The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1507 Fighting the Emperor Crocodile Again

It has been a while since he left the Nanyan Kingdom, and the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins is getting closer and closer.

Lu Feng didn't plan to delay any more time in Lei Clan. After he came out of Lei Chi with the blood eagle fox Li'er, he left Lei Clan directly.

The direction back to Nanyan Kingdom happened to be the swamp with the monster eating crocodile.

"Lu Feng, I know that you are in a hurry to go back now because it is getting closer and closer to the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins."

"In the end, it's still a while before the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins. You really don't have to worry too much. We can choose to bypass the monster-eating crocodile territory, and the delay will not be more than a few days."

Hu Lier persuaded Lu Feng that she was worried about encountering a crocodile.

After all, that emperor crocodile is really too strong!

If it wasn't for Lu Feng's means of escaping his life last time, the three of them might have been digested by the emperor crocodile by now.

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have my senses."

The fact is as Hu Li'er said, there are still more than ten days before the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins, so there is definitely no problem in taking a detour.

But this time, Lu Feng had no detour in his mind at all.

Moreover, his purpose is to find the emperor crocodile!

The last time he faced the emperor crocodile, Lu Feng was no match, because the emperor crocodile was indeed very strong.

But Lu Feng also didn't show his full strength. He focused more on protecting Xue Ying and Hu Li'er, so he just thought he was running away.

This time is different. Lu Feng's combat power has risen to a new level again, and he doesn't need to protect Xue Ying and Hu Li'er, and can fully use his means to compete with the emperor crocodile.

Lu Feng wanted to see what realm of martial artist he could fight with Jiuyou Tianlei Jue, in addition to Kendo Xuanwen, Zhenwu Fa Seal, and Void Chains and other martial skills.

The crocodile is obviously a very good object!

Hu Li'er heard Lu Feng say this, although she was still a little worried, she couldn't say anything else.

On the contrary, the blood eagle's eyes were eager to try it. She reached the peak of the Holy Venerable's triple heaven, and she still had the bloodline of the ancient divine beast, the sky thunder eagle, in her body.

Now she is not afraid of any monsters.

Although she also knew that the emperor crocodile was powerful, she herself could not be an opponent, but if Lu Feng fought the emperor crocodile, those monster eating crocodiles would be her good targets.

Two days later, the three of Lu Feng arrived in the swamp.

"You two are waiting outside, I will go to meet the emperor crocodile again." Lu Feng said.

Hu Li'er listened, there was still no understanding that Lu Feng came here to make it clear that he wanted to fight the emperor crocodile.

She hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't be impulsive, that's the emperor crocodile!"

The name of the emperor crocodile, Hu Li'er has long heard of it many times in the millions of mountains.

Even Her Majesty the Demon Lord, whom she is loyal to, is very afraid of the emperor crocodile.

At this time, Lu Feng is going to find the emperor crocodile, how can she not worry.

"I have a number."

Lu Feng didn't say much, and was about to enter the swamp.

"I'll go with you!" Xue Ying suddenly said at this time.

Lu Feng paused, turned his head to look at the blood eagle, and instantly understood her thoughts, saying: "You want to know what your strength is, there will be opportunities in the future, today is the emperor crocodile, and I have no orders. , you are not allowed to enter!"


"No but, this is an order!"

Although this time Lu Feng came to find the emperor crocodile is a trick, and he is more or less confident in his heart, but that is when he has no scruples.

If adding a blood eagle, Lu Feng will inevitably consider the blood eagle, which is not a good thing for him.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to let the blood eagle follow.

The blood eagle wanted to say something, but Lu Feng had not given her a chance, his figure flashed, and he entered the swamp.

"What a human boy, I didn't expect you to dare to come to the deity's territory, but you are bold enough!"

Just as Lu Feng entered the swamp, the voice of the emperor crocodile came.


Immediately after, the swamp exploded, and the emperor crocodile flew out,

He opened his mouth and bit Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was not afraid at all, and used three leaps to avoid the attack of the emperor crocodile.

If he missed a hit, the emperor crocodile did not continue to attack, but turned into a strong man and stood in the void, staring at Lu Feng with blood-red eyes, and sneered: "Human boy, you are here today to prepare a meal for the deity. ?"

"You can add a meal, it depends on whether you have the ability to swallow it!"


Gan pulled the sword out of its sheath, and Lu Feng raised the long sword diagonally in the void.

"Hahaha, you actually came to this deity on purpose!"

When Emperor Crocodile saw Lu Feng's actions, he still didn't understand what he was thinking, so he laughed and said, "Human boy, are you going to prepare to escape like last time?"

"The dignified crocodile, is there so much nonsense?" Lu Feng shook his head and said.


The emperor crocodile was furious and slapped Lu Feng with a palm.

Not afraid, Lu Feng slashed the sword with his hand, and the sword energy pierced through.


The sword qi shattered, and Lu Feng was beaten back a thousand meters.

The crocodile was still standing still.

"Lu Feng!"

When Hu Li'er and Xue Ying saw it, their expressions changed drastically, and they were about to fly up.

But soon they saw that Lu Feng gave them a gesture to stop them from coming up.

Although the two were worried, they didn't dare to disobey Lu Feng's order and stopped in place, just full of worry.

"With this little strength, you dare to look for the deity again? Waste!" The emperor crocodile snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

Lu Feng flew back again, looked at the emperor crocodile, and said: "You have the strength of the seventh-level first-level saint, but you can't kill this trash of the third-level saint with one palm. Are you not even a trash?"

"Damn things!"

The emperor crocodile was completely enraged, clenched his fists with both hands, and charged at Lu Feng.

The surrounding space was frozen at this moment, and Lu Feng could not avoid it at all, he could only passively receive the punch.

"True martial arts seal!"

Lu Feng's expression did not change, he snorted lowly, and swung his sword with the sword, and the seal was condensed.


Fayin punched the emperor crocodile with both fists.


The two attacked and collided, and the terrifying air wave dispersed instantly, and the surrounding space was also shattered in an instant.

The cracks in the space devoured the aftermath of the air waves crazily.


But it wasn't over yet. The figure of the emperor crocodile suddenly emerged from a crack in the space, and his right hand turned into a crocodile claw, grabbing at Lu Feng.

"Xuanwu escape!"

Lu Feng's figure flashed, he fled into the swamp, and he reappeared in a different position, completely avoiding the attack of the emperor crocodile.

"It's the damned move again!"

The emperor crocodile appeared in the position where Lu Feng was standing just now, with a gloomy expression on his face.

He couldn't forget that last time it was this damned human being's movement technique, so he couldn't catch up at all, he could only watch Lu Feng escape.

Today, Lu Feng used his body technique again, and he felt troubled.

But soon, he suddenly sneered, turned and stared at Lu Feng who had changed his position, and said, "Human boy, if the deity guessed correctly, your movement skills need water flow to be able to use it!"

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