The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1575 Zhongzheng Sword Saint Seriously Injured

The Imperial City is too big.

In addition, the sky is also full of formations, so that warriors can't fly in the sky at all. For Lu Feng, it has reduced his speed a lot.

On the third day after leaving the original attic, he arrived at the next red dot on the map.

"Huh? It was actually opened?"

When Lu Feng came to the place marked on the map, he was a little disappointed when he saw the building that opened in front of him.

He didn't expect that someone would actually take a step ahead of him.

Shaking his head helplessly, the treasure inside has been taken away, and it is useless for him to continue here.

Immediately, he was about to turn around and leave this place to go to the next place marked on the map.

But when he turned to leave just now, he frowned slightly.

"In this building..."

He faintly felt a movement in the building that seemed to be breathing, but it disappeared in a flash, making him unsure.

At the same time, the formation on the building also isolates the perception of the martial artist. It is as strong as Lu Feng, and it is impossible to know what is going on inside through perception.

He pondered slightly, his mind moved, and he walked in.

As soon as he entered the building, he saw traces of battle everywhere.

Some of the decorations inside were beaten to a pulp.

"What a strong sword energy!"

Although the battle is over, the traces left behind still carry a strong sword energy.

At the same time, he could also feel that there was still a lot of demonic energy in it.

"Sword Qi? Demon Qi?"

Lu Feng frowned. Among the warriors who entered the Imperial City, there were many people who used swords, but when it came to demonic energy, there were only the three demons in Nanzhou.

Unsurprisingly, it should be who the three demons of Nanzhou attacked.

Looking up and looking around carefully, Lu Feng quickly locked his eyes on a corner of the building and walked over step by step.

There seems to be nothing in this corner, but Lu Feng is proficient in spatial mysteries and can feel the subtle spatial fluctuations in this corner.

Space fluctuations that are incompatible with the space in this building.


Lu Feng moved his hand, condensed the space mysterious text, and landed in the corner, and soon the subtle spatial fluctuations in the corner were removed.

When he saw the people hidden in this layer of spatial fluctuations, his complexion changed drastically.


The person hiding under this spatial fluctuation is actually the Zhongzheng Sword Saint!

The Zhongzheng Juggernaut at this time can be described as very, very miserable.

His face was pale and his eyes were dull.

Blood was all over his body, and bones were visible on his hands and feet.

The blood vessels in the throat were also scratched, and blood continued to flow out.

There are two huge paw prints on the chest, almost splitting the body of Zhongzheng Juggernaut into two halves.

All the internal organs are exposed, extremely miserable!

In particular, the claw prints are filled with demonic energy, and they frantically drill into the internal organs of the Zhongzheng Swordsman. Once they get in, the Zhongzheng Swordsman will surely die!

Fortunately, Zhongzheng Sword Saint is a sword cultivator, and his internal organs are also full of sword energy, blocking the demonic energy, so that these demonic energy are not allowed to enter the body.

It is precisely because of the existence of these sword qi that Zhongzheng Sword Saint takes a breath. Otherwise, these injuries on his body are enough for ordinary Saint Venerable Fourth-level Heavenly Martial Artist to die ten or eight times.

But even so, Zhongzheng Juggernaut's aura of life at this time is weak to the extreme. Compared with the dead, there is really only one more ray of life aura.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty."

When Zhongzheng Swordsman was dying, he heard Lu Feng's voice, and his eyes were difficult and weak.

"You don't talk yet."

Lu Feng hurriedly typed out the initial Xuanwen with the word 'Lin', and mobilized a large amount of life breath into the body of Zhongzheng Sword Saint.

With the blessing of this huge life breath, the life breath in Zhongzheng Sword Saint became richer.

Seeing this, Lu Feng was slightly relieved.

It's okay, it's okay.

If it is a little later, the last ray of life of the Zhongzheng Sword Saint disappears, then even if he is the Daluo Immortal, it will be difficult to save him.

Fortunately, the breath of life was still there, and Lu Feng used the breath of life contained in the initial Xuanwen of the word "Lin" to infuse it.

It increased the breath of life several times, and ensured the vitality of Zhongzheng Juggernaut.

Although the injury is not yet healed, but with this vitality, he can't die now.

Zhongzheng Sword Saint is pale and his complexion has improved a little, and his eyes have some vigour.

He looked at Lu Feng and said with difficulty, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty."

"Don't worry, with me, you can't die!"

Lu Feng looked at the Zhongzheng Swordsman and said, "I will heal you first, just close your eyes and run the exercises in your body well!"

After speaking, Lu Feng quickly made a few handprints with his right hand and landed on the paw prints on the chest of Zhongzheng Juggernaut.

These handprints are transformed into mysterious texts in the paw prints, quickly blocking the demonic energy and expelling the demonic energy from the pawprints.

Without the intrusion of these demonic qi, Zhongzheng Juggernaut's complexion recovered a little, and the exercises in his body could run smoothly. With the help of Lu Feng, he could quickly mobilize his zhenqi and recover from his injuries.

"This is the Jiuding Holy Spirit Pill, an excellent healing pill, take it quickly!"

Lu Feng took out an elixir with a strong medicinal fragrance and handed it to Juggernaut Zhongzheng.

Jiuding Holy Spirit Pill?

Zhongzheng Jiansheng heard this and was stunned.

As a Sword Saint of the Fourth Heavenly Venerate, he has naturally heard of the name of Jiuding Holy Spirit Pill.

This is a holy-level middle-grade healing medicine, and it is rumored that it has the effect of flesh and bones.

As long as a person has one breath and takes this pill, he cannot die.

The effect is amazing!

Although the rank is only a middle-grade holy grade, in terms of preciousness, it is no less than a high-grade holy-grade medicinal pill.

For seriously injured warriors, especially those who are dying, it is equivalent to an extra life.

He had seen in Jianzhou, several warriors from the seventh level of the Holy Venerable were beaten to death by a Jiuding Holy Spirit Pill.

But he never thought that Lu Feng would be willing to give such a precious medicinal pill to himself.

Zhongzheng Sword Saint hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this medicinal pill is too precious, and your subordinates cannot ask for it."

"My injury has the breath of life that you gave me earlier, Your Majesty. The vitality has been stabilized, and it will only take some time to recover. There is no need to waste such a precious medicinal pill."

"Although Jiuding Holy Spirit Pill is precious, for me, the lives of my subordinates are far inferior to pills."

Lu Feng looked at Zhongzheng Swordsman and said, "Take the medicine pill, this is my order!"

Zhongzheng Sword Saint is a loose cultivator. Knowing the preciousness of Jiuding Holy Spirit Pill, he doesn't want to waste it, but Lu Feng has already said so, and he can't refuse it any more.

He looked at Lu Feng and said solemnly, "My subordinate is Zhongzheng, thank you His Majesty Long En."

"From now on, it is the sword in His Majesty's hand, the sword that pierces the enemy forever!"

"Never betray!"

Scholar die for the confidant!

Although the voice of Zhongzheng Juggernaut is still very weak, it is very firm.

Then he took the pill and swallowed it.

"Ding, it has been detected that Zhongzheng Juggernaut's loyalty to the host has increased, and it is currently 100 points, which is a die-hard!"

Hearing the system prompt, Lu Feng was a little surprised.

He never imagined that a single pill could turn the Zhongzheng Sword Saint into a die-hard loyalist.

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