The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1529 Who can suppress Huo Qubing

Chapter 1529 Who can suppress Huo Qubing

"Strange, why is the enemy army in this attack so strange?"

In Huo Qubing's army, the lieutenant's face was full of doubts.

"These people are not the military at all."

Huo Qubing looked at him and shook his head.

He could see at a glance what kind of combat power these armies were.

You don't need to guess, these people must be the old, weak, sick and disabled who were forcibly selected by the Wu clan to form the 200 million iron cavalry, and they can't be regarded as the army at all.

Their fighting power is only in numbers.

The lieutenant heard Huo Qubing's words and also reacted, knowing the identities of these people.

Said: "General, what is the enemy's plan? Do you think these people can break through your military shield?"

"What they want is not for these people to break through the protective shield." Huo Qubing stared at the barbarian troops who were charging at a slow speed and had no power, and said, "What they want is just to consume our army. It's just..."

With a cold smile, Huo Qubing didn't say much.

If the military formation of the top military general can be consumed so easily, what qualifications does it have to be called the top military general?

Soon, the enemy troops rushed into the army formation.

But as before, the army formation did not fluctuate, but the incoming enemy troops collided and suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, Huo Qubing also ordered the army to shoot arrows immediately.

Although the enemy army that is rushing now is only the old, weak and sick, but this is a war. As long as you ride a horse and enter the battlefield, you are the enemy.

No one will show mercy just because you are old, weak, sick, and disabled, because everyone knows that on the battlefield, the merciful side must die horribly.


Arrow rain volleyed, frantically shooting those barbarian soldiers who came back.

The barbarian cavalry fell to the ground one by one.

In a short while, a large piece was missing.

There are also many people who are afraid and dare not step forward. They want to retreat, but just turned around, they are shot by the supervisor team behind.

Murong Fengyu and the others have already made up their minds completely, that is, to let them use their lives to consume the enemy's army.

In the eyes of the barbarian generals, it doesn't matter if these people die, as long as the army is consumed, then all this is not a problem.

It's just that they thought very well.

The reality was completely different from what they thought.

Another two days later.

During these two days, under the orders of Murong Fengyu and the others, the barbarian army attacked the army formation of Nanyan Kingdom again and again, trying to consume the army formation and break the protective cover, so that their elite soldiers could attack.

But the final result is that two days have passed, and the enemy army has not moved at all.

Instead, their troops suffered heavy losses.

Those troops that they used as cannon fodder lost more than 30%, that's more than 20 million!

At this time, the distance from the barbarian army camp to the Nanyan Kingdom's army formation was densely populated with the corpses of barbarian soldiers.



Although they have 200 million iron cavalry, but after a few days of consumption, the army has lost more than 30 million.

If it goes on like this, not to mention that they have 200 million iron cavalry, even if they have 1 billion iron cavalry, it will not take long.

"How to do?"

In the barbarian barracks, a general had a bitter face.

How to do? What can be done?

They have already used their lives to consume the enemy's army, but even so, it is still useless, what else can we do?

"The ultimate warrior."

"Is this the ultimate warrior?"

Gongye Haojian gave a wry smile and said, "With such a general in the Kingdom of Nanyan, can we really break through their army?"

"A bunch of trash!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the barracks.

Immediately after a cloud of gray gas appeared in the void, a figure walked out from it.

"My subordinates have seen the patriarch."

All the barbarian chiefs in the account hurriedly knelt to the ground and met Gong Yangcheng.

Gong Yangcheng sat directly on the Lord's seat and looked at these people coldly,

Said: "I asked twenty of you to be in charge of attacking Meng Tian's army in Nanyan Kingdom, but you were held back by the millions of troops in Huo Qu Ward for four days!"

"It's really a bunch of trash, what do I want you for?"

When the sound fell, a killing intent filled the air, covering the barbarian generals who were kneeling on the ground in the account, making them pale.

Murong Fengyu hurriedly said: "Lord Patriarch, it's not because we are useless, it's because the enemy army is too strong, we..."

"Dare to talk back?"


Gong Yangcheng didn't give Murong Fengyu a chance to speak at all. With a wave of his hand, Murong Fengyu's whole body turned into a part of the gray gas.

When the remaining nineteen barbarian chiefs saw it, their faces were extremely frightened, and they hurriedly said, "This subordinate is convicted, and the patriarch should be punished."


"As far as you trash, you won't feel bad if you kill all of the deity, but it's still useful for you today, so I'll leave you alone."

Gong Yangcheng said coldly with disdain.

Those barbarian generals listened to their anger. They used to be unequivocal generals in their respective tribes, but today they were so insulted.

But no matter how angry they are, they can only bow their heads in the face of Gong Yangcheng.

"Tell me, what's the situation now?" Gong Yangcheng pointed at Gongye Haojian and said.

Gongye Haojian's body trembled, and he hurriedly said, "Reporting to your lord, if it were just a regular battle, Huo Qubing's million iron cavalry would have long since become the dead souls of our army."

"But now the trouble is, Huo Qubing's own strength is not only a holy general, but his army formation ability has reached the realm of the ultimate military general. Neither our barbarians nor the Wu clan have military generals of this realm, so we can't break Huo Qubing's defensive formation. As a result, it has suffered heavy losses and is unable to break through the enemy's army."

When Gong Yangcheng heard this, his face was not very good.

Ten thousand years ago, during the war between the Wu clan and the dynasty, the reason why the Wu clan was defeated like a mountain in the end was because the damn dynasty had several top military generals.

They used the army to attack the city and loot the land, and the Wu clan who fought could only keep retreating.

Up to now, it can only be huddled in the northern grasslands.

They also know that Huo Qubing has broken through to the realm of a supreme military general, but because Huo Qubing has just broken through, the Wu people are not too worried.

Unexpectedly, the army set up by Huo Qubing, who had just broken through, was so powerful that it blocked the attack of tens of millions of iron cavalry from the barbarians.

But soon he sneered and said, "What about the top military generals? The Wu clan has been huddled in the northern grasslands for ten thousand years. Do you really think that you haven't found a way to break your army formation?"

He looked at the barbarian chiefs in the account and said, "Go on, the cavalry is ready to attack."


Gongye Haojian was stunned for a moment, and said, "Sir, what about Huo Qubing's army?"

"Huo Qubing?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gong Yangcheng laughed and said: "After tomorrow, if you can still see Huo Qubing, I will cut off the head of Gong Yangcheng and use it as a chamber pot for you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

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