feng looked at Hu Li'er and asked.

"I have been paying attention to our location." Hu Li'er pondered slightly, and said, "We had some previous routes when we left the swamp. Now it will take about two days to rush to the Thunder Clan."


Without any hesitation, Lu Feng let Hu Li'er lead the way and hurried to Lei Clan.

Two days later, they finally arrived in the Thunder Clan territory.

As soon as he entered the Thunder Clan's territory, Lu Feng felt the terrifying lightning element in the air.

Lu Feng could feel that the thunder control magical power in his body was about to move.


At this moment, several lightning bolts flashed in the air, and three people from the Thunder Clan appeared in front of Lu Feng and the others.

Thunder tribes and humans are not much different.

The difference is that there is a silver lightning symbol on the forehead of the Thunder people.

Behind him there were a pair of wings flashing with lightning.

Other than that, it's the same as humans.

The strength of the three Lei people in front of them is not bad. They have the strength of the emperor's fifth-level heaven, and the strongest one is approaching the emperor's sixth-level heaven.

"I am Hu Li'er, the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. I have been to your Lei Clan many years ago. I have something to do with your clan leader Lei Zhan today. I would like to inform you." Hu Li'er said lightly, looking at the three Lei Clan people in front of her.

"Nine-tailed fox clan?"

The leader of the Lei Clan said with a smile: "Since it is the venerable of the demon clan, then my Lei clan will definitely not refuse. The venerable venerable wait a moment, and I will inform Patriarch Lei Zhan."

After talking about the Lei clan headed by the thunder and lightning wings behind him, he turned around to inform the clan leader Lei Zhan.

"Thunder people, the stronger the strength, the color of the lightning symbol on the forehead will also change. The strongest is purple gold, which requires the strength of the saint, followed by purple, which requires the strength of the saint, and silver is the realm of the emperor." Hu Li'er He whispered to Lu Feng: "If there are lightning wings behind them, it means that they are in a fighting state and may attack at any time."

Soon, Thunder Clan burst into laughter.

Seeing Hu Li'er, he laughed and said, "Miss Li'er, I haven't seen you for many years. Your strength has grown rapidly, and you are almost reaching the fourth level of the Holy Venerable. It makes me very envious!"

Immediately after, a flash of purple lightning flashed, and a sturdy middle-aged man appeared in front of Lu Feng and the other three in a lightning robe.

Lei Clan Patriarch, Lei Zhan!

Lei Zhan is different from the three Lei Clan people, the lightning symbol on his forehead is purple.

It's just that there are wings with purple lightning behind him, and he is completely in a fighting state!

Hu Li'er frowned slightly when she saw it, and said, "Patriarch Lei Zhan, what do you mean?"

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