The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1521 Anomalies in the northern battlefield!

Hu Li'er was completely stunned when she heard the words of the North Tiger Demon Lord.

The swamp where the emperor crocodile is located is next to the strength of the Northern Tiger Demon Lord, and the Northern Tiger Demon Lord has not only thought about the swamp once or twice.

Just as the North Tiger Demon Lord said, when he had an idea before, he would give up when he encountered a crocodile.

Now that the emperor crocodile has been killed, it is natural for the swamp to be taken by the Northern Tiger Demon Lord.

The other demon kings of the Million Mountain will not come over to fight for this piece of fat.

It is also impossible for Lu Feng to turn the marshland into his sphere of influence. After all, this is a million mountains, not Yuzhou.

However, what the hell is the Northern Tiger Demon Lord taking out half of the elixir from the swamp to strengthen cooperation with Lu Feng?

The elixir that grows in the swamp is unique to the swamp, and there is no other place to have it in the millions of mountains.

Therefore, the elixir in the swamp is very, very precious.

In addition, the swamp is occupied by the monster eating crocodile all the year round, and many elixir are useless to the monster eating crocodile, so there are many kinds of elixir, which are invaluable.

Taking out half of the elixir to Lu Feng, the value contained in it is unimaginable.

It can even be said that half of the elixir in the swamp is enough to maintain the cooperation with the Nanyan Kingdom for ten years.

Beihu Yaojun has never been a generous person, and he is too generous today!

However, Hu Li'er quickly realized that the North Tiger Demon Lord should be afraid of Lu Feng's strength.

After all, the emperor crocodile is the demon saint of the seventh heaven of the saint, and the strength of the northern tiger demon king is comparable, and even if they really fight, it must be the emperor crocodile who has the upper hand.

But now that the emperor crocodile was beheaded by Lu Feng, it would be strange if the North Tiger Demon Lord was not afraid.

It is precisely because he understands this that Beihu Yaojun wants to cooperate with Lu Feng and Lu Feng for a long time.

After all, monsters at this level are very smart, and understand that multiple friends are much better than multiple enemies.

And to ensure that there will be no accidents in the cooperation, so this sincerity is given.

Besides, Hu Li'er really couldn't think of the second possibility.

Not only Hu Li'er, but also Lu Feng was stunned when he heard the words of Beihu Yaojun.

But he soon realized that the Demon Lord of the North Tiger was afraid of his own strength and wanted to stabilize his cooperation with his Nanyan Kingdom, so he made such a decision.

Faced with such a benefit, Lu Feng naturally couldn't refuse.

He laughed, "That's great!"

"Ha ha!"

The Northern Tiger Demon Lord laughed twice and said, "Okay, I will send those elixir to the Nanyan Kingdom later, and I promise that there will never be any shortage. I swear in the name of my Northern Tiger!"

"As for the North Tiger Demon Lord, I naturally believe it."

"Haha, so good, I'm looking forward to our future cooperation more and more." Beihu laughed.

"I'm looking forward to it too!"

After Lu Feng finished speaking, he turned around and left the place without much wrangling with the North Tiger Demon Lord.

After all, he has to rush back to the Nanyan Kingdom.

It took him more than a month to leave the Kingdom of Nanyan. He didn't know the situation in the northern battlefield, and he was in a hurry to go back.

Hu Li'er didn't come with her this time, and Bei Hu let her stay.

Only Lu Feng and Xue Ying left.

Looking at the back of Lu Feng's departure, Bei Hu's expression gradually darkened. After a while, he asked aloud, "Did Lu Feng really kill the emperor crocodile?"

Although Hu Li'er had previously confirmed that the emperor crocodile was beheaded by Lu Feng, Bei Hu still couldn't believe it.

After all, it was a crocodile!

Hu Li'er nodded and said, "Your Majesty, it is absolutely true at this time. I was watching from the side. The battle between Emperor Crocodile and Lu Feng was still anxious at the beginning, but after that, Emperor Crocodile was no match for Lu Feng at all. , and was finally beheaded by Lu Feng with a sword."


"And what?"

Hu Li'er looked at the North Tiger Demon Lord, smiled bitterly, and said, "Lu Feng killed the emperor crocodile without getting hurt!"

"What? Not hurt?"

The North Tiger was shocked and hurriedly asked: "How could he not be injured? That is the emperor crocodile,

The demon saint of the seventh heaven. "

"How could Lu Feng kill him without getting hurt?"

Hu Li'er sighed softly and said, "Your Majesty, I can't believe this, but it's true that Lu Feng was not injured."

Beihu stared at Hu Li'er, and after confirming that Hu Li'er had not deceived him, he smiled bitterly: "Then this Lu Feng's strength, is it possible that he has already reached the Holy Reverence Nine Heavens?"

As a monster with powerful soul, Hu Li'er could naturally see that Lu Feng took advantage of the weak soul of the emperor crocodile that day, so he was able to kill the emperor crocodile.

But she didn't plan to tell Beihu this, but sighed: "I don't know what his realm is, because I can't see his realm at all."

Beihu nodded, Lu Feng could kill the emperor crocodile, it would be really strange if the realm could be seen through by Hu Li'er.

But soon he thought about it and asked, "If Lu Feng wasn't injured, why would he stay here for three more days?"

"He went to find the treasure of the emperor crocodile, and then took all the treasure of the emperor crocodile."

"Take me to see where the emperor crocodile treasure is located." Beihu said immediately.


Hu Li'er did not delay, because the ancient teleportation formation that could be teleported to the Jiuyou Imperial Palace was destroyed after Lu Feng came out. Even with the strength of Beihu, it was impossible to discover anything.


on the northern battlefield.

In the tent of the Nanyan Kingdom, the main general Meng Tian, ​​the deputy commander Ran Min, Wei Qing, and Huo Qubing, who was defeated by the Ice and Snow Dynasty, were all here.

Because the Wu tribe already controlled the Hupu tribe's army and began to approach the Nanyan Kingdom's military camp that occupied the Chensong tribe's position.

According to their speed, they will arrive in front of the Nanyan Kingdom in seven days.

On the Nanyan Kingdom side, relying on space shuttle ships to transport troops, seven million reinforcements have arrived in the camp, and a large amount of military rations are also ready.

But even so, the main commander Meng Tian, ​​the deputy commander Ran Min, and all the generals in the northern battlefield did not look good.

Because according to their previous speculation, the northern barbarian army facing the northern battlefield this time should be around 120 million.

After all, there are two elite soldiers from the Hupu tribe and the Chensong tribe, plus the troops from the various tribes rushed to the Hupu tribe, this number is normal.

But they only got the news earlier that the army of the Hupu tribe has reached a terrifying 200 million!

It completely exceeded the 120 million they had expected before, and a full 80 million more!

This is not 80 million pigs and cattle, but 80 million iron cavalry!

This is definitely a scary number!

It was a huge pressure on Meng Tian and others!

"Everyone, tell me what you think!" Meng Tian said, looking at the generals in the account.

Wei Qing spoke up first, and he smiled bitterly: "This time we underestimated the determination of the Wu clan. In order to defeat us, they have completely spared no expense at all!"

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