The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1570 Kill a few mice in the blood-clothed building

In the end, after Chu Mingjian casually found the Holy Venerable to kill him, he got the token, then glanced coldly at the other warriors, and walked into the city of the emperor.

This time, the remaining warriors instantly panicked.

They can see it completely, and it is clear that these powerful warriors want to kill two Saint Venerables with average strength, and then get the token.

Those warriors in the first and second heavens of the Holy Venerable were instantly panicked.

There were two warriors from the first level of the Holy Venerable who gritted their teeth, looked at each other, flashed their bodies, and went directly to the platform of life and death.

They can see clearly that if they stay here, they might be caught by more powerful warriors at some point, and they will become the victims of their tokens.

In this case, it is better to find two with the same strength, at least half of the chance to survive.

However, when they were halfway through the flight, a burst of infuriating energy suddenly appeared in front of the platform of life and death, and slapped them back.

The eyes of the rest of the people were locked on the hands of the hands all at once.

Lu Feng!

It was Lu Feng who did it!

Those warriors were not calm for a moment. To say that the strongest person here, they would definitely say that it was Lu Feng.

After all, Lu Feng had beheaded Tong Yuxian, the fifth-level saint, and Gong Yangxu, the seventh-level saint. They were afraid!

Now I don't know who Lu Fengfeng will throw on the stage of life and death and become the victim of his own token.

"What's the matter with the mouse in the blood-clothed building? Not sensible? Why don't you come out obediently?" Lu Feng spoke slowly at this time.

"Blood Clothes Building?"

When everyone heard it, they quickly looked around, but they didn't see the shadow of the Holy Venerable Blood Clothes Building at all.

Neither the Shadow Saint, who has been famous for many years, nor the unborn Ghost Saint, nor the owner of the Blood Clothes Building, appeared here.

They all looked at Lu Feng in confusion. Did Lu Feng make a mistake?

"Oh? Not coming out yet?"

Lu Feng shook his head,

Shot hard.

True Qi turned into three handprints in the void and fell directly into the crowd.

The direction of the fall is exactly the three Saint Venerable-level warriors, two of which are Saint Venerable Triple Heaven and one Saint Venerable One Heaven.


The faces of these three people were very ugly, and they hurriedly flashed their bodies, trying to escape from Lu Feng's attack range.

Their actions revealed their identities.

The Shadow Saint of the Blood Clothes Building, the Ghost Saint, and the owner of the Blood Clothes Building, Shan Lingyu.

"It's actually a person from the Blood Clothes Building!"

The people around were shocked. The appearances they just looked like were all powerful saints who have been famous for many years in Yuzhou.

Now showing their true appearance, aren't the three saints who have been famous for many years in Yuzhou by...

You don't have to think about it, you know, it must be a lot of luck!

The people in the Blood Clothes Building are really ruthless. In order to hide their identity, they entered the Great Emperor Ruins, killed three saints, and came here pretending to be their identities.

It's just a pity that I met Lu Feng!

"Did you run?"

Lu Feng watched the movements of the three Shadow Saints, shook his head, raised his hand gently, and the fingerprints directly fixed their figures and pulled them back in front of Lu Feng.

"Lu Feng, wait a minute, we can talk, talk!"

When Shadow Saint saw Lu Feng, he hurriedly said.

"Oh? Let's talk?" Lu Feng smiled as the Shadow Saint.

"Yes, we can discuss the conditions." Shadow Saint hurriedly said: "If you don't kill us, we are willing to lead the entire Blood Clothes Building to surrender to you, and we are guaranteed to be the sharpest knife in your hand, Your Majesty!"

Ghost Saint and Shan Lingyu have very complicated eyes.

Before, when they met Lu Feng, although Lu Feng was powerful, they could fight back and forth.

But today, with just one face-to-face, they have already been defeated.

Lu Feng's strength increased too fast.

Their own strength is too slow, too slow, and they can't catch up with Lu Feng's pace.

"What are you still doing? Why don't you surrender!"

Seeing that Ghost Saint and Shan Lingyu still didn't speak, Shadow Saint could not wait to slap them both.

Ghost Sage and Shan Lingyu reacted, sighed, and said, "Your Majesty, as long as you kill us today, we guarantee that the Blood Clothes Building will become the sharpest knife in your hands in the future!"

The three people in power in the Xueyi Building said this, and the faces of the warriors next to them were not good-looking.

Especially the royal family.

Ji Yanfeng and Qinglei Warlord both looked gloomy.

The Nanyan Kingdom was already difficult enough to deal with. If a Blood Clothes Building was added, the threat level would be at least twice as high as it is now!

"Surrender to me?"

Lu Feng looked at the Shadow Saint and said lightly, "Do you think you are worthy of surrendering to me?"


When everyone heard Lu Feng's words, they all looked at Lu Feng in disbelief. He... He actually refused the surrender of Xueyilou?

My goodness!

Is this Lu Feng stupid?

That's the Blood Clothes Building!

The comprehensive strength can definitely rank in the top five in Yuzhou!

Not to mention that they still have too many spies hiding in various places in Yuzhou, including the dynasty, the ten dynasties, and other forces.

If you get the surrender of Xueyilou, it is a very, very large force.

Lu Feng actually refused?

This is not what an idiot is! ?

However, some people took a deep look at Lu Feng, and their eyes were very solemn.

Billion Shaojun!

Others may not have thought of it, but he more or less knew why Lu Feng refused the surrender of Xueyilou.

There is no doubt about the strength of the Blood Clothes Building. It is indeed very powerful. The intelligence system and various spies they master are indeed very powerful.

But it is precisely because of this that the surrender of Xueyilou is not credible.

The real power of the Blood Clothes Building is the Shining tribe.

Or more precisely, the elder pavilion of the Shining tribe.

All major decisions must be approved by everyone in the Elder Pavilion.

Shadow Saint Ghost Saint and Shan Lingyu are also members of the Elder Pavilion, but they are only three people.

Controlling the three of them is of little use, unless it is the elder pavilion that controls the entire Shining tribe.

Moreover, the two shadow saints and ghost saints are not people who keep their promises. Now they say it nicely. After entering the city of the emperor and improving their strength, they may betray at some time.

In addition, many of the spies in the Blood Clothes Building are internal personnel of various forces that have developed.

The existence of such spies is very likely not only one-way spies, but also two-way spies.

When passing information to you, it may also pass your information to the same faction as his.

Coupled with the existence of Jinyiwei and Shadow Secret Guards in Nanyan Kingdom, after a long period of development, their intelligence capabilities are not inferior to that of Xueyilou.

In this case, the intelligence system of the Blood Clothes Building was really not very attractive to Lu Feng.

The three Shadow Saints were also stunned.

Yuzhou is a martial artist knows how powerful the blood clothing building is, and even the dynasty is very polite to them.

Today they wanted to surrender Lu Feng, but they were rejected?


The Shadow Saint quickly reacted and said anxiously: "Lu Feng, I know what you are worried about, I can guarantee that I am sincere surrender, and I can even swear with my soul that as long as you accept our surrender, we will absolutely I won't betray you!"

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