The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1551 Hundreds of millions of iron cavalry perished

When Lu Feng heard Gong Yangxu's words, he didn't interrupt him, just looked at him like this and let him continue.

Gongyang Xu looked at Lu Feng, sneered, and said, "Today, I will let you know the true secret of the Wu clan, and what the true background is!"

"And you will pay with your life for this!"

"Great Blood Coagulation Technique!"


Gong Yang Xu roared angrily, and behind him, a phantom figure with a height of 100 meters appeared, also roaring up to the sky.

But that's not Gongyang Xu's martial law.

The phantom with a height of 100 meters revealed a very violent and bloody aura.

When it first appeared, it turned the world into a dark red.

The 'Great Blood Coagulation Technique' performed by Gongyang Xu can actually affect the world!

When Lu Feng saw it, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The secret method that can affect one side of the world is at least a god-level middle-grade, and it may even be a god-level high-grade level.

Is this great blood coagulation technique at this level?

"Jie Jie."

Gong Yangxu let out a gloomy laugh and said, "Lu Feng, feel every second right now, because this will be the last few seconds of your life."

"Jie Jie."

After another cold laugh, Gongyang Xu made a low voice: "Swallow!"


Behind him, the phantom figure with a height of 100 meters suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and a terrifying suction force was generated, which quickly enveloped the world.

But, very strange.

This suction force didn't even affect Lu Feng in the slightest.

Lu Feng felt this, according to Gong Yang Xu's movement, this should be a powerful attacking secret technique, but he did not attack his own enemy.

Not only that, but it didn't affect Meng Tian and the others.

Just when he was strange, suddenly this terrifying suction fell from the sky, and it actually fell on the hundreds of millions of barbarian iron riders.




In an instant, on this grassland, only the screams of the barbarian soldiers were left!

In Lu Feng's unbelievable gaze, the bodies of all the barbarian iron knights exploded one by one, and a large amount of blood was swallowed up by this terrifying suction.

But only in the blink of an eye.

The barbarian iron cavalry that was still attacking the military camp of the Nanyan Kingdom, all the barbarian iron cavalry, more than one hundred million iron cavalry, all fell down!

In just that moment, all these people turned into corpses!

A barbarian iron cavalry of more than 100 million, all died!

All are corpses!

all of them!

After another moment, the corpses disappeared.

There was no more barbarian soldiers on the entire grassland.

It was as if these barbarian soldiers had never appeared.

Extraordinarily infiltrating!


Seeing this scene, Lu Feng was stunned.

He couldn't remember how many people Lu Feng had killed.

He never thought of himself as a good person.

But today, looking at Gong Yang Xu's actions, he can say with certainty that he is definitely a good person!

Instantly kill over 100 million iron cavalry!

Or the iron cavalry under his command!

Such viciousness, unseen, unheard of!

This kind of method has never been seen in the Kyushu mainland!

That's an iron cavalry of over 100 million!


Taking a deep breath, Lu Feng looked at Gongyang Xu and said coldly, "Gongyang Xu, you are really not ordinary!"

Lu Feng felt that Gong Yangxu used the dead bodies of his soldiers to cast a secret technique that was vicious enough.

But compared with what Gong Yangxu did now, the previous act of using the corpse was really too kind.

Instantly beheading one's own iron cavalry over 100 million yuan, how ruthless it is to do this!

"Jie Jie."


Gongyang Xu smiled coldly: "For a group of trash, their biggest role is to be used by the deity."

"How can this kind of behavior that exerts their greatest effect be called ruthless?"

"They should be honored to be able to play that role,

Because it's the most meaningful thing they've ever done in their lives! "

Lu Feng heard but did not answer.

Because he knew that it was useless to say this to an inhuman beast like Gong Yangxu.

"Jie Jie, Lu Feng, this deity is not afraid to tell you, this is just the beginning."

Gong Yangxu spoke again, looked at Lu Feng, and said, "After this deity kills you, this deity will use such a secret method to kill everyone in your Nanyan Kingdom to ensure that none of them will be alive."

"Jie Jie!"

"Oh, really?"

Lu Feng sneered when he heard it, and said, "You really don't have an ordinary tone."

"Let's not talk about whether you can kill or not, let's talk about your so-called secret method. Besides being useful to the barbarians, how can it be useful to others?"


"Who is the deity's secret method useless to?" Gongyang Xu said coldly.

"Don't blow it." Lu Feng shook his head and said: "I really can't see that the blood of the barbarians has long been banned by the witch clan."

"It is the existence of this restriction that makes it impossible for their entire clan to have warriors who exceed the realm of the emperor, so that it is convenient for your Wu clan to control their entire clan."

"At the same time, it can also allow you to perform such a secret technique."

It is not difficult for the holy warrior to kill hundreds of millions of iron cavalry like a rabble, but it is impossible to do it in an instant.

Unless it is a powerhouse at the level of the Holy Venerable Jiuzhongtian.

Gongyang Xu was able to do it because the secret technique he used could trigger the restriction of the bloodline of the barbarian soldiers, and then the restriction was activated, instantly beheading the barbarian soldiers, and then turning their corpses into blood and death energy to contribute to the public. Yang Xu, let his secret technique be perfectly displayed.

After a short pause, Lu Feng continued: "Gongyangxu, Gongyangxu, I have to say, you are really not ordinary vicious, in your hearts, no matter how much the barbarians have paid for you, they can still abandon them at will. !"

"I was very curious before. Ten thousand years ago, you fought against the Dynasty. How could the Dynasty defeat you when the entire Yuzhou forces did not help."

"How did you make those forces hating the dynasty unwilling to stand on your side?"

"Now I understand it all."

"Because they have long seen through your true face, they gave up forming an alliance with you to deal with the dynasty together."

"You guys like this deserved to lose the decisive battle ten thousand years ago, and you can only hide in this northern grassland!"


Maybe it was because Lu Feng hit a sore point, Gongyang Xu was very angry and roared, "Today I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

"Wizard blood sacrifice, Rong!"


Accompanied by the buzzing sound, the blood energy and death energy condensed by the hundreds of millions of barbarian iron riders in the void quickly entered Gong Yang Xu's body under the urging of the secret technique.

After Gongyang Xu's realm accepted this evil power, it quickly improved.

The peak of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable, the early stage, the middle stage, and the peak of the Holy Venerable of the fifth level.

The early stage, middle stage, and peak of the Holy Venerable Sixth Layer.

Finally, the early stage of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable!

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