The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1515 Treasure of the Emperor Crocodile


The real martial arts seal is printed on the emperor crocodile.

The emperor crocodile, which had already been severely injured, was hit by Lu Feng Zhenwu's seal with all his strength.

The screams of the emperor crocodile sounded again.

But it's not over yet.

"Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword!"

Using the Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword again, this time the Emperor Crocodile had no iron body to resist.


The purple-gold burning thunder sword pierced directly through the body of the emperor crocodile, and blood flowed out from the wound, staining the swamp below.

The life breath of the emperor crocodile whose body was pierced instantly became extremely weak, and it was obviously on the verge of dying.

He looked at Lu Feng, there was no killing intent in his blood-red eyes, some were just puzzled, and he said with difficulty: "Why...why?"

"When did your initial Xuanwen come into my body?"

Lu Feng looked at Di Crocodile, shook his head, and said, "You are very confident in yourself, but overconfidence turns into conceit."

Long before he entered the swamp today, Lu Feng knew that it would be completely whimsical to use his current strength to forcibly break the iron body of the emperor crocodile.

Therefore, from the very beginning, he wanted to send the initial Xuanwen 'soul' word into the body of the emperor crocodile, as a dark child, he could detonate at any time.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to send the initial Xuanwen with the word 'soul' into the body of the emperor crocodile, but he didn't want to. After he cast the Ruoshui River, the emperor crocodile wanted to swallow the Ruoshui River wildly.

Seeing that scene, Lu Feng was naturally rude, and secretly hid the initial mysterious text of the word 'soul' in the weak river, and let the emperor crocodile swallow it.

There is the power of weak water in the Ruoshui River, which is enough to hide the fluctuations caused by the initial Xuanwen of the word "soul". In addition, the realm of God Crocodile's soul is not high, and he is not proficient in the initial Xuanwen, so it is impossible to discover the "soul".

In the end, as Lu Feng had expected, although the Ruoshui River was not a real Ruoshui River, it was just a transformation of true qi, which was absorbed by him after entering the body of the emperor crocodile.

The initial mysterious text of the word 'soul' was scattered when the emperor crocodile digested the true energy,

Let the crocodile not find any problems.

At the critical moment, they gathered together and merged again into the initial Xuanwen with the word 'soul', which exploded directly and severely damaged the soul of the emperor crocodile.

The soul of the emperor crocodile was the first, the iron body was broken, and he attacked with the dual soul martial arts of the void chain and the emperor's might, which was enough to severely damage the emperor crocodile.

Now, as he expected, the emperor crocodile was hit hard.

The breath of life is weak and on the verge of dying.

"In the next life, stop being so conceited."

After Lu Feng looked at the crocodile and said something, he swung his sword and cut off the head of the crocodile.

At the same time, the broken soul of the emperor crocodile was also completely cracked.

There are no more million mountain monsters and holy emperor crocodiles in the world!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading the Seventh Heavenly Demon Sacred Emperor Crocodile and gaining 4 billion experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations on the upgrade of the host's level, the current realm is the early stage of the Holy Reverence Fourth Heaven."

The system prompt sounded when Lu Feng cut off the head of the emperor crocodile.

"I didn't expect that the experience points provided by beheading the emperor crocodile would actually allow me to level up directly to the early stage of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable." Lu Feng murmured in a low voice full of joy.

The experience points provided by the emperor crocodile made him a small level, which surprised him.

After all, after reaching the realm of the Holy Venerable, it is not so simple to want to improve.

Even if he has a system.

But he didn't expect that this time, the realm was directly improved, which naturally surprised him.

Especially the upcoming Great Emperor Ruins, the stronger his strength, the more benefits he will get in the Great Emperor Ruins.

For him, that was the most important thing.

"Emperor crocodile, just died like this?"

Hu Li'er came over and looked at the huge corpse of the emperor crocodile in the swamp, the whole person was a little confused.

That's a crocodile!

He is a powerful man who has been famous for thousands of years in the million-dollar mountains. Even if he is the Northern Tiger Demon Lord, who is loyal to him, he must not call himself the younger generation in the face of the emperor crocodile.

The existence of the emperor crocodile is one of the most feared among the many demon saints in the millions of mountains.

Unexpectedly, today is actually dead!

He died in the hands of Lu Feng, under the sword of a human emperor!


To be honest, Hu Li'er herself couldn't accept this scene.

After all, she is a monster, not a human being, let alone Lu Feng's courtier.

Although the emperor crocodile is not her allegiance, nor her friend, but after all, it is a monster, and it is the same kind.

Today, she died in Lu Feng's hands, making Hu Li'er more or less complicated.

But such thoughts were quickly put behind her.

Among the millions of mountains, the law of the weak is the most direct and primitive rule.

Weak monsters die every day.

The killing of the emperor crocodile made Hu Li'er a little sighed, but she was relieved after the sigh.

Because the crocodile is dead, she can live.

"Let's go, we should leave." Lu Feng said to Hu Li'er.

This is a million-dollar mountain, and the battle fluctuates so much that it will inevitably attract some powerful monsters to come. Lu Feng doesn't want to have more trouble to delay his return to the Nanyan Kingdom.

"Is this gone?"

Hu Li'er was taken aback and said, "Don't you want the treasure of the emperor crocodile?"

"The treasure of the emperor crocodile?"

Lu Feng looked at Hu Li'er suspiciously, and said, "Didn't you say that the emperor crocodile never left this swamp? What treasures could there be?"

"Although the emperor crocodile has never left the swamp, there are many monsters and human warriors who come here to be killed by the emperor crocodile, and their things will be collected by the emperor crocodile, and the value of those things is definitely not low. "

"Also, there are some spiritual medicines growing in this swamp. They are all absolute treasures. Similarly, these things are collected by the emperor crocodile. Those are all good things. Do you want to miss it like this, Your Majesty?" Hu Li son said.

When Lu Feng heard this, he became interested.

If it really is as Hu Li'er said, then the emperor crocodile has lived for tens of thousands of years and must have accumulated many treasures, which is a big treasure.

He immediately said, "Take me there."

"I don't know where the emperor's crocodile treasure is located, but the other holy monster eaters in this swamp must know!" Hu Li'er said.

The next thing is easy to do.

Lu Feng captured two monster-eating crocodiles of the first level of sainthood and forced them to ask where the emperor crocodile treasure was.

The two monster eating crocodiles also knew that Lu Feng was the one who killed the emperor crocodile, so they didn't dare to hide it, and quickly told Lu Feng what they knew.

Based on the information given by the two monster eating crocodiles, Lu Feng and the others found a palace at a depth of more than 500 meters below the swamp.

This palace is where the crocodiles live!

"It's a bit like an ancient ruin!"

Outside the palace, Lu Feng frowned.

There is a formation on the periphery of the palace here, which separates all the swamps above to ensure that the palace is not eroded.

At the same time, there are many traces of man-made construction on the palace.

Those traces are old!

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