
Huo Qubing directly led the troops to kill him.

Barbarian soldiers who have no military power can stop the Nanyan Iron Cavalry with such high morale.

Just a face-to-face, the soldiers of the barbarians were defeated like a mountain.

In an instant, the huge army became a rout, and under the attack of the army led by Huo Qubing, they fled wildly.

In the end, it was completely a lamb to be slaughtered.


When the barbarian leader saw it, he didn't know what to say.

Although the barbarian iron cavalry is not as good as the elite of the Nanyan iron cavalry, but its strength is not weak, it is reasonable to say that it is qualified to fight the Nanyan iron cavalry.

It's just that Huo Qubing is too strong.

When the army attacked, the barbarian iron cavalry lost its morale in an instant.

The iron cavalry without morale has no fighting power at all, and can only become a lamb to be slaughtered.


With a long sigh, the barbarian general's eyes were filled with regret.

Not only did they lead the troops to attack now, but they regretted that the barbarians had attacked the Nanyan Kingdom earlier, which attracted the current revenge of the Nanyan Kingdom.

If the barbarians hadn't offended the human race hundreds of years ago and plundered them wantonly, how could they have caused such a disaster now.

It's just that regrets are useless now.

He looked at Huo Qubing, who was the leader of his army, who was slaughtering and killing in his own army. His face was full of bitterness. What could he do in such a situation?

Saint Venerable Powerhouse, supreme general!

These two identities were enough for Huo Qubing to have no resistance.

"Huo Qubing, do you really think you can run away like this?"

"What do you think of my witch clan?"

At this moment, Gong Yangcheng roared and rushed out from the depths of the barbarian army.


Huo Qubing looked at Gong Yangcheng, smiled coldly, and said, "It's just a bunch of trash!"


Gong Yangcheng was even more angry and shouted: "Huo Qubing, you are arrogant, today I will show you the power of my Wu clan!"

"You've said this more than once, but every time you say it, it's useless. So, what's not a waste?" Huo Qubing shook his head.

"court death!"

Gong Yangcheng couldn't hold back his anger, and roared, "Give it all to me!"

His voice fell, and dozens of infuriating fluctuations appeared around him.

Followed closely, indicating that the warriors flew out one by one.

Moreover, these people are not weak, at least they all have the realm of the emperor's Nine Heavens.

Most of them are warriors in the semi-holy realm.

Dozens of warriors who are at least in the realm of the Emperor's Nine Heavens, no matter where they are, they are considered to be a very strong force.

However, Huo Qubing looked at these people, sneered, and said, "Just this group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp want to kill me?"

Stinky fish and rotten shrimp?

When the warriors of the Wu clan heard it, they were all furious. The weakest of them were all warriors in the realm of the emperor's 9th layer. At this time, they were called rotten fish and rotten shrimp?

How can they bear it?

However, due to the realm of Holy Venerable Huo Qubing, no matter how angry they were, they had to endure it.

Gong Yangcheng was also very angry when he heard it, but he was more helpless.

If it is the previous Wu clan, it is completely trivial to send five or six saints casually.

But now, the saints of the Wu clan have been damaged several times, and there are only a few left.

Then the delivery of food and grass damaged two more, resulting in only three saints left in the entire Wu clan.

The ancestor Gong Yangxu, the patriarch Gong Yangcheng, and the black-robed saint.

That black-clothed saint needs a sneak attack in order to exert maximum combat power, so it cannot appear in the light.

As a result, what he, the Wu clan patriarch, can use now is only these emperors and semi-sages.

It's kind of ridiculous to say it.

but now……

Under Huo Qubing, Gong Yangcheng smiled coldly and said, "I hope you can talk like this later!"


When the sound fell, he rushed up first, holding weapons and attacking Huo Qubing.

The ram made a move, and the rest of the Wu clan warriors also had the courage to rush up.

Crazy attack to attack Huo Qubing.

For a time, the entire sky was filled with all kinds of martial arts magical powers, trying to kill Huo Qubing.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Huo Qubing snorted coldly, the weapon in his hand was placed on his body, and the violent energy quickly condensed in front of him, forming a shield, which successfully blocked the attacks of these people.


But just as he blocked the attack of these people, a black dagger appeared behind him, attacking his back center directly.

This is an absolute killer move to kill in one hit!

At the same time, the person who performed the deadly attack also appeared.

It was the black-robed Saint Venerable who never showed up!

When Gong Yangcheng saw it, his face was instantly filled with joy.

As a warrior in the realm of the Holy Venerable, he can be very sure that the direction of the Black-robed Saint Venerable shot is exactly the position that Huo Qubing could not notice.

Attacking in that position, as long as he puts enough pressure on his side, Huo Qubing will not be able to free up his hands to defend.

Because once defended, he will be attacked by all the warriors on his side.

You must know that there are more than 40 warriors here, and the weakest are in the realm of the emperor's Jiuzhongtian. Most of them are in the semi-sacred realm. The most important thing is that they are still in the realm of saints.

With so many masters attacking Huo Qubing together, if Huo Qubing fails to defend, he will definitely suffer a devastating blow.

It can be said that this is their best chance to kill Huo Qubing, and it is also a chance to be successful!


Just when he finished speaking, the air behind Huo Qubing suddenly made a huge air pop.

A huge dharma image appeared behind him.

The attack of the Black-robed Holy Venerable happened to hit Huo Qubing's martial arts.


With the loud noise, the entire body of the black-robed saint was thrown out.


When Gong Yangcheng saw it, his face instantly became very ugly.

He didn't expect that Huo Qubing actually had a secret hand, and it was at that moment that he unfolded the martial arts law.

You must know that Martial Arts is not something that can be performed at will, and it also takes a certain amount of time to prepare.

Huo Qubing is now acting in an instant, obviously he has been prepared for a long time, so he can do this.

If the Black-robed Saint Venerable's attack were stronger, and hit Gong Yangcheng's martial arts, maybe he could crack his martial arts, and even seriously injure him.

But no, just a little bit, missed the best chance to kill!

"The same move, do you really think you can use it on me twice?"

Huo Qubing stared at Gong Yangcheng, smiled coldly, and said, "It's ridiculous!"

"Increase the attack!"

Gong Yangcheng said with a gloomy face, "I don't believe he can block the joint attack of so many of us!"

When he spoke, the black-robed Saint Venerable who was sent flying came to Gong Yangcheng's side, and also attacked Huo Qubing.

Two holy warriors, plus dozens of warriors in the semi-sacred realm, the attack instantly became very ferocious.

In terms of momentum, Huo Qubing was directly suppressed.

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