The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1500 Who said that Nanyan has only one supreme general?

"They're done!"

Looking at the arrow rain, Zu Zhi had a smile on his face.

Reassuring smile.

Although the time was only a short day, under his order, the army still built a lot of crossbow arrays.

The arrow feathers shot out are enough to kill Huo Qubing's iron cavalry.

After this battle, Huo Qubing's army will definitely be defeated, and the sluggish morale of his army will definitely be revived because of this battle, and then he will definitely be able to take the Manjiao City!

The deputy general next to Zu Zhi also relaxed.

Such a terrifying rain of arrows would be impossible to stop without a shield formation.

Huo Qubing's army looked ferocious as they charged, but unfortunately they couldn't form a shield formation, so they could only let arrows shoot down.

After this wave of arrows is shot, the enemy will lose at least half of them.

The remaining soldiers will also be fearful, and their combat effectiveness will drop sharply.

Then, is their chance.

When a lieutenant next to Huo Qubing saw the arrows in the sky, his expression changed greatly, and he said in shock, "How can the enemy build so many crossbow arrays in one day?"

As a lieutenant general of the cavalry, he naturally knew that the bow and crossbow were the natural enemies of the cavalry.

After all, not all the iron cavalry have the same armor made of fine iron stone as the pioneer iron cavalry under Lu Bu.

Ordinary cavalry can't stop the bow and crossbow shooting.

Such a terrifying rain of arrows in the sky in front of them will definitely cause huge damage to the army, which is enough to change the whole battle situation.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he said to Huo Qubing: "General, quickly order to speed up, we must pass through the shrouded area of ​​the arrow rain as soon as possible."

"What are you panicking about?"

Huo Qubing looked at the rain of arrows in the sky, but he was not in a hurry, and said in a low voice, "If I don't have enough confidence, how can I lead the army to kill?"


With a deep shout, the military formation of Nanyan Iron Cavalry suddenly lifted into the air and quickly gathered in one place.

In the blink of an eye, the army formation solidified, turned into a huge shield, and condensed in the air.

"Ding ding ding."

All the arrows fell on the shield, and the shield was hard, blocking all the sharp arrows.

Not a single arrow feather caused damage to Huo Qubing's cavalry.

"The army...the army is solid?"

Zu Zhi watched this scene, trembling all over.

The solid formation of the army is the symbol of the supreme general!

This... Could it be that Huo Qubing has reached the level of a supreme military commander?

"No, it's impossible!"

Zu Zhi suddenly roared and said, "Huo Qubing is absolutely impossible to reach the level of a top military general!"

"Nanyan Kingdom can't have two supreme generals!"

"The order goes on, and all the bowmen continue to shoot for me!"

"I want all the sharp arrows to be shot out, and I want all the soldiers of Huo Qubing to fall under my sharp arrows, shoot!"

"Shoot for Lao Tzu!"

Zu Zhi's order went down, and the crossbowmen were even more frantic with bows and arrows.

Countless sharp arrows were shot from the army of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, trying to kill the iron cavalry that Huo Qubing led the charge.

However, in the next moment, all the sharp arrows were blocked by the huge shield in the sky.

Still not a single sharp arrow penetrated the army formation and turned into a shield.

The iron cavalry under Huo Qubing charged forward with unstoppable might, without any pause.

" is this possible?!"

Zu Zhi murmured in a low voice, the whole person was stunned.

If the wave of arrows was blocked by the shield just now because Huo Qubing had some special means, then the subsequent arrows were still blocked, which was enough to prove that the shield in the sky was not a special means.

It's a real army formation!

This... this is the mark of a supreme military commander!

This Huo Qubing, turned out to be a superb general?

how can that be!

Zu Zhi couldn't believe what was happening in front of him, but the power of Huo Qubing's army made him have to believe it.

"General... General, what... what should I do?" The lieutenant turned pale and trembled.

"How to do?"

Zu Zhi smiled bitterly,

"How do I know what to do?"

Facing a top military general, Zu Zhi didn't know what to do at all.

The gap between the two armies is too great.

If it was the heyday of the army, Zu Zhi might still fight, but the morale of the army in front of him was low, and the army formation was barely condensed. In this case, what would he do to fight?

Looking at his army, Zu Zhi said bitterly, "Let's see if our army can stop Huo Qubing's army!"


Huo Qubing led the troops and quickly charged to the front of the Ice and Snow Dynasty army.


Under the control of Huo Qubing, the shield formed by the army formation in the sky changed rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a shield turned into a spear, stabbing directly above the Ice and Snow Dynasty.


It was like the sound of sackcloth being pierced in the void.

It was the army formation of the Ice and Snow Dynasty that was directly pierced by Huo Qubing's army formation.


Zu Zhi, who was in the central army, vomited blood, and looked at the army of Huo Qubing who was getting closer, his face full of bitterness.

The army formation of the Ice and Snow Dynasty was condensed with great effort by him. At this time, it was broken, and his mind was also implicated.

The most terrifying thing is that the moment the army formation was broken, the morale of the Ice and Snow Dynasty's army was also hit, and the morale was even lower.

In just a moment, a fear of fear has spread throughout the entire army.

Originally supposed to be the elite soldiers of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, at this time there is no more elite appearance.


Huo Qubing was killed by the army.

The iron cavalry rammed into the soldiers of the Ice Dynasty.

Under the shroud of fear and fear, those soldiers did not have any will to fight at all.

Huo Qubing's army rushed into the Frozen Dynasty military camp like no one, and slaughtered wildly.

It's not that no soldiers came up to block, but those soldiers who came up became corpses in the next instant.

The rest of the soldiers, who were already terrified, saw this scene, and they dared to stop them. They lost their weapons and turned around and fled.

There is no way to effectively block Huo Qubing's army.

"It's all over."

Zu Zhi looked at his barracks with bitterness on his face.

A barracks without an army formation, allowing the fierce iron cavalry to enter, is like a group of newborn lambs facing a group of fierce tigers, with no resistance.

There is no other choice but to die.

"General, retreat!" The lieutenant shivered.

Zu Zhi closed his eyes and sighed: "The order goes on, the army will retreat, and it will depend on your own life if you can escape."

For a military general, giving such an order is tantamount to a shame.

Because only the most incompetent generals would say such things.

Zu Zhi is not an incompetent general, but now there is only one way.

Let the army scatter and retreat, maybe some soldiers will be lucky and run away in the end.

If they retreated collectively, facing Huo Qubing's iron cavalry, it would be impossible for them to retreat successfully, and they would only become corpses.

"Huo Qubing!"

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