The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1503 Liyang Emperor Waiting For Death


Ji Yanfeng looked at the face of his father, Ji Yinfu, and could more or less guess what Ji Yinfu was thinking.

With the things that the Ji Dynasty had to provide to the Nanyan Kingdom twice, the foundation of the Nanyan Kingdom was stronger than just a little bit.

In this case, with the addition of two supreme generals, the terrifying combat power, even the dynasty, would have to be afraid.

After all, those are two supreme warriors!

Na Huo Qubing went through the battle between the Northern Grassland and the Ice and Snow Dynasty, and he was promoted to seventh from the top 100 in the Yuzhou military generals list.

Second only to the five generals of the dynasty and the sixth Yue Fei!

Here is the absolute change brought by the top generals.

That's a change no one can change!

"How are they recovering?"

After a while, Ji Yinfu asked in a calm voice.

Ji Yanfeng knew that the 'they' in his father's mouth was referring to the two generals, and immediately replied: "The recovery profound formation obtained from Lu Feng is very useful, their vitality has been stabilized, but if they want to recover completely, at least It will take ten months, maybe even longer.”

Ji Yinfu heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this is good news.

If the profound formation exchanged from Lu Feng at a great price could not restore the two wars, then the dynasty would be completely panicked.

After all, the reason why the current dynasty is still the overlord of Yuzhou is because there are five major battles.

The five top generals are the absolute foundation of the imperial dynasty's power to shake Yuzhou!

If those two wars were to fall, the dynasty's combat power would drop by 30%. For the dynasty, it would be a devastating blow.

Especially now that two supreme generals have emerged from the Nanyan Kingdom.

There will be no more problems in the five imperial battles.

Only in this way can the dynasty act according to the plan.

"Go on and ask the ghost to withdraw some spies from the Nanyan Kingdom, leaving only the most hidden spies to ensure that there is no conflict with the Jinyiwei of the Nanyan Kingdom." Ji Yinfu ordered.

With the strength of the Nanyan Kingdom increasing, the dynasty could not have a conflict with the Nanyan Kingdom, at least not before the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins.

As for the opening, everything is uncertain.

Ji Yanfeng didn't say much, and immediately went down to make arrangements.

In addition to the Ice and Snow Dynasty, the Cangchu Dynasty and the Imperial Dynasty, the rest of the Yuzhou forces also got the battle situation on the northern grasslands, and knew that Huo Qubing of the Nanyan Kingdom was also a top military general.

It is even more clear that the current strength of the Nanyan Kingdom has reached an extreme.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the Cangchu Dynasty, the leader of the ten dynasties, has an absolute disadvantage in the face of the Nanyan Kingdom, in addition to its slightly stronger background.

The two supreme generals were the existences that the Cangchu Dynasty could only look up to.

In the entire Yuzhou, only the dynasty with five generals can overwhelm the Nanyan Kingdom.

This news made those forces in Yuzhou, especially those in conflict with the Nanyan Kingdom, worry more than just a little bit more.

But some people were happy because the Nanyan Kingdom bordered on the Cangchu Dynasty, the Ice and Snow Dynasty, and the Dynasty.

If the Nanyan Kingdom wants to develop, it has to cut flesh from these three forces.

It just so happened that these three-party forces were the most powerful three-party forces in Yuzhou.

It will take at least a hundred or two hundred years, or even longer, until they have a high and low level.

Moreover, if they fight against each other, at least they will lose both sides, which is also a good opportunity for the rest of Yuzhou.

But this is the way to occupy the Dafeng Dynasty in the east of Yuzhou, the Lieqi Dynasty and so on.

They are separated from the Nanyan Kingdom by a dynasty, and they are not worried about the Nanyan Kingdom coming.

But the Liyang Dynasty panicked.

The army of General Gao Shun of the Nanyan Kingdom was at Duxiong Pass and could attack Liyang City, the capital, at any time.

This made Zhang Liyuan, the emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, more than a little panicked.

"Your Majesty, Lord Ning asks to see you."

The eunuch in charge of serving Zhang Liyuan came in,

said cautiously.

"Ning Zichang!"

When Zhang Liyuan heard the name, he almost gritted his teeth and said these three words.

At the same time, his face was full of anger.

It can be seen how much he hates Ning Zichang.

In fact, he also had reason to hate, if it wasn't for the proposal made by Ning Zichang in Tonglu City.

If he didn't listen to Ning Zichang's suggestion, but chose to withdraw Qi Xuefeng's undercover Wu clan, send another general to guard Tonglu City, and rely on an army of 8 million, how could it be possible in less than a month's time Tonglu City was lost.

Then, let Gao Shun take advantage of the victory to pursue and lead the troops to the Duxiong Pass.

In one day, Duxiongguan was broken.

The army of the Nanyan Kingdom was stationed in Duxiongguan and could attack Liyang City, the capital of the Liyang Dynasty, at any time.

If it weren't for Ning Zichang's stupid proposal, none of this would have happened, it would never have happened!

He is still the supreme emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, not a lamb to be slaughtered! ! !

But soon, the anger on Zhang Liyuan's face disappeared, replaced by full of helplessness.

Since Gao Shun took Duxiong Pass, the people in Liyang City have always been worried, always worried that Gao Shun will attack Liyang City.

This led to the most direct result that a large number of princes and nobles in Liyang City fled.

Today, the entire population of Liyang City is less than one-twentieth of its heyday.

Not a single minister he could trust ran away.

Zhang Liyuan was very angry, very angry, he wanted to stop it, but he didn't have the ability.

Now in the entire Liyang City, the total number of troops he can mobilize is less than 50,000.

But in the family of those ministers, the private soldiers exceeded this number, and he couldn't stop it at all. He could only watch those ministers escape from Liyang City with his entire family.

He also wanted to escape, and took action.

He sent all the princesses under his command to marry, in an attempt to delay the attack of the Nanyan Kingdom, but before the princesses he sent out left the Liyang Dynasty, they were assassinated by the Jinyiwei of the Nanyan Kingdom, and none of them remained.

He also wanted to escape from Liyang City secretly, but whenever he walked out of the palace, news came from Duxiongguan that Gao Shun was leading his troops to attack.

When he escaped back to the palace, Gao Shun stopped attacking again.

Every time!

This made Zhang Liyuan very clearly understand that Gao Shun is not incapable of attacking Liyang City, but he does not want to attack Liyang City now, and he does not want Zhang Liyuan, the emperor, to escape from Liyang City.

After realizing this, Zhang Liyuan stayed in the palace honestly from then on, waiting for Gao Shun to attack, to represent the Nanyan Kingdom to dominate his orders.

And Ning Zichang was the only official who still served him after so many things.

Therefore, no matter how angry Zhang Liyuan was with Ning Zichang, he could not kill him.

Because he killed Ning Zichang, there was really no one around him.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Liyuan said, "Let him come in."

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